Name day on August 2 for men. August names for girls by day of the month. Names for girls born in August. August names for girls by day of the month

>>August names for girls

Names for girls born in August. August names for girls by day of the month

Distinctive character traits of girls born in August

Girls born in August are strong personalities with great charisma. Bright and confident, they attract attention. As a rule, such girls in childhood have many admirers among boys. These girls love increased attention, they love to be in the spotlight and will do everything to achieve this.

Girls born in August have strong leadership qualities and may strive to lead other children. They are very independent and their own opinion is very important to them. Their self-esteem is also quite high and often unnecessarily high. Such girls can be arrogant and selfish. Their arrogance often interferes with their interactions with other children.

August girls love to be praised. For them, the recognition of other people is the highest praise. If they are allowed to be in the first roles, then they can become the most devoted friends, whom you can always rely on. As a rule, they are all honest and noble. Such, although themselves, because of their honesty and faith in people, can easily be deceived. But, despite this, they do not lose faith in people and remain kind and noble, but in nature.

Such girls love to play in public, love public speaking. They are very demanding of themselves and their appearance. After all, they should always be on top.

For girls who were born in August, you can choose almost any name. Because this is the case when not the name will paint the person, but the person - the name. At the same time, the names should be loud, sonorous. At the same time, do not choose a name that can become a derivative for various teasing nicknames, because. they hurt the girl's pride very much and lead to the formation of various complexes in her.

How to name a girl who was born in August, according to the days of the month. Meaning of names

  1. Eugene (from the ancient Greek "noble")
  2. "joyful, cheerful")
  3. Milena (from Slavic "Darling")
  1. Karina (this name has many variants of origin 1. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of sorrow Karna 2. from Latin "looking ahead" 3. from Italian "beautiful, sweet" 4.from Arabic "generous")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew )
  2. Euphrosyne (from the ancient Greek "joyful, cheerful")
  1. Alina (1. from Latin "foreign" 2. from Old Germanic "noble")
  2. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek )
  3. Magdalena (1. from the biblical "native of Magdala" 2.from Hebrew "curly hair")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  1. "follower of Christ")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  2. Iraida (from ancient Greek "heroine, hero's daughter")
  3. Eupraxia (1. from Greek "prosperous" 2.from Greek "virtue")
  4. Olympics (from the Greek "singing the sky")
  5. Raisa (1. derivative of Iraid, from Greek "hero's daughter" 2. from Arabic "leader")
  1. Praskovia (1. from Greek "Friday" 2.from Greek "holiday eve, cooking")
  2. Sylvia (from Latin "forest")
  1. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  2. Anastasia (from the Greek "resurrected")
  3. Teresa (from the Greek "protector", "hunter")
  1. "peaceful" Yarina "high", "enlightened")
  2. Anastasia (from the Greek "resurrected")
  3. Elena (1. from Greek "fire, torch", "sunny, shining" 2.from ancient Greek "Greek" 3. derivative of Helios, ancient greek god sun)
  4. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  5. Irina (from Greek )
  6. Antonina (1. from ancient Greek "opponent", "opponent" 2.from latin "spacious, wide" 3.from ancient Greek "Anthony's daughter")
  7. Maura (from the Greek "dark, dark")
  8. Paula, Paula, Paulina, Peacock (from Latin "modest")
  1. "Gift of God")
  2. Seraphim (derived from the male Seraphim, from the biblical "fiery")
  3. Clara (from Latin "light, clear")
  4. "lily")
  1. Angelina (1. from Greek "messenger, messenger" 2. from Latin "like an angel")
  2. Agnia (1. from Latin "lamb" 2.from Greek "pure, innocent")
  1. Elizabeth (from the Hebrew "worshiping God")
  2. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  3. Julia (1. from Greek "curly" 2. from Latin "July" 3. from Hebrew " divine fire" )
  4. "favor")
  5. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  6. Elina (1. from Greek "ancestor of the Hellenes" 2.from ancient Greek "Greek" 3. derivative on behalf of Elena)
  1. Sophia, Sophia (from ancient Greek "wise")
  1. Arina (1. derived from Irina in ancient Greek meaning "peaceful" 2. derived from Slavic Yarina, formed on behalf of the sun god Yarila 3. derived from the Hebrew Aaron, meaning "high", "enlightened")
  2. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  3. Irina (from Greek "possessive, peaceful")
  4. Avdotya (a form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  5. Iya (from the Greek "violet")
  6. Daria (1. from Slavic "gift, gift" 2.from Greek "owner of the good" 3.from Persian "winner" 4.from Persian "great fire" )
  7. Clara (from Latin "light, clear")
  1. Daria (1. from Slavic "gift, gift" 2.from Greek "owner of the good" 3.from Persian "winner" 4.from Persian "great fire")
  2. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  3. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  4. Nona (1. from Latin "ninth" 2.from Egyptian "dedicated to God")
  5. Avdotya (a form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  6. Ilona (1. from Hungarian "light" 2.from Greek "solar", "torch" 3. derivative on behalf of Elena)
  7. Christina, Christina (from ancient Greek "follower of Christ")
  8. Tatyana (1. Latin, derived from the name of the king "Tatius" 2.from Greek "organizer, founder")
  9. Elina (1. from the Greek "Greek woman" 2. derivative of Elena, meaning "radiant, bright")
  1. Sarah (biblical, literally "lady, noble lady")
  1. Elvira (1. from Old German "all-truthful" 2. from Arabic "patriot" 3.from latin "bright, sunny" 4.from spanish "protective")
  1. Arina (1. derived from Irina in ancient Greek meaning "peaceful" 2. derived from Slavic Yarina, formed on behalf of the sun god Yarila 3. derived from the Hebrew Aaron, meaning "high", "enlightened")
  2. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  3. "pearl")
  4. Irina (from Greek "possessive, peaceful")
  5. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  6. Regina (from Latin "queen")
  1. Rose (Byzantine, literally "rose flower")
  1. Susanna, Susanna (from the Hebrew "lily")
  2. Emilia, Emily (1. from Latin "passionate, strong" 2.from latin "rival" 3.from Greek "affectionate")
  1. Arina (1. derived from Irina in ancient Greek meaning "peaceful" 2. derived from Slavic Yarina, formed on behalf of the sun god Yarila 3. derived from the Hebrew Aaron, meaning "high", "enlightened")
  2. Avdotya (a form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  3. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  4. Xenia, Xenya, Aksinya, Oksana (from the Greek "hospitable", "guest", "wanderer", "foreigner")
  1. Eve (biblical "giving life")
  2. Theodosius (from ancient Greek "Gift of God")
  3. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  4. Avdotya (a form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  5. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  6. Margarita (translated from Latin and ancient Greek "pearl")
  7. Monica (1. from Greek "only" 2.from Greek "inspiring")
  8. Teresa (from the Greek "protector", "hunter")
  1. Sophia, Sophia (from the ancient Greek "wise")
  2. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  3. Ludmila (Slavic "people dear")
  4. Teresa (from the Greek "protector", "hunter")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  1. Julia (1. from Greek "curly" 2.from latin "july" 3.from Hebrew "divine fire")
  2. "belonging to the Julius family" 2. Russian form of the name Julia)
  3. Jeanne (a derivative of John, descended from the male John, or Ivan, translated from Hebrew means "gifted by God")
  4. Rose (Byzantine, literally "rose flower")
  5. Vladana (Slavic "owning")
  1. Rufina (from Latin "red-haired")
  2. Ulyana, Juliana (1. from Latin "belonging to the Julius family" 2. Russian form of the name Julia)

