How can a person's soul be taken away? Love magic, love spell, lapel, separation, neutralization of the opponent. How to restore the integrity of the soul

10:52 a.m. - Soul return
Shamans have known for thousands of years that one of the main causes of disease and other forms of imbalance is soul loss. A shaman is a member of a community who is able to change the state of his consciousness, thereby coming into contact with another reality, often called the world of spirits. The shaman knows the world of spirits and the rules of movement in it. The shaman goes there in search of help and advice from spirit helpers and teachers for himself and others in the community. Sometimes the shaman goes in search of lost soul. And if the shaman finds the lost soul, he returns it home, reuniting it with the physical body. This work is called the return of the soul.

My introduction to the return of the soul came quite unexpectedly. Many years ago, when I was in Inari, in Finnish Lapland, a Sámi woman asked me, "My soul has been stolen. Can you give it back to me?" By this point, I was already working with a loss of strength, but so far I have not received a task to search for a soul either from people or from my helper spirits. And although shamans have been doing this work since the beginning of time, this was a first for me.

What is Soul?
We are all born with the power to live. Part of this power is in the form of a soul. And although we all hear about the concept of "soul" since childhood, many people do not know what the soul is, and even doubt its very existence. I think of the soul as our life spark, our essence, vital energy. From the point of view of animism, everything that exists has a soul and is alive by definition. The shaman knows this very well and, by changing the state of his consciousness, he is able to make contact with the essential part of the force, with the soul. By communicating with the spirits, the shaman can learn a lot, as well as get the help of the spirits in the very process of learning.
Most indigenous peoples believe that both animals and humans have at least two souls. One of them is the "fixed soul", the soul that belongs to the physical body and takes care of the normal functioning of the body, such as growth, respiration, digestion, blood circulation and all other natural bodily processes. The second soul is often called a "free soul" or spirit, it has feelings and emotions, it leaves the body at night during dreams or during a shamanic journey. Some peoples believe that each part of the body has its own soul, and the Evenki, whose language gave us the word "shaman" itself, believe that a person has seven souls, each of which has its own function.

What is soul loss?
Soul loss is when part of this life force, part of our essence, a free soul leaves our body, depriving us of a large part of our strength and energy. Soul loss can be seen as a natural defense mechanism for survival. It is known that many wild animals, such as foxes and wolves, are able to bite off their paws in order to get out of a trap. The human psyche does the same. If life is too hard, then the part of the soul that is most affected in this situation leaves us. The main part of the organism survives, while the lost part of the soul flies farther and farther away. If we're lucky, she'll be back soon, if not, we might never meet again. This is the loss of the soul.

How does soul loss happen?
My experience of working with people says that in most cases the loss of the soul is due to the fact that we ourselves give it away. As already mentioned, we are all born with enough strength and energy that we need to live, but different things happen in the process of education and socialization. We are taught how to "fit" into boxes, and our teachers, whether they be our parents and relatives or school teachers, or peers, or even pets, they all teach us how the world works. They teach us the way they themselves see and understand its structure. Some are really good teachers and take into account, as much as possible, who we already are. Others just try to control us and shape us according to them. own desires. At a very early age, we understand that if we respond to our environment in a certain way, then we are more likely to get certain results, both positive and negative. In many cases, all of this leads to healthy patterns of development and interpersonal interaction, as long as the people who raise us are well balanced and aware. However, in other cases, the desire to please can lead us to lie to ourselves.
In early childhood, many children give their power to parents who have forgotten or never heard Kahlil Gibran's words, "Your children are not your children." If the parents themselves are not very well balanced, or if they have their own deep problems, then the young child has to balance himself in the home. Sometimes this is simply not possible, sometimes in order to meet the expectations of others, as we understand them, we cannot be ourselves. Under such conditions, the part of the soul that we ignore or suppress leaves. Soul loss occurs. At school, for example, the desire to be accepted by peers makes us sometimes do things that are unnatural to our nature. The desire to be accepted often turns into a fear of rejection. And later in life, in order to keep a lover or friend, we ignore ourselves and our feelings in an attempt to save the relationship. After all, we know from childhood that by remaining honest with ourselves, we risk losing relationships. We suffer in silence, thereby flooding our own fire with water. What then happens to our fire heat? This is also a loss of soul.
I once worked with a woman whose father died when she was a little girl. This situation in itself often leads to the loss of the soul, but in this case the problem was complicated by the fact that the grief of the mother resulted in alcoholism. The daughter, trying to somehow restore safety in the family, tried to take the place of her father. And although she herself was heartbroken, she never expressed it because of the fear that her mother would not stand it, break down and then take away those small crumbs of the family structure that still remained. When she grew up, she habitually continued to help other people, ignoring her own needs. Modern psychologists call this co-dependent behavior. The shaman calls it soul loss.

