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Russian names - meaning. Good names for children
Advice: Give your child a good name - read the available ones, there are Latin, Russian, Greek and Slavic names.
The first name should be consonant with the patronymic. You should not name children after grandparents, as well as parents.

Meaning of the name:

Russian calendar names of Latin origin

AUGUST, AUGUST(from Latin majestic, sacred. That was the name of the Roman emperor Octavian). The word "August" means "royal".
AGNES(from lat. sheep). Compare with the word "lamb" which in Latin means "lamb".
ADRIAN- a resident of Adria (cf. Adriatic Sea). Andrian's form is wrong.
ANGELINA(Greek word with a Latin suffix) means "angelic", "angel")
BENEDICT(from lat. blessed) - in the Russian version "Venedict". Let's remember the famous Venedikt Erofeev, "Venichka".
VALENTIN, VALENTINA(from lat. healthy, strong). Wed the name of the medical discipline is "valeology", and also remember Mikhail Roshchin's play "Valentin and Valentina"
VALERY, VALERY- the same meaning as the previous names. Valere means "hello" in Latin. In A.S. Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin" - "At the end of the letter put VALE." Saying goodbye, the Romans also wished health.
VALERIAN- the same as the previous names.
VIVIAN(from lat. "vivere" - to live) - lively. Wed with the words "vivat", "vivarium", "vivisection".
VIKENTIY(from the Latin verb "vincere" - to win) - conquering, overcoming. Example: Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev.
VICTOR, VICTORIA(from lat. winner, victory). "Ave, Victor!" - with such an exclamation the Romans met the victorious commander. In the 18th century, they used to say "Poltava Victoria" in Russia.
VIRINEIA(from lat. green) - green, young, fresh. Known for the revolutionary story of Lydia Seifullina "Virineya"
VITALY(from lat. life) - vital. The same word root: vitamins, vitalism, vitascope.
HERMANN(from the Latin "germanus" - native, consanguineous) - native, related, fraternal. Do not confuse German (from Latin Germanus) and Hermann (from German Hermann - warrior, combatant). Hermann from " Queen of Spades"A.S. Pushkin is not a name, but a surname. "Hermann is a German," notes Pushkin's character.
BLAST FURNACE(from the Latin "domus" - house and "domina" - mistress, mistress). From this word "Donna" and "Madonna" were later formed. Wed in Russian: dominant, dominate.
IGNATIUS(from lat. unknown, unknown) - unknown, unknown. Wed the word "ignore".
INNOKENTIY(from lat. innocent) - innocent, harmless.
KAPITOLINA(from the Latin name of the Capitoline Hill) - born on the Capitol, the most glorious of the seven hills of Rome.
CAPITO(probably from the Latin "kaput" - head) - golovan, head. In the old name books, he is explained as a stubborn one.
KASYAN(from lat. "cassis", helmet) - a helmet-bearer. In Latin, it is pronounced CASSIAN. There is also such an explanation: from the genus Kassiev, belonging to the genus Kassiev. In old Russian beliefs, Kasyan is the most angry of the saints ("Kasyan looks at everything, everything fades"). But the fact is that the celebration of this saint falls on February 29, once every four years.
CLAUDIUS, CLAUDIUS(from Latin "claudius", lame). This adjective was one of the epithets of the lame-footed Vulcan (Hephaestus), the god of fire. In medicine, compare: claudication - lameness.
CLARA(from Lat. bright, clear) Let's remember: "Clara Milic" by I.S. Turgenev, Clara Zetkin, Clara Luchko.
CLEMENT, CLEMENT, CLIM- in Latin merciful, condescending, merciful. Klimentiev is the real name of Andrei Platonov. Let us also remember Klim Voroshilov.
CONCORDIA(from the Latin "concordia" - consent). There is a saying: "Ibi victoria, ubi concordia" - there is victory, where there is agreement.
KONSTANTIN(from lat. "constance" - constant) - the son of a constant. Wed scientific terms: state, constant, etc.
CORNELIUS(from Latin "corn" - horn; horned) In Russia, the form Cornelius and the abbreviated Korney are also known. See the names: Korneev, Kornilov, Korniliev.
LAVR(from "laurus" - the name of the laurel tree, the branches of which were considered an honorary award in ancient world). Let us recall from A.S. Pushkin: "I am not a hero, I do not yearn for laurels."
LAVRENTY- literally crowned with laurels. Wed with the previous one, as well as with the word "laureate".