Despite the fact that on August 2, name days are celebrated by the owners of nineteen names at once, women are not represented among them.

According to church calendar , Happy Angel Day today, you can congratulate those who, at baptism, received such male names as Aaron, Abraham, Athanasius, Cassian, Kozma (Cosma) and Savva.

Also birthdays on this day and those who were baptized in honor of the recently canonized new martyrs Alexander, Alexei, George, Yegor, Yefim, Ivan, Konstantin, Nikolai and some others.

Information about them can be found in church calendar for 2019, it is also noted there that on August 2, the memory of the prophet Elijah the Thesvitian is especially revered. Therefore, everyone who was named after him also has especially important name days today.

And the boys born on this day should be called that way, then from their Guardian Angel they will receive reliable protection, as well as his best virtues and spiritual strength.

Today's birthday people will be distinguished by responsibility, prudence, the ability to create comfort around themselves and achieve a lot with their hard work.

And in order to choose the most suitable female names for girls born today, their name day should be postponed by eight days, as required old rite naming.

Elijah was born nine centuries BC into a family of pious parents who revered the one and true God.

An unusual vision spoke of its special purpose.: his father witnessed how the baby Elijah was swaddled in the fire, and the wise men who looked like angels fed him with fire.

Even as a child, Elijah left his father's house to perfect his spirit in desert places, spending time in silence, fasting and unceasing prayer.

For his spiritual exploits, he was endowed with the gift of foresight and sent by the Lord to one of the rulers of Israel.

The prophet was to warn him that both the king and the people must return to the true God.

But Ahva did not listen to Elijah, and a great drought set in on the lands under his control. After three years of prayer in hermitage, the prophet returned and again called people to turn to God. He built an altar on which fire came down from heaven.