Farewell to the soul.
Loss of a soul often occurs in a desperate attempt to keep in touch with someone who is leaving us or has already left us, such as when they die. close person. There are stories of people throwing themselves into open graves at the funerals of loved ones, crying that they, too, want to leave. And often this happened: part of their soul left with the deceased. This is exactly what happened to one woman I worked with. When she was still a teenager, she put her photograph in the pocket of her dead father's jacket when he lay in a coffin at the funeral, wanting to always be with him.
We all experienced the sadness of parting with loved ones, knowing that maybe we will not be destined to see each other again. And trying to ease the pain, we say: "Part of me will always be with you." And we mean it seriously. We give our loved ones a piece of our soul. But the sad part of the story is that our loved ones cannot use the soul given to them. On the contrary, it can add pain or even lead to illness. And we have less strength left to survive the pain of parting, as well as many other situations that await us in the future. While heart implants work, soul implants don't exist. Much wiser and loving way to part - to give back those parts of the soul that you could take from each other. Thus, saying "goodbye" to another, we say "hello" to ourselves.

Traumatic loss of soul.
Soul loss can also occur due to traumatic experiences, such as accidents (both as a victim and as an observer), surgical operations, situations of physical or emotional abuse, incest, with very severe pain. Violence at home is often the cause of soul loss, as are long periods of intense anxiety. Many people have out-of-body experiences, especially during traumatic experiences. Details come to mind when the soul returns. If the soul has not returned, then there is no memory of pain, only a vague feeling that something has happened, if there is any memory at all.
And while many of the actions of one person can lead to the loss of the soul of another, the intentional theft of the soul is rare, although possible. These kinds of acts are usually performed by people whose souls are so broken and torn apart that the only way they know how to get energy is to take it from others. Such people often die at a young age, however, before that they manage to cause a lot of harm to others.

military events.
War is perhaps the most common cause of soul loss on a global scale. Everyone loses in a war. Civilians caught in the crossfire, their families and loved ones, not to mention the soldiers themselves and their loved ones. Even the soldiers who returned home "with victory" have serious problems in adapting to social life. Often they try to fill the void in their souls with alcohol and drugs, sometimes they return to aggressive behavior again due to constant dissatisfaction and frustration.
The Navajo Indians have a special ceremony, the Path of the Enemy, for returning warriors. This ceremony is designed to cleanse the warrior of his military experience and reunite his spirit with his body so that he can restore balance and take his place in the community again.

There are other reasons as well. There are many familiar phrases that describe situations of soul loss, such as the death of a loved one ("When my husband died, a part of me died with him"), an accident ("I was scared to death"), a failed project ("I put my soul into this job"), physical or psychological abuse ("My spirit was broken"), divorce or the end of an important relationship ("She stole my soul"). Even violent quarrel can lead to soul loss ("I lost my temper with anger"). In fact, life in modern society in overcrowded cities with incompetent politicians and indifferent bureaucrats, insane technology and global pollution, it is brimming with opportunities for soul-losing.

survival and adaptation.
Why does soul loss occur? As Sandra Ingerman writes in her book The Return of the Soul, the loss of a soul usually occurs as a result of an attempt to survive or somehow adapt to the situation. We each have limits on what we can take. But what happens when we reach our limits, when we have nowhere to retreat? The time has come to act. But sometimes it's just not possible to do the right thing. Sometimes there is no strength for it. "If I try to do something, he will leave me. And then what will happen to me?" Or: "If I say anything, I'll be fired! And then what?" In situations like this, the part of the soul that reacts the most knows that it's time to find a safer place. And she leaves to survive herself and let the organism as a whole survive.
A great example of this happened in my own life when I was drafted into the army in 1964. I tried my best to avoid being drafted into the army for two years, but in the end, I gave up. To my surprise, I adapted to the army relatively easily. Twenty years later, when my soul returned, I understood why. The day I became a soldier, I lost an important part of my soul, the part that could not survive in uniform. For twenty years I have not had this part of the soul, but I could use its energy.

Symptoms of soul loss.
The most extreme and dramatic manifestation of soul loss is coma. In other cases, the symptoms may be less obvious. Loss of contact with one's surroundings is often among the first symptoms. Then there is a feeling of losing contact with oneself, with one's own body, a feeling of emptiness, numbness or the absence of any sensations when life passes by, like a film in which someone else is filming.
Usually, when people come to me for the first time, they express this phenomenon quite clearly: "I don't know what's wrong, but I can't feel, feel like I have no connection with myself." And if so, then the matter is quite serious, because. this means a loss of connection with one's internal resources, hopes, dreams, values, moral and ethical principles, loss of self-confidence. People who have lost their souls often find it difficult to be honest with themselves, they blame others where the solution of the issue depends entirely on their actions. Soaring in the clouds, detached from the earth is often an indicator of the loss of the soul.
Another important symptom is memory loss. A woman once said to me, "The only thing I remember from the last two years of my marriage was signing the divorce papers." Repetitive negative behavioral patterns, such as entering into a relationship with the same type of partner with destructive consequences, often indicate severe soul loss. Lost souls are often attracted to strong and powerful people. They hope that they can get a small piece of someone else's power and fill the voids, instead of looking for ways to reconnect with their own power. Also, a normal reaction to the loss of a large part of the soul for many is to try to take the soul from someone else. This often happens in the form of a series of falling in love in an attempt to find a new life, or at least new energy, in order to continue the old life. The inability to find joy in life is one of the main indicators of soul loss.
People who constantly find reasons not to do what they want, whose path is always blocked, who feel fear instead of love, tend to suffer from soul loss. People with a lost soul often look for substitutes in life. Careers, drugs, the internet, sex, role-playing, alcohol and other addictions are often used in an attempt to fill the void left by a soul's departure. Constant attempts to find a quick solution or get away from the problem is another indicator, as in other things and the exact opposite is apathy. We all know very well that such behavior rarely really solves anything, and usually only worsens the situation.