Leonsius, Leonsio, Leoncia- the name of Latin origin, leontinus means - "like a lion." Other forms of the name: Leoszcz (Czech); Leonte (Rom.); Leon-sue, Leonan (port.).

LUKE- short for Lucian.
LUCIAN(from Latin "lux" - light) - light, luminous. Compare modern "lux" - a unit of illumination in physics. Do not think that Lukerya is formed from Lucian, this is the Russian version of the Greek Glykeria (sweet).
Lucia, Lucia- also means light, luminous.
MAKSIM(from Latin "maximus" - the greatest) - the greatest. Compare with the words "maximum", "maximum", etc.
MAXIMILIAN- a descendant of the greatest. Same root as above.
MARINA(from lat. "marinus" - sea) - sea. Compare in Russian: seascape, aquamarine, submarine.
MARTIN(from lat. Mars, god of war) - belonging to, or dedicated to the god of war, Mars. In Russian pronunciation MARTYN. Hence the name Martynov.
MATRYONA- Russian form from MATRON.
MATRON(from lat. "matrona" - mistress, mother of the family, mother). AT ancient rome the word "matron" was very honorable, meaning the mother, as the sovereign mistress of the house. In Russia, the name Matryona took on a slightly different connotation - a simple woman, a simple village girl. Wed: matryoshka doll.
MERCURY- in honor of the Roman god Mercury ( Greek Hermes). The name of the god of trade is associated with the Latin word "mercor" - I trade. Hence the name of the Merkurievs.
MODEST(from Latin "modestus" - modest) - modest. In the 19th century, the name was popular in Russia: Modest Mussorgsky, Modest Tchaikovsky.
NATALIA, NATALIA(from the Latin "natalis" - native, and also from "dies natalis" - the day of Christmas, birth). According to another version, this is the female version of the Hebrew name Nathan.
NONNA- according to one of the versions from lat. "nonna" - nanny, nurse.
PAVEL, PAVLA(from Latin "paulus" - small, small) - a baby, the youngest in the family.
PEACOCK, PAULIN- diminutive of the previous one.
PATRICUS, PATRIKEY (from the Latin "patricius" - an aristocrat) - the son of a noble father. Compare: Lisa Patrikeevna from fairy tales.
PETER(the Latinized Greek word "petra" - a rock, a stone), the commander Petreus and the apostle Peter are known in history. Wed in Russian: petroglyphs, petrography. Hence the Petrovs
NOVEL(from Latin "romanus" - Roman, Roman). Rome in Latin is "Roma", hence Romania - a former Roman province, and the novel as a Roman literary form. Surname Romanovs
SERGEY, SERGEY- from the Roman name "Sergius" (the most famous in Roman history is Sergius Catilina). In Russian calendars, it is interpreted as high, highly venerated. In church speech, it is pronounced with an emphasis on the first syllable. Compare: St. Sergius of Radonezh, "Father Sergius" by Leo Tolstoy.
SYLANTIUS(from lat. Silens, silentis - silent, silent) - silent. Wed the name of the famous poem by F. Tyutchev "Silentium". Now it is more common in the surname of the Silantyevs.
SILVAN(from lat. "sylvanus" - forest). In ancient Rome, goat-footed forest gods, goblin were called sylvans.
SYLVESTER- the same root as the previous one ("silva" in Latin forest). Sylvester - forest, goblin.
TERENTIY- from the Roman name Terence (the most famous comedian is Terence). The meaning of the name is importunate, stubborn. Recall the Russian fairy tale about the Black Grouse and the Fox. Folk forms of this name: Terekh, Tereshka. Hence the surname Terentiev
TIT- (from the Latin name "Titus") - defending honor. Wed the word "title". Now it is more common in the Titov family.
ULYANA- Russian form from lat. JULIA.
USTINA- Russian form from lat. JUSTINIA.
FAUST, FAUSTINA(from Latin "faustus" - happy, lucky). Doctor Faust is the hero of a medieval legend and a character in the work of I.V. Goethe. Russians have an extremely rare name.
FELIX(from Latin "felix" - happy, prosperous).
FELICE, FELICATE- female version of the name, means happy, happy. Let us recall the famous ode of G.R. Derzhavin "Felitsa".
FLAVIANE(from the Latin "flavus" - red, blond) - among the Romans meant coming from the Flavian family.
FLOOR(from the Latin "flos" - a flower) - in Russian folk pronunciation it was established as FROL. Wed also the surname Frolov.
FLORA- of the same origin, means blooming. Wed the name of the goddess of the plant world Flora, simply flora and the city of Florence.
FORTUNAT(from lat. Fortuna, goddess of happiness, good luck) - a lucky man, a minion of fate. Remained in the surname Fortunatov.
JULIY, YULIA(from the Latin name Julius, which, according to the official Roman version, was associated with the son of Aeneas, the mythical ancestor of the Latins). In ancient Rome, it meant belonging to the genus Julius. The most famous Gaius Julius Caesar and his daughter Julia. The name of Caesar remained in the name of the month of July and the Julian calendar.
JULIAN(from Latin "Julianus" - Julian, adherent of Julius Caesar). The most famous Roman emperor in history Julian Apostate nicknamed "Apostate" (4th century AD).
JUSTIN, JUSTINIA(from the Latin "justus" - fair) means righteous, fair. Wed: justice. Russian forms of the name: USTIN, USTINYA, hence the popular surname of the Ustinovs.
JUVENALIUS(from lat. "yuvenis" - young, young) - a young man, youthful. Wed medical term- juvenile or the name of the club "Juventus", from lat. youth.