Every year on August 2, our country celebrates a glorious date - the Day of the Airborne Forces (Day of the Airborne Forces), established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and ...

Beer is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world, it traces its history back to ancient times, has thousands of recipes and millions of fans all over the world. Therefore, it is not surprising…

Name day August 2


Name origin. The name Alexander in Greek means “protector”, “protective husband”, “man”, “man”.

Short form of the name. Sasha, Sasha, Shura, Aleksandrushka, Aleksanya, Sanya, Alex, Sanyukha, Sanyusha, Aleksakha, Aleksasha, Asya, Sashulya, Sashunya, Sale, Sandr, Sashura, Ali, Alya, Alik, Shurik.


Name origin. The name Alexei comes from the Greek Alexios, which means "protector". He really becomes a real support for his family and friends. At baptism, the old Russian version of the name is used - Alexy.

Short form of the name. Alekseyka, Alyokha, Lekha, Alyosha, Lesha, Leshenka, Alenya, Lenya, Lelya, Alya, Alyunya, Lyunya, Lekseyka, Lexa, Leksya


Name origin. The proud and beautiful male name George came from ancient Greek name Georgios, which in turn was formed from the word "Georgos", meaning "cultivator of the land", that is, "farmer". Today it is not very fashionable and is not particularly popular among newborns.

Short form of the name. Goga, Garya, Gora, Grief, Zhora, Zhorik, Zhorzhik, Hera, Gerya, Gesha, Gosh, Goshul, Gulya, Goshunya.


Name origin. It comes from the ancient Greek name Eutyumios (Eufemios), derived from the word "eutyumos" ("eufemos") and meaning "pious", "benevolent", "noble", "favorable", "foreshadowing good".

Short form of the name. Efimka, Fima, Fimulya, Fish.


Name origin. The name Ivan (John, Jochanan) has a biblical origin and Hebrew roots. Translated from Hebrew means "God's favor", "God's mercy". In Russia, until 1917, among the peasants, almost every fourth man bore the name Ivan. It has also become widespread among other peoples of the world.

Short form of the name. Vanya, Vanyukha, Vanyusha, Vanyushka, Ivanko, Vanyura, Vanyusya, Vanyuta, Vanyutka, Vanyata, Vanyatka, Ivanya, Ivanyukha, Ivanyusha, Ivasya, Ivasik, Ivakha, Ivasha, Isha, Isha.


Name origin. The name Ilya is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Eliyahu, meaning "My God is the Lord", and can also be translated as "believer". Otherwise, they interpret that the name Elijah comes from the name of Elijah, which means "the strength of the Lord" and "the power of God."

Short form of the name. Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilyusya, Lusya, Ilyunya, Lyunya, Lyulya, Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilya, Ilyakha, Lij, Lays, Eliot, Eli, Lias, Ile, Liash.


Name origin. Male name Constantine is of Latin origin. It is derived from the word constans, which in translation into Russian means "persistent", "permanent". Christians associate it with the name of Emperor Constantine the Great, the founder of the capital of the Roman Empire, Constantinople.

Short form of the name. Kostya, Kostya, Konstantinka, Kosya, Kotya, Kostyukha, Kostyush, Kostyunya, Kostyakh, Kostyash, Kotash, Kok, Kostyanya.


Name origin. The male name Kuzma is of ancient Greek origin. It was formed from the name Kosmas, which in translation into Russian means "blacksmith". You can also find such meanings as "world", "universe", "outfit", "decoration".

Short form of the name. Kuzya, Kuzyuta, Kuzyakha, Kuzyasha, Kosek, Kosmik, Kosek, Kosmasek, Kosmake, Kuz, Kuzko, Kuzema, Kuzemka, Kuzemochka, Kuzmichok, Kuzmina.


Name origin. The male name Leonty is of ancient Greek origin. It was formed from the name Leontios, which in turn arose from the word "leonteios". The meaning of the name in translation into Russian is “lion”.

Short form of the name. Leon, Leos, Leonte.


Name origin. Nikolai is a good name, reliable and a little harsh. It is formed from the ancient Greek name Nikolaos and in translation means “ruler of the peoples” (“nike” - victory and “laos” - people). It was widespread in the last century, but gradually became rare. It is now starting to gain popularity again.

Short form of the name. Kolya, Nikolasha, Nikola, Kolyunya, Kolyusya, Kolyukha, Kolyusha, Kolyanya, Kolyan, Kolyakh, Kolyasha, Koka, Nikolayka, Nikolakha, Nika, Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikolka, Klaus, Klas.