Shamanic soul return.
While all of the symptoms described sound like a normal working situation for a modern day psychologist or psychotherapist, shamans have worked with cases like this for generations and are gradually returning to these tasks in our society as well. However, the way a shaman works is very different from that of a modern therapist. The shaman does not try to use his knowledge, skills, abilities or power to help the client. The shaman relies on his spirit helpers and guides to receive power (energy) from the world of spirits and reunite it with the spiritual power (energy) of the client himself, to return it back to the body. This means that the shaman must know the ways in the land of the spirits and have a well-established working relationship with the helper spirits. This requires experience and trust. After the shaman has made contact with his spirit assistants, he tells them about his mission and then follows their instructions. Eventually, if all goes well, the shaman finds the lost soul piece and brings it back. Thus the soul returns home.
It may all sound too simple, however, it is not, and there are various complexities and pitfalls. One of the most important things for a shaman is to always follow the instructions of his spirit assistants. The classic case of a soul return that failed due to a breach of instructions is the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. Interestingly enough, an absolutely identical story was well known in various American Indian tribes even before the advent of European culture.
Sometimes the events of the journey can be strange and confusing for the shamanist. I once did a soul return for a friend of mine in Denmark. He complained of a significant loss of childhood memories. Everything he knew about this period of his life was told by other people. On a journey for him, my spirits led me to a burning house. They took me to a room where there was a little boy trapped in a fire. When we finally got him outside, he obviously wanted to show us something. And we followed him to the top of the mound, located nearby. And then my spirits said that I should bring this child-soul back home, my friend. I did so, although I did not really understand what was happening.
When I told about what happened, my friend was shocked. “When I was little, I didn’t really like being in the house. I had a favorite place where I used to play, and it was a stone age mound that was on my father’s land. I always ran there. And when I was six, my mother accidentally set the house on fire. I was rescued at the very last moment." After the return of the soul, he went to hang the house of his childhood. lived there strangers, but he needed a mound, and standing on it, he felt whole, well and confidently standing on the ground. And from that moment he began to remember.
A few years ago, a woman who was in my introductory seminar asked me to go on a journey for her soul. I agreed when she came to the meeting, we had a long conversation. It turned out that although she had long adult woman, she still had a difficult relationship with her mother, and she was sure that her mother had taken part of her soul. When I went on a journey to the spirit world, I was sent to a place sometimes called the Void, which can be described as a black hole in the universe of the Spirit World. I found a soul there, floating in that black hole in a dreamlike state. Together with the helper spirits, we brought her back to consciousness. She seemed young, in her twenties, and seemed content with where she was and didn't want to go back at all. "No one can hurt me here," she said. In a conversation with my spirits, I realized that my client fell in love and quickly married at a very young age in order to run away from home, but fell from the fire into the frying pan, and her savior very quickly imprisoned her in a new prison. In order to survive, an important part of her soul was gone. In the end, I managed to convince the young soul to return to his not-so-young body.
My client was very surprised when I told her what had happened. "How could you find out about this? Yes, it was terrible, but I thought I had already dealt with all this a long time ago. It really changed my life. I have never had a long-term relationship since then, and I always blamed my mother and her "deliveries". My spirit assistants told me that she should return two more parts of the soul, which we did within a year. It turned out that her mother really had a part of her soul, and she herself had a part of her mother's soul. I found the last part in a different reality of the middle world on the street where she lived, she was looking for her home.
There were several lessons for me here. The first was that you do not always find exactly what you are looking for, and sometimes something else altogether. Often people come and ask for the return of some particular part of the soul. The return of the soul is not a commissioned job. Spirits decide. Sometimes I felt that the person who came to me really needed the return of the soul, but my teachers in the spirit world made me understand that it was not time yet, that other work had to be done first. Another lesson was that sometimes the one who comes for the return of his soul carries with him parts of the soul of other people. This is useless baggage that needs to be returned to the true owners! Finally, people who have received healing, whether through soul return or other successful spiritual work, often begin to lead more conscious lives. And as a result, their spirit begins to "call home" the still missing parts of the soul.