Bazhen is a desired child, desired.

The names have the same meaning: Bazhai, Bazhan. Surnames arose from these names: Bazhanov, Bazhenov, Bazhutin.

Bazhen is a female form named after Bazhen.

Beloslav - From BEL - white, turn white and GLORY - praise.

Abbreviated names: Belyay, Belyan. Surnames arose from these names: Belov, Belyshev, Belyaev.

Beloslava is the female form named after Beloslav.

Short name: Belyan

Berimir - caring about the world.

Berislav - taking glory, taking care of glory.

Berislav is a female form named after Berislav.

Blessing - glorifying kindness.

Blagoslav is a female form named after Blagoslav.

Abbreviated names: Blaga, Blagana, Blagina.

Fornication - dissolute, unprofitable.

One of the "negative" names. From this name arose the surname: Bludov. historical figure: Fornication - governor of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich.

Bogdan is a child given by God.

The name has the same meaning: Bozhko. Surnames arose from these names: Bogdanin, Bogdanov, Bogdashkin, Bozhkov.

Bogdana is the female form of the name Bogdan.

Short name: Goddess.

Bogolyub - loving God.

From this name arose the surname: Bogolyubov.

Bogomil - dear to God.

The name has the same meaning: Bogumil.

Bozidar - gifted by God.

Bozhidara is a female form named after Bozhidar.

Boleslav - famous.

Historical figure: Boleslav I - Polish king.

Boleslav is the female form named after Boleslav.

Borimir is a fighter for peace, a peacemaker.

Borislav is a fighter for glory.

Abbreviated names: Boris, Borya. Surnames arose from these names: Borin, Boriskin, Borisov, Borisikhin, Borichev, Borischev. Historical personality: Boris Vseslavich Polotsky - Prince of Polotsk, founder of the Drutsk princes.

Borislav is a female form named after Borislav.

Borsch is one of the personalized names of the plant world.

In the literal translation: Borscht is the tops of plants. From this name came the surname Borshchev.

Boyan is a storyteller.

The name was formed from the verb: bayat - speak, tell, sing. The names have the same meaning: Bayan, Bayan. From these names came the surname: Bayanov. Legendary personality: songwriter - Boyan.

Boyana is the female form named after Boyan.

Bratislav - From BROTHER - to fight and GLORY - to praise.

Bratislava is the female form named after Bratislava.

Bronislav is a defender of glory, protecting glory.

The name has the same meaning: Branislav. Short name: Armor.

Bronislava is the female form named after Bronislav.

Bryachislav - from BRYACHI - rattling and SLAV - praise

Historical personality: Bryachislav Izyaslavich - Prince of Polotsk.

Budimir is a peacemaker.

From this name came the surnames: Budilov, Budischev.

Velimir is a big world.

Velimira is a female form named after Velimir.

Velimudr - knowledgeable.

Velislav - great glory, the most glorious.

Velislav is a female form named after Velislav.