Name origin. The male name Peter comes from the ancient Greek Petros and means “stone”, “solid”, “unshakable”, “reliable”. The surname Petrov was formed from him, which is considered one of the most popular in Russia, the nickname of the Russian jester is Petrushka.

Short form of the name. Petya, Petka, Petyunya, Petruha, Petranya, Petrya, Petrusha, Petyusha, Petyan, Petyay, Peter, Petran, Petrus, Per, Peiro, Pete, Perin, Petruts, Feather, Peya.


Name origin. Sergey - traditional, reliable, popular name. It is one of the ten most common male names in Russia. Its origin is associated with the Roman generic Sergius, which in Latin means "high", "noble".

Short form of the name. Seryozha, Seryozhka, Serge, Seryozhenka, Sergeyka, Sergulya, Sergusya, Sergush, Sergunya.


Name origin. The origin of the name Tikhon has two legends. According to the first story, it first appeared in Greece, where it meant "fate", "chance". The second legend says that the name Tikhon came from the goddess Tyukhe, symbolizing good luck in Ancient Greece, and is translated as "accident", "lot", "luck".

Short form of the name. Tikhonka, Tikhonya, Tisha, Quiet.


Name origin. Fedor is a rare, ancient, formerly royal name. It is believed that it is a modern form of the Greek name Theodoros (Theodoros) and means "given by God", "God's gift."

Short form of the name. Fedya, Fedenka, Fedyunya, Fedyusha, Fedyukha, Fedyash, Fedulya, Fedunya, Fedusya, Fedyuk, Fedyulya, Fedyusya, Theo, Toda, Ted, Teddy, Dor.

Signs for August 2

  • If that day is dry, then it will be dry for six weeks; if it rains that day, it will go for another six weeks.
  • When it rains, a strong wind begins to blow - to improve the weather.
  • Mosquitoes huddle in a swarm - by a sunny warm day without precipitation.
  • Ilyinsky Friday without rain - a lot of fires.
  • Ascension with rain, Ilya with a thunderstorm.
  • In that Ilya, in that and Exaltation.
  • It will rain on Ilyin's day, there will be few fires; bucket - a lot of fires.
  • Deaf thunder - to the rain, booming - to the downpour, uninterrupted thunder - to the hail.
  • Thunder rumbles for a long time and unsharply - to bad weather, but if abruptly and briefly - it will soon be clear.
  • If it rains that day, there will be vigorous rye, but lightning will destroy the nuts; if the weather is clear, there should be good haymaking; if it's hot, you should expect a long winter.
  • The bees in the hives make noise together - by a fine day.
  • The wind blows in gusts - to calm weather.
  • Sweet clover smells strongly - to the rain.
  • River leeches lie quietly on the bottom, crawling along it or underwater stems of plants - to stable good weather.
  • If a cat or dog is not driven out of the house on this day, an unclean spirit may move into it.
  • Swim on Ilya - Bad sign, you can drown.
  • Rain water in the afternoon cures eye diseases.
  • If you hide the cabbage from the sun on this day, the cabbages will be white and lush.
  • Before Ilya, even the priest will not rain rain, and after Ilya, the woman will catch up with an apron.
  • On Ilyin's day, the stone will vegetate.
  • Until noon on Ilya - summer, and in the afternoon - autumn.
  • Bright lightnings sparkle in the sky - somewhere nearby the unclean wanders, on which Elijah the prophet seeks to hit with lightning arrows.
  • Where lightning struck that day, that place was considered cursed in the old days.

Orthodox holidays 2 August

  • the memory of the prophet Elijah (IX century BC);
  • the memory of the Monk Abraham of Galich, Chukhloma, hegumen (1375);
  • the acquisition of the relics of the venerable martyr Athanasius of Brest, igumen (1649);
  • the memory of Hieromartyr Konstantin Slovtsov, presbyter (1918);
  • Holy Hieromartyrs Alexander of Arkhangelsk, Georgy Nikitin, John Steblin-Kamensky, Sergius Gortynsky and Theodore Yakovlev, Presbyters, Martyrs Tikhon (Krechkov), Archimandrite, George (Pozharov), Kirill (Vyaznikov), Hieromonks, Martyrs Euthymius Grebenshchikov and Pyotr Vyaznikov (1930) ;
  • the memory of the holy martyr Alexy Znamensky, presbyter (1938);
  • the memory of the Monk Martyr Theodore Abrosimov, novice (1941);
  • celebrations in honor of the icons of the Mother of God: Galich (Chukhloma) (1350);
  • Abalatskaya ("The Sign") (1637);
  • Orsha (1631).

Horoscope for those born on August 2

If you were born on August 2, what is your zodiac sign? a lion. Look at your