Request for help.
When people hear about the return of the soul, for many it immediately resonates within. And the question almost always comes up: "Can I do it myself?" I think this attitude reflects one of the major ills of our time: the illusion that we exist in a vacuum, independent of other people, the world, and the universe. It is this attitude that leads to the fact that rare forests are cut down for profit, without even thinking about the environmental consequences. The shaman works, asking for help. A person suffering from soul loss should also ask for help.
Spontaneous return of the soul, such as in a dream or on a shamanic journey, is possible, but in most cases it is quite difficult to intentionally return the soul on your own. Perhaps because the so-called ego readily intervenes and gets in the way. One client came to me complaining of fears and unnatural timidity. She was sure that she had lost part of her soul in a recent car accident. She made a shamanic journey to the crash site and saw herself in fits and starts, but contact was impossible. When I went to this place, I found her sitting in a tree that her car had crashed into, she was sitting on a branch and dangling her legs. The soul complained to me that her mistress was reckless, that she had a habit of taking too many risks, and refused to return. However, by promising on behalf of the client that the situation would change, I was able to persuade the soul to return.

Caring for the Returning Soul.
The most amazing aspect of soul retrieval is how powerful it works. In most cases, the returned soul brings with it the energy of the situation that caused it to leave, and this energy must be accepted. This means that the client will have to deal with the questions and problems of the original situation after the return of the soul, and this must be communicated to people before the actual work is carried out. For the same reason, it is important to find out if the person seeking help has a support system, be it friends, family, or a therapist. If such a support system does not exist, then it may be better to use some other form of treatment.
Once I returned the soul to the client of a psychotherapist I know. This woman and her sister were victims of incest for six years from the age of eight to fourteen. In the end, she told her mother everything. The case went to court, and the stepfather was found guilty. Both the therapist and the woman herself felt that they were stuck at work and needed to go deeper. The therapist suggested a shamanic soul return. I succeeded in bringing back the eight-year-old soul of this woman, which was held by her stepfather, the vital innocent part of herself that she had lost during his first invasion. The therapist later told me: “It felt like we had to start from the beginning. And even though she had talked about it thousands of times, the depth of living it all over again with the awareness of an eight-year-old child was at times more than painful. It was hard, but worth it. , and the work went much faster thanks to the returned strength of an eight-year-old girl."
Luckily, most people who come to me don't have such horror stories, but every time I'm amazed at what people can endure. Unfortunately, the price of such survival is the loss of a soul, and survival is very different from a full life. To live a full life, we must be whole, our soul needs all its parts. For the returned parts of the soul to remain, it is important that they are desired and that the issues that are raised as a result of their return are resolved in a positive way. It's great if a person whose soul has returned can go on a shamanic journey in order to get to know her better. If this is not possible, then a shamanistic practitioner or psychotherapist with knowledge of shamanism can help with integration.
In my own case, after the return of the soul, I began to dream about the war again. For almost ten years after returning from Vietnam, I often woke up from nightmares related to my military experience. I could not then cope with these dreams, and, finally, they ceased to dream to me. But after the return of the soul, they returned, and soon events began to emerge in my memory that I had not thought about for a long time. This time, the difference was that with the help of my wife and the returned part of my soul, I was able to look at those dreams and, twenty years later, understand the lessons they were trying to teach me. The series of these dreams culminated eight months later (that's how long I was in the war) in a key dream that opened the door to new chapter of my life.

What does the soul teach?
One of the main things returned souls teach people is how precious the gift of life is, no matter how difficult that life is. People understand that they should no longer be content with surrogates. One woman told me, half in jest, "It's really terrible! It's much harder for me to lie to myself now. I'm afraid she'll leave me again if I do that." Many find that the returned soul is not going to put up with the violence they were used to before. Suddenly, people have the power to look at their lives realistically and make the changes necessary to enjoy life.
Another important lesson I have often observed is what I call "stepping beyond forgiveness." Realizing that what caused so much pain, perhaps for years, no longer matters. The most important thing is that people begin to understand what is happening and see how their actions are connected not only with the immediate environment, but with the entire Universe.
The return of the soul, despite all its power, is not a magic pill. And does not give automatic answers to everything problematic issues. Many symptoms of soul loss may be symptoms of something else. Perhaps the main idea of ​​the shamanic soul return is the task of reuniting people with their spiritual power and thereby reuniting them with the power of the universe. However, do not think that after the return of the soul in your life there will be no more problems. Just after the return of the soul, you will have the necessary resource in order to cope with everything that arises. Recently, a man told me, a month after the return of the soul: “I feel that I am here for a reason, there is some reason. I don’t know what it is, and maybe I will never know. But I don’t run away from trying anymore find out."

Jonathan Horwitz
Translation by Angela Sergeeva
From here.