Abbreviated names: Vela, Velika, Velichka.

Wenceslas - dedicated to glory, crowned with glory.

Wenceslas is the female form named after Wenceslas.

Faith is faith, true.

Veselin - cheerful, cheerful.

Vesselina is a female form named after Veselin.

The name has the same meaning: Vesela.

Vladimir is the owner of the world.

The name has the same meaning: Volodimer. From this name came the surnames: Vladimirov, Vladimirsky, Volodimerov, Volodin, Volodichev. Historical personality: Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Red Sun - Prince of Novgorod, Grand Duke Kyiv.

Vladimir is the female form named after Vladimir.

Vladislav - owning fame.

The name has the same meaning: Volodislav. Short name: Vlad. Historical personality: Volodislav is the son of Igor Rurikovich.

Vladislava is the female form named after Vladislav.

Short name: Vlad.

Vojislav is a glorious warrior.

Abbreviated names: Voilo, Warrior. Surnames originated from these names: Voeikov, Voinikov, Voinov. Historical personality: Warrior Vasilyevich - from the family of Yaroslavl princes.

Vojislava is a female form named after Vojislav.

The wolf is one of the personified names of the animal world.

From this name came the surname: Volkov.

Raven is one of the personified names of the animal world.

From this name came the surnames: Voronikhin, Voronov.

Vorotislav - returning glory.

Vsevolod is the ruler of the people, who owns everything.

From this name came the surnames: Vsevolodov, Vsevolozhsky. Historical personality: Vsevolod I Yaroslavich - Prince of Pereyaslavsky, Chernigov, Grand Duke of Kyiv.

Vsemil - beloved by all.

Vsemila is the female form named Vsemila.

Vseslav - all-glorifying, famous.

The name has the same meaning: Seslav. From this name came the surname: Seslavin.

Historical personality: Vseslav Bryachislavich Polotsky - Prince of Polotsk, Grand Duke of Kyiv.

Vseslav - the female form named after Vseslav.

Vtorak is the second son in the family.

The names have the same meaning: Second, Vtorusha. Surnames came from these names: Vtorov, Vtorushin.

Vyacheslav - the most glorious, the most glorious.

The name has the same meaning: Vatslav, Vysheslav. Surnames came from these names: Vysheslavtsev, Vyacheslavlev, Vyacheslavov. Historical personality: Vyacheslav Vladimirovich - Prince of Smolensk, Turov, Pereyaslavsky, Vyshgorodsky, Grand Duke of Kyiv.

Vyachko is a legendary person: Vyachko is the progenitor of the Vyatichi people.

Godoslav - The name also matters: Godlav. Historical personality: Godoslav - the prince of the Bodrichi-rarogs.

Dove - meek.

From this name came the surnames: Golubin, Golubushkin

Much - skillful, capable.

From this name came the surname Gorazdov.

Gorislav - fiery, burning in glory.

Gorislava is a female form named after Gorislav.

Gorynya - like a mountain, huge, indestructible.

Legendary personality: hero - Gorynya.

Gostemil - dear to another (guest).

From this name came the surname: Gostemilov.

Gostomysl - thinking about another (guest).

Historical personality: Gostomysl - Prince of Novgorod.

Gradimir - keeping the world.

Gradislav - guarding glory.

Gradislava is the female form named after Gradislav.

Granislav - improving glory.

Granislav is a female form named after Granislav.

Gremislav - famous.

Gudislav is a renowned musician trumpeting glory.

Short name: Gudim. From these names came the surname: Gudimov.

Darren - donated.

Darena is the female form of Daren.

The names have the same meaning: Darina, Dara.

Devyatko is the ninth son in the family.

From this name came the surnames: Devyatkin, Devyatkov, Devyatov.


Dobrolyub - kind and loving.

From this name came the surname: Dobrolyubov.

Dobromil - kind and sweet.

Dobromila is a female form named after Dobromil.

Dobromir is kind and peaceful.

Abbreviated names: Dobrynya, Dobrysha. From these names came the surnames: Dobrynin, Dobryshin. Legendary personality: hero - Dobrynya.

Dobromir is the female form named after Dobromir.

Goodwill - kind and reasonable.

From this name came the surname: Dobromyslov.

Dobroslav - glorifying kindness.

Dobroslav - female form named after Dobroslav.


Domazhir -

Domaslav - glorifying relatives.