No one will give up their soul voluntarily, even a madman, - it has been verified. The most severe schizophrenics, whose eyes roll under their foreheads from pills, fight to the last for self-respect, for their inner self. Only the one who has undergone a lobotomy no longer fights for anything, as always, in all cases of destroyed, severed psychic ties. In such situations, the body continues to exist on its own, like a wound mechanism with a spring, and the soul continues on its own, and no one is able to take it away.
To take a soul, it is necessary that it be given voluntarily, and no one will give it voluntarily - which means that it is necessary to deceive a person. The scheme of deception is simple - they offer to choose the lesser of evils. For example, in Auschwitz, a woman with two children - a boy and a girl - is asked to decide which of the children to burn and which to leave alive. If a woman, in response, does not cling to the throat of an SS man and does not die, if in the confusion of feelings she presses only one child to herself, and the second is torn from her hands, her soul will be torn out. She herself will give it up because of self-hatred, because of a misunderstanding that there was no choice, she was simply deceived - they made her believe that she somehow participated, was an accomplice in the murder of her own child.
It may be objected to me that the described case is extraordinary, exceptional. What happens in ordinary, familiar to us life?
In ordinary life, the choice of the lesser of evils is preserved, it just has a softer, inconspicuous character. For example, in any job you have to choose: whether to be yourself with the threat of losing your position, or to please the boss. This kind of choice haunts us throughout our lives, forcing us to give up a part of ourselves, from something alive inside, to stop being ourselves. A person lives someone else's life, professes someone else's principles, thinks with someone else's head, trembles from imposed fears.
In fact, by rejecting the pseudo-choice of the lesser evil, remaining oneself, one can live the happiest of lives, regardless of the type of activity and with minimal household amenities.
The choice of the lesser evil is always the choice of evil, and we must remember this. By choosing evil and all its consequences, you cut off your own soul. The soul cannot exist in an evil environment. But evil does not need a soul. He needs the energy released in the process of killing and torment. Social structures draw a person into anti-human relationships that are alien to him. Under the threat of not getting a prestigious specialty, a prestigious job, of losing wealth, people turn into cogs - dowels of social structures, turn into machines.
We see around absolutely soulless people, cardboard little men, guided exclusively by social programs. And only a few individuals manage to somehow preserve the lively sparkle of the eyes, to preserve the soul. How do they do it? Even after being deceived a thousand times, thrown a thousand times in the mud, in resin and feathers, and, as if succumbing to social pressure, they get up and dust themselves off, continue to fight. They cannot do otherwise.
What's the matter? Is there a difference between souls? Or maybe some people have souls, while others do not. How to explain that some people remain people from birth to death, while others turn into cardboard boxes under the same social pressure.
Buddhism explains the difference of souls by the difference in their evolutions. One person is already on the threshold of attaining Nirvana*, while another needs a million more rebirths. Their bodies are in the same place, they breathe the same air at the same time, but the chronology of their souls is radically different.
I wonder if it is possible to speed up the process of soul development? Or at least a stake on a person’s head...
It is historically clear that Moses, Christ, Buddha revived cardboard men, blowing the spirit of life into their nostrils. This happened not because the soul of the cardboard men awakened, no, the soul was given to the cardboard men.
They may object to me: “But what about the children? After all, all children have a soul. Then she goes somewhere." The soul is the principle of choosing actions and directions around which the personality is formed. The individual has awareness. With awareness comes choice. With the choice appears something of its own, its own, inherent in the individual.
Sometimes a sunny child, radiant with kindness and sincerity, turns into a cloudy humanoid stereotyped creature. This is explained by the fact that the child, due to the unconsciousness of thinking, has the opportunity to be a direct part of the world soul, to have a connection with it. Growing up, it is necessary to nurture and develop the soul in oneself. And no one can do this job for you. If the child was a part of the World Soul, then the adult must become the World Soul. This is fully possible only in Nirvana, but in the intermediate stages principles are formed around which the personality is formed. Thus the part gradually becomes the whole. If the “part” at the birth of a child is initially weak and unstable for evolutionary reasons, it can quickly evaporate and dissolve in the world soul. And the child turns into a cardboard man, in which you can see only slight solar vibrations.
Only another Sun can inflate these vibrations in the Sun. Sun of love and compassion. Sun of Moses, Christ, Buddha.
Where are they? How can one perform a miracle without them? We are all of them to one degree or another. And we do not know the limit of our strength. The smartest thing is to just work, just love and not give anything of your own, nothing alive into dead hands.

* Nirvana - a state of deep peace and complete inner harmony, detachment from the outside world from life's worries

The soul is a combination of human energies responsible for the general tone of life, the ability to enjoy the processes of being and love. The presence of these subtle energies leads to the fact that a woman is able to maintain relationships, please men and keep warm in the hearth.

How to identify soul loss

In Indian mythology, the subtle energies called "soul" are called "hekura", in African "lembi". “Loss of the soul” is the return of these very energies.

Most often, “loss of the soul” is called the situation when they say something like this: “He left and took his soul away.”

With the "loss of the soul" there is complete dissolution in the partner. All life is sacrificed for him, there are practically no interests of her own - a woman lives by the interests of her partner.

The state of rupture of relations in such cases is perceived as death. Yes, in general, the way it is. The one who has “lost his soul” has to learn to live for himself, and this is very difficult. It's hard to find a hobby, job, study...

Often "loss of soul" is confused with a love spell, although the difference is huge.

Love spell - violent magical actions, and "loss of soul" - voluntary bestowal.

In the case of “loss of soul”, there is no happy outcome: either the partners disperse, or the one who “lost his soul” becomes seriously ill ...

Symptoms of the absence of a soul

The symptoms of a person who has "lost" his soul are very similar to the consequences of a love spell.

  • Sudden weight gain.
  • Loss of attractiveness.
  • Dim look.
  • Oddities in behavior and clothing.
  • Painful jealousy: he came home from work half an hour late, and the person "with a stolen soul" is hysterical.
  • The inability to exist without a partner for more than three days.
  • Addiction to doping (alcohol).

Who is subject to “loss of soul”

As a rule, people with a weakened "I" or sluggish personality energy are subject to such misfortune.

Such people are artists, writers, poets, dancers and all those who are forced to try on someone else's life.

This happens because creative people put their "whole soul" into their creations, and their own power of personality fades.

Therefore, among creative personalities, suicides on the basis of unrequited love so often occur.

Adolescents are also subject to such a disaster - their personality strength is weak, and there is no fear of death.

Naturally, people who completely dissolve in a partner also try on someone else's life and from this they are subject to such a disease as “loss of soul”.

How to get your soul back

Alchemists believed that the state of the will is determined by the stomach: a flat pumped-up stomach is an indicator of a strong will, and the presence of a belly is a weak one.

In order to strengthen the will and, therefore, learn to control the circumstances of life, the alchemists advised to strengthen the muscles of the press. Pump up the stomach.

The alchemists characterized the state of mind by how things are with hearing. Excellent hearing is an indicator of readiness to perceive new information.

If you have a bad memory or do not like to study, correct your hearing. Only then will the circumstances of a happy life turn to face you.

The alchemists determined the presence of the soul by the eyes. Eyes that radiate radiance, sparkling like diamonds, are an indicator that everything is okay in life.

A dull look is a sign of serious problems.

You have a dull dull look - problems with the soul. To return the lost soul and shine to the eyes, it is useful to do special breathing exercises.

Gymnastics for the eyes:

  • Keep your eyes on the star-studded sky.
  • Enjoy the twinkling of the stars for a while.
  • Imagine that the eyes have a "mouth".
  • Breathe in the energy of the stars through your eyes.
  • Feel that your eyes are full of starlight.
  • Let this blue color light spread all over your body.
  • Breathe out what makes your eyes dull and dull.
  • After doing this exercise ten times, feel that your eyes shine like diamonds, and you yourself are radiant and bright. You glow with happiness, and this radiance attracts normal people to you.

How to return a lost soul

What to do when you lose your soul? Imagine that you are sitting in the auditorium and watching a black and white film with your participation. You and your partner are in the lead roles, and this film is about your life, or rather, about your relationship with him:

  • You watch the movie from the very beginning.
  • Start slow motion, and then frame by frame.

In the process of such a memory, you will definitely notice the time when your soul migrated to a partner. This, as a rule, is not a one-time stage, but a long one.

The process of such a memory is very long and laborious, but you will be able to return the lost soul.

Now the question is, if the “stolen energy” returns to you, will it be worse for your partner?

Most likely! After all, the energy is not his, but "stolen", even in most cases women give their souls voluntarily.

A difficult way to return a lost soul

This is also a “cinema” technique, but only in color. Moreover, you should try to see not only yourself but also your aura on the movie screen. As a rule, it is represented as a silvery halo enveloping the body.

You are watching a movie with yourself in the lead role and suddenly you see how the silver halo is torn! Freeze! This is the moment of the beginning of the “loss of the soul”.

With a deep breath, mentally restore the integrity of your aura and continue to remember.

This work of bringing back a “lost soul” cannot be done in one or two passes! This is not an idle activity. It needs to be taken seriously: to plan to do the practice every day for twenty minutes.

If it helps: write down the chronology of events on paper.

Within two to three months, with hard work, you can partially return the subtle energies called the “soul”.

This, of course, is long, but “loss of soul” is a serious injury. The main thing is that now you know what to do when you lose your soul.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and the occult, authors of 15 books.

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Can a mage take a soul?

“Roman is writing to you. I used to go to a magician healer. I haven’t been going to him for 3 or 4 years. But I am tormented by doubts and memories from early childhood, when I was 3 or 2.5 years old. the healer was driven once by the father, and the healer, it seems, took a part of my soul. It’s just that then I started to darken in my eyes a couple of times (some time after the session and years at 17-18), and my head hurt very badly when I was at school, and then at the university.

Now my father does not live with us, he divorced my mother, and in general he is a big fan of creating dirty tricks (it is unlikely that my father will tell me the truth).

I have a question for you: is it real that a strong black magician is able to take a part of a person’s soul or is it just my guess?

When I went to this healer for the last time, one woman told me that the healer began his work in our city in 1985 (this year I was born) - so such a case can be!? "

Our comment:

The deterioration of the physical condition after the work of a healer or magician does not mean that the healer or magician is a bad specialist.