Abbreviated name: Domash - one's own, dear. From this name came the surname: Domashov.

Dragomir is more precious than the world.

Dragomir is a female form named after Dragomir.

Dubynya - similar to oak, indestructible.

Legendary personality: hero - Dubynya.

Druzhina - comrade.

The common name has the same meaning: Friend. Surnames came from these names: Druzhinin, Drugov, Drunin.

Ruff is one of the personified names of the animal world.

From this name came the surname: Ershov.

The lark is one of the personified names of the animal world.

From this name came the surname: Zhavoronkov.

Zhdan is a long-awaited child.

From this name came the surname: Zhdanov.

Zhdana is a female form named after Zhdan.

Zhiznomir - living in the world.


The hare is one of the personified names of the animal world.

From this name came the surname: Zaitsev.

Zvenislava - announcer of glory.

Winter - harsh, merciless.

From this name came the surname: Zimin. Legendary personality: Ataman Zima from Razin's army.

Zlatomir - the golden world.

Zlatotsveta - golden-colored.

Short name: Zlata.

Malice is one of the "negative" names.

From this name came the surnames: Zlobin, Zlovidov, Zlydnev.


Izyaslav - who took glory.

Historical personality: Izyaslav Vladimirovich - Prince of Polotsk, founder of the Polotsk princes.

Sincere - sincere.

The name has the same meaning: Iskra.

Iskra is the female form named after Iskren.

Istislav - glorifying the truth.

Istoma - languishing (possibly associated with difficult childbirth).

From this name came the surnames: Istomin, Istomov.

Casimir - showing the world.

Casimir is the female form named after Casimir.

Koschey - thin, bony.

From this name came the surnames: Koshcheev, Kashchenko.

Krasimir - beautiful and peaceful

Krasimira is a female form named after Krasimir.

Short name: Beauty.

Curve is one of the "negative" names.

From these names came the surname: Krivov.

Lada - beloved, dear.

The name of the Slavic Goddess of love, beauty and marriage.

Ladimir - getting along with the world.

Ladislav - glorifying Lada (love).

Swan is a personified name of the animal world.

The name has the same meaning: Lybid. From this name came the surname - Lebedev. Legendary personality: Lybid is the sister of the founders of the city of Kyiv.


Luchezar - a luminous beam.

We love - beloved.

From this name came the surname: Lyubimov.

Love is beloved.

The name has the same meaning: Lyubava. Surnames originated from these names: Lyubavin, Lyubimtsev, Lyubavin, Lyubin, Lyubushin, Lyubimin.

Lyubomila - beloved, dear.

Lubomir is a loving world.

Lubomir is a female form named after Lubomir.

Curiosity - loving to think.

Lyuboslav - loving glory.

Lyudmil is dear to people.

Ludmila is the female form named after Ludmila.

Historical personality: Ludmila - Czech princess.

Mal - small, younger.

The name has the same meaning: Malay, Mladen. Surnames came from these names: Maleev, Malenkov, Maltsov, Malyshev. Historical personality: Mal - Drevlyansky prince.

Malusha is a female form named after Mal.

The name has the same meaning: Mlada. From these names came the surname: Malushin. Historical personality: Malusha is the wife of Syatoslav Igorevich, the mother of Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

Mechislav - glorifying sword.

Milan is cute.

The name has the same meaning: Milen. Surnames originated from these names: Milanov, Milenov.

Milana is the feminine form of Milan.

The names have the same meaning: Milava, Milada, Milena, Milica, Umila. From these names came the surname: Milavin. Historical personality: Umila is the daughter of Gostomysl.

Milovan - caressing, caring.

Milorad - sweet and joyful.

From this name came the surname: Miloradovich.

Miloslav - nicely glorifying.

Short name: Miloneg.

Miloslava is the female form named after Miloslav.

Peaceful - peace-loving.

From this name came the surname: Mirolyubov.

Miroslav - glorifying the world.

Miroslava is a female form named after Miroslav.

Molchan - taciturn, silent.

From this name came the surname: Molchanov.

Mstislav - glorifying revenge.

Historical personality: Mstislav Vladimirovich - Prince Tmutorakansky, Grand Duke of Kyiv.

Mstislava is a female form named after Mstislav.

Hope is hope.

The name has the same meaning: Hope.

Nevzor is one of the "negative" names.