There are times when a healer during a session pumps a lot of energy into a client into problem areas. For example, somewhere there was not enough energy, but somewhere it was normal or in excess, and the healer during the session aligns the person's energy field. But at the same time, the root of the problem (the person’s program, because of which he turned to a healer) was not discovered and the destructive program remains.

When the healer tries to help, he gives his energy. This energy activates all the life programs of a person on which he lives. Programs can be both positive and destructive.

If we assume that this healer is a decent person, then with his sessions he could remove magic attack from Roman, or his own minor negative programs - and Roman would immediately feel relieved.

If after the session the condition worsened, it means that the healer was not a professional, or he accidentally transferred some of his problems to the client, or the client's own negative programs are very strong. And in this case, no healer will help. Here a different approach to solving the problem is needed, and a person himself needs to invest a lot of effort to solve the problem. Again, after consulting a specialist professional.

Even if the healer was not of a high level and the person felt worse after his work, we would recommend not to think badly about the healer. When a client thinks badly about a specialist who tried to help him, he unleashes a magical (energy-informational) war with this specialist. Such a magical war increases the level of resentment and even aggression in the soul of a person and further exacerbates his problems.

Therefore, the specialist helped you or not - at least mentally thank God and move on in life. If your soul is cleansed at least a little from resentment, from aggression, then you will definitely have chance to meet a good specialist which will show you the correct way to solve your problem.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our A new book"Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Any copying of our materials and their publication on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any site materials, a link to the authors and the site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid - required.


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailing lists, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they drag people into various magical forums and deceive (give advice and recommendations that can harm, or extort money for holding magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our sites, we do not provide links to magical forums or sites of magical healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations by phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We are not engaged in healing and magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. In all our lives, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to engage in slandering decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

So please be careful!

Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Energy recovery technology. It is safe, working, and simply amazing in its performance. The result was amazing. During this life and not only this one, a person loses himself piece by piece.

He leaves parts of his soul that become attached to people, places, situations. When we lose parts of ourselves, we lose our personal power. And so, by a certain age, we find ourselves so bitten and de-energized that it’s a pity to look, this spectacle resembles an apple core.

What is soul loss? Soul loss is when part of this life force, part of our essence, a free soul leaves our body, depriving us of a large part of our strength and energy. Soul loss can be seen as a natural defense mechanism for survival.

It is known that many wild animals, such as foxes and wolves, are able to bite off their paws in order to get out of a trap. The human psyche does the same. If life is too hard, then the part of the soul that is most affected in this situation leaves us. The main part of the organism survives, while the lost part of the soul flies farther and farther away. If we're lucky, she'll be back soon, if not, we may never meet again. This is the loss of the soul.

How does soul loss happen?

As a rule, this happens as a result of some kind of traumatic experience or in difficult, unresolvable situations. Unfortunately, traumatic and unsolvable situations arise in our social life all the time. We periodically encounter them in childhood, sometimes even before we are born. We are all well aware of examples of regular beatings, even of very young children. Situations of violence or intense pressure at school or at work can also lead to soul loss. There are many other reasons, and the language has even formed common phrases describing these situations.

For example, when a loved one dies: “When my husband died, I felt that a part of me left with him.”

In an accident situation: "I was scared to death."
In case of physical or psychological abuse: "My spirit was broken."
In the event of a divorce or the end of a meaningful relationship: "She stole my soul." In a state of extreme sadness: "I just wanted to die." Even scandals can lead to loss of soul: "I just lost my temper with anger." These are just some of the paths that can lead to soul loss.

Here are the main signs of soul loss:

♦ You cannot remember certain periods of your life
♦ You have periods of severe depression
♦ You feel like parts of your being are lost or broken
♦ Your senses are dulled
♦ You are constantly haunted by a feeling of fear and anxiety
♦ You often experience insomnia
♦ You feel lost or incomplete
♦ You feel like a “different person” after a physically or psychologically traumatic event
♦ You feel stuck and unable to deal with certain problems in your life
♦ You feel disappointed in life
♦ You feel like you have multiple entities living in you
♦ You try to "break out" by resorting to alcohol, drugs, sex, TV, or immersing yourself in work
♦ You feel like you're not worth loving
♦ You are experiencing a dark night of the soul
♦ You want to find purpose and meaning in life
♦ You feel like your everyday life is meaningless and focused on doing unnecessary tasks
♦ You don't want to appear vulnerable and distance yourself from people
♦ You want to be whole and share something of value
♦ You often feel out of control
♦ You are constantly mentally and physically tired without medical reasons
♦ You crave actualization of your possibilities and full acceptance of yourself

When we experience “soul loss,” a part of our soul—or essence—is “hidden” or “closed.” Our real potential is blocked, we experience a loss of integrity.

It happens that whole aspects of our personality are blocked. In addition to the feeling of incompleteness that we experience during “soul loss,” we also experience feelings of weakness, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and emptiness.

"Soul Loss" keeps us from living healthy, fulfilling, and creative lives. This condition can last a lifetime. But no matter how ominous the "loss of the soul" looks, there is always a chance to restore the lost elements.