From this name came the surname Nevzorov.

Nekras is one of the "negative" names.

From this name came the surname: Nekrasov.

Nekras is the female form of Nekras.

The eagle is one of the personified names of the animal world.

From this name came the surname: Orlov.

The eighth is the eighth child in the family.

The name has the same meaning: Osmusha. Surnames originated from these names: Osmanov, Osmerkin, Osmov.


Peredslava - The name Predslava also matters. Historical personality: Predslava - wife of Svyatoslav Igorevich, mother of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich.

Peresvet - very light.

Historical personality: Peresvet - warrior of the Battle of Kulikovo.

Putimir - reasonable and peaceful

Putislav - praising reasonably.

The name has the same meaning: Putyata. Surnames came from these names: Putilov, Putilin, Putin, Putyatin. Historical personality: Putyata - Kyiv governor.

Radigost - caring for another (guest).

Radimir - caring about the world.

The name has the same meaning: Radomir. Short name: Radim. Surnames came from these names: Radilov, Radimov, Radishchev. Legendary personality: Radim is the progenitor of the Radimichi.

Radimira is a female form named after Radimir.

The name has the same meaning: Radomira.

Radislav - caring about glory.

The name has the same meaning: Radoslav.

Radislava is the female form of Imney Radislav.

Radmila is caring and sweet.

Radosveta - sanctifying with joy.

Joy is joy, happiness.

The name has the same meaning: Rada.

Razumnik - reasonable, reasonable.

From this name came the surname: Razin. Historical personality: Razumnik is a student of Cyril and Methodius.

Ratibor is a defender.

Ratmir is the defender of the world.

Rodislav is a glorifying family.

Rostislav - growing glory

Historical personality: Rostislav Vladimirovich - Prince of Rostov, Vladimir-Volynsky; Tmutarakansky; The ancestor of the princes of Galicia and Volyn.

Rostislava is a female form named after Rostislav.


Svetislav - glorifying light.

The name has the same meaning: Svetoslav.

Svetislava is a female form named after Svetislav.

Svetlan - bright, pure soul.

Svetlana is the female form named after Svetlana.

Svetovid - seeing light, perspicacious.

The name has the same meaning: Sventovid. The name of the West Slavic God.

Svetozar - illuminating with light.

Svetozara is a female form named after Svetozar.

The name has the same meaning: Svetlozara.

Svyatogor - indestructible holiness.

Legendary personality: Svyatogor is an epic hero.

Svyatopolk is the leader of the sacred army.

Historical personality: Svyatopolk I Yaropolkovich - Grand Duke of Kyiv.

Svyatoslav - sacred glory.

Short name: Saint. Historical personality: Svyatoslav I Igorevich - Prince of Novgorod and Grand Duke of Kyiv.

Svyatoslav - female form named after Svyatoslav.

Slavomir - peace glorifier.

Nightingale is a personified name of the animal world.

From this name came the surnames: Nightingale, Solovyov. Legendary personality: Nightingale Budimirovich - a hero from epics.

Som is the personified name of the animal world.

Snezhana - white-haired, cold.

Stanimir - establishing the world.

Stanimira is a female form named after Stanimir.

Stanislav - establishing glory.

From this name came the surname: Stanishchev. Historical personality: Stanislav Vladimirovich - Prince of Smolensk.

Stanislav is the female form named after Stanislav.

Stoyan is strong, unbending.


Tverdimir - from TVERD - solid and WORLD - peaceful, peace.

Tverdislav - from TVERD - solid and GLORY - to praise.

From this name came the surnames: Tverdilov, Tverdislavov, Tverdislavlev.

Tvorimir - creating the world.

Tikhomir is quiet and peaceful.

From this name came the surname: Tikhomirov.

Tikhomir is a female form named after Tikhomir.

Tur is a personified name of the animal world.

Legendary personality: Tur - the founder of the city of Turov.

Brave - brave.

Chaslav - looking forward to glory.

Chaslava is a female form named after Chaslav.

The name has the same meaning: Cheslava.

Chernava - dark-haired, swarthy

The name has the same meaning: Chernavka. Surnames came from these names: Chernavin, Chernavkin.

Pike is a personified name of the animal world.

Yarilo - the sun.

Yarilo - God of fruits in the form of the sun. From this name came the surname: Yarilin.

Jaromir is a sunny world.

Yaropolk is the leader of the solar army.

Historical personality: Yaropolk I Svyatoslavich - Grand Duke of Kyiv.

Yaroslav - praising Yarila.

From this name came the surname: Yaroslavov. Historical personality: Yaroslav I Vladimirovich - Prince of Rostov, Prince of Novgorod, Grand Duke of Kyiv.

Yaroslav is a female form named after Yaroslav.

Male modern names

ALEXANDER. Protector of people (Greek). Usually decisive. Smart and witty. Subtly feels. Sociable, but needs indulgence, because he is often quick-tempered, impudent, acts abruptly, without a smooth transition. Anyone who comes to him with a sword - perishes. In love - passionate.

ALEXEI. Assistant (Greek). The majority are concentrated, serious, righteous. Persuasive in defending their views. Persistent in achieving the intended. However, sometimes meek, meek. People are useful. Respectful to parents. In intimate life, they are not always lucky.

ANATOLY. Rising (Greek). As a rule, he has an inquisitive, insatiable mind. Subtly inventive. The soothsayer is capable of correct predictions, but he himself cannot always achieve the goal. Temperament choleric, unbalanced, elemental. Sometimes - naughty, unstable to wine. Passion for a woman, but already at a "decent" age fades. If he dies, then ... not from modesty.

ANDREW. Courageous, brave (Greek). Persistent. Intelligent, inventive, with an unstable character. In society, they tend to dominate, often losing a sense of proportion when choosing means. As men are self-confident, and yet ... they only dream of peace.

ANTON. From Anthony, competing (Latin). Their life is a cascade of failures, compromises, ups and downs. Unbalanced natures. Fighting with themselves. All the time striving for freedom, forgetting that the price for it is loneliness. Looking for friendship. For Antonov, love is torture.
ARKADIY. From Arcadia - a happy country (Greek). Sociable, friendly, kind. Raven with everyone. Surrounded by friends, pals and girlfriends. Fall for compliments. Outwardly - "dear friend", but inside himself - sympathetic, humane. His fate can be envied.

BORIS. Struggling (Slavyansk). Usually purposeful. Optimistic. Inquisitive, imaginative thinking. Sometimes quick-tempered, unpredictable. Fate sometimes tests them. In the end, they gravitate to the house, to the family, small children are always a joy to them.

VADIM. Proving (other Russian). Usually mysterious, covertly emotional. Freedom-loving. Fatalist, subtly smart. Looks "one step ahead". Fast for decisions. Immodest in desires. Breaks hearts.

VALENTIN. Strong (latin). Stubborn, uncompromising. Tends to be "leading". Omnipresent, mobile. Self-willed, sometimes even paradoxical in behavior. Sometimes eccentric, but tolerable. With women, it happens, "bad luck", although in England ... Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day.

VALERY. Be vigorous, healthy (latin). Lively, passionate, sincere. A brave officer by nature. He acts according to the principle - "we live once", while his courage never leaves him. Tired of philosophical reasoning. Interested in. Not always logical. He is arrogant with women, and suffers for it.
BASIL. Royal (Greek). Strong, powerful. They know their worth. Usually stubborn. Cheerful. Strive for excellence, for excellence, for glory. Hardworking. They are selfish with women, but even those "torment" them a lot.

VICTOR. Winner (latin). Active. With a halo of glory. Able to become focused at the right time. Hard, but can suddenly relax and "break wood." Eloquent and therefore unsafe for the fair sex.

VITALY. Life (latin). Balanced physically and spiritually. Quickly, quickly gain experience, We are sure. They work according to their mood, in a big way. Company decoration. Hidden jealousies. They are in no hurry to settle down.

VLADIMIR. Own the world (Slavs). Mind marked. Teach, learn by yourself. By nature they are closed, although outwardly open, In society they usually reach considerable heights. In friendship, they are constant, but easily hurt. Women are idealized and suffering is accepted from them.

VYACHESLAV. Great glory (other Russian). As a child, inquisitively naive. With age, it becomes not so clear, precise, especially in practice. Committed to the idea. Ready to lay down his head for the assigned work. Human rumor rewards him. Usually lonely, capable of tenderness: both loves and suffers.
GENNADY. Noble origin (Greek). With a difficult, elusive temperament, often with an unpredictable reaction to external influences. Individualistic, self-absorbed, a law unto itself. Entrepreneurial, dynamic. Delicate, rejects rudeness. With lovers in difficult relationships.

GEORGE. Farmer (Greek). Helper. Loving, generous and generous. Usually with a clear head. Capable of impulse. If he wants to, he achieves a lot. Often work is the only light in the window, he is not sociable with women.

GLEB. Give under protection (Scandinavian). Virtuous. Seeking peace of mind. Restrained. They are of sound mind. Helpers. Anxiety haunts them constantly. For such women secretly sigh. Family men, "orthodox lovers."

GRIGORY. Awake (Greek). Usually solid natures: either all or nothing. Freedom-loving. Stubborn. Temperamental. Sometimes violent. Resisting fate. Loving, but affectionate. They are scolded, but loved.

DANILA. From Daniel, God is my judge (heb). Pioneer. Slow in thought, but decisive. He works drunkenly - practical wisdom has grown together with improvisation. The house is a full bowl, there are many good things around, worked by the ancestors. His family pride of the creator rejects arrogance. Self-respecting and respected.

DMITRY. Fruit of the earth (Greek). Strong, flexible, quick to make decisions people. Talented. Delny. Detailed, respect the word "must". In love - always real men.

EVGENIY. Noble (Greek). As a rule, independent and strong-willed. Maximalist. Tends to streamline life. Too demanding of himself and others. Able to achieve a lot in society. Active. Persistent in everything. Such people are cursed, but they cannot leave. With his mother, he is soft, affectionate, gentle.

EGOR. The patron saint of agriculture (other Russian). For the most part, people of deep emotions. Businesslike, practical, obsessive. Reliable hosts, do not stop there, sometimes go too far, but help out common sense. They stand by protecting their neighbor. Faithful to the once chosen woman.

EFIM. From Efimy, blessed (Greek). Internally stable. Diligent. A man of his word, persistent in solving pre-set tasks. Fits well into the environment. But in public affairs there is not enough ambition - not very "meat-eater". And in matters of love is not very lucky.

ZAHAR. From Zechariah, the memory of the Lord (ancient Heb). Usually live with a predetermined fate. Humble and kind people. Responsive. They are disposed to partnership, to a feast. Patient at work. Those who advance the cause. Family men, but too protective of their wives.
IVAN. From John, the grace of God (dr. Heb). Good. Selfless. Hardworking, but heavy on the rise. A difficult life is an ordinary fate: a fate with potholes. Hardy, life-affirming. Keeper of customs. Calm down, "your guy." With a sly one.

IGOR. Protect the name of God (other Russian). Versatile, impetuous, but does not allow oneself to be carried away. In constant pursuit of the goal, however, it can go too far. Power shows consistently, to fame is cool, but touchy. A gentle polylover, but passion does not blind his eyes.

ILYA. From Elijah, the fortress of the Lord (heb.). Introverted natures. And at the same time, they are capable of empathy. Sober in assessments, perspicacious. Ironic, artistically many-sided, good in partnership. Love stimulates their creativity.

KIRILL. Master (Greek) Confident, able to present themselves. Very different: sociable, but in their circle; pretentious but gifted; efficient, but sometimes lazy. Passion for spectacular beauty.

KONSTANTIN. Permanent (latin). Independent and smart. Very open. They contribute to everyone and in everything, because of which they "get into history." They work with pleasure. Be attentive to relatives. The wife is pampered.
A LION. Leo (Greek). Self-sufficient, learned, far-sighted. Fast, decisive. Honest. Conscientious. With organizational skills. As a rule, there is not enough self-confidence in relation to a woman.

LEONID. Like a lion (Greek). Usually broad nature. With solid inner core. Accessible, unpretentious. Intelligent, perceptive. Loving, "gourmet lovers." They are attentive and affectionate with children, but their family, alas, is not always durable.

MAKSIM. Great (latin). Mature, with a variety of abilities. They are well aware of their capabilities. If concentrated, then very successful in society. Husband early. Life line - ascent. Feed weakness to the weaker sex.

MATVEY. From Matthew, given from the Lord (heb). Omnipotent and omnipresent. Deliver a lot of trouble, but with ideas, with fantasies: interesting. Rely on intuition, and even at random. If they work, they achieve highest heights. They are not arrogant, they avoid vanity, although they are extremely self-confident. They are very amorous, but they do not cheat on