To do this, you need to say the call three times. All soul fragments are in the universe and are waiting in the wings to return home.

The first voice of the soul summons the particles of your soul, and they begin to gather home.
The second voice of the soul hurries them.
The third voice of the soul opens the passage for return and attracts.

You should sit in a comfortable position, take a deep breath and say the call:

“I (name and surname) proclaim to the whole Universe and call on all parts of my soul, scattered somewhere, to return to the bosom of my soul and reunite.
I proclaim this call to the whole universe, I send it to all its nooks and crannies. Let my call be heard by all!”

Take a deep breath and say the second call:

“I (name and surname) declare on the cosmic bulletin board to all the particles of my soul, lost in the Universe, stolen by someone or donated to someone, to return to me and reunite into one single Soul of mine.
It is only MY soul, and only I have the right to own it, since it is me, and I am it.

You can see an interesting sight, how small sparks in the form of tiny stars come together, line up in groups and line up in a 45% arc in front of you. There are those who come alone, there are couples, groups. It depends on how strong the blow was.

Sometimes you can see that the particles are somehow damaged, this hints that they had to go through bullying and violence. You can talk to them and ask what led to such deformation. (Sometimes whole planes come back - doppelgangers.)

Deep breath and third voice:

“I (name and surname), I appeal to all the particles of my Soul that have returned, to reunite into one single Soul of mine. I need you and want you."

This third call is to confirm your readiness to become healthy and happy, you are responsible for your actions.

When the third call is made, the sparks begin to move towards you. They detach from the arc one by one in order from right to left, and enter through the solar plexus into you. The faster the speed, the softer the particle entry. Wait until all the sparks enter you, connect with yourself. In the near future there will be a connection of your soul and healing that has no equal. Various feelings will overwhelm you: inner joy and peace, a feeling of returning home.

At first, you may feel an overflow of energy and movement of energy, as if the whole body of light has been renewed, each particle has found its place. Then you will feel waves of heat spreading throughout your body. Then you need to conduct a ritual of forgiveness and reunion with the Soul. This is important, since you yourself created a situation where the particles could get lost, perhaps due to an internal conflict. It's important to understand this!

In the subconscious, you will know that your soul has decided to incarnate in the body, it decides when life will begin, who the parents will be, how the person will look.

If you are not satisfied with your appearance, then you are angry at the soul, which leads to alienation. It weakens and breaks the soul.

1. Embrace yourself with both hands, this is closing the circle, accepting yourself. This is an exhilarating ritual in which many may cry.

2. And now perform the ceremony of blessing YOURSELF!


“I (first name last name) appeal to all parts of my soul that have returned and bless you with your return.
I appeal to my Soul and ask to be reunited with me. I don't want to confront you, I want to accept you.
I apologize to you ..., I apologize to you ... (twice) that created the prerequisites for a split - I did not realize ...
I ask you, my soul, fill me with your strength, fill me with your love..”

Within 2 minutes you are filled with the energy of self-love, spreading throughout the body. You become WHOLE!

The reunion is over.

What to expect from such healing?

The state of mind is balanced, you are happy, you are united, you are strong. Every day you are stronger and yours is healed. physical body, no more wasted energy. The integrity of the soul gives integrity to everything else, you are more resilient, you can easily overcome difficulties. The immune system is strengthened, you can easily cope with bouts of rage. This is the way to flourish. “Nechama is a group of High Angels who are involved in the return of soul fragments and can be contacted before starting the ritual.

I did a ritual, referring to the light forces of the universe.

When I returned the particles of the soul to me and reunited, it was uncomfortable, I would even say that it hurt. Don't be scared. It is the parts of your soul that are coming home.

Here is another powerful practice for assembling the aspects of the soul from different people with which the strongest emotions were associated. Maybe someone will come in handy or give some thought.

I did a ritual, referring to the light forces of the universe. When I returned the particles of the soul to me and reunited, it was uncomfortable, I would even say that it hurt. Don't be scared. It is the parts of your soul that are coming home.

Here is another powerful practice for assembling aspects of the soul from different people with whom the strongest emotions were associated. Maybe someone will come in handy or give some thought. It can be performed both while diving and while awake.

1. It is necessary to imagine another person in front of you (I see him as a shadow, but there are a lot of options)) Ask the Higher Self to manifest the elements of your soul in his bodies. Including, the most effective would be to ask to show exactly those elements that were associated with certain feelings (fear, resentment, delight, anger, etc., it all depends on the request). So, in my practice, these elements appear as clots of light in the middle of the shadow. It is also necessary to ask the Higher Self to manifest the elements of the soul of this person in your bodies as well.

2. Next, you should ask for forgiveness from another, from yourself, and forgive yourself. With these words, his body will decondense and release aspects of your soul from themselves, and vice versa. Having healed these aspects with rays, you need to collect them and return them to yourself, not forgetting also to release the aspects of the soul of another from your bodies and collect them.
Say the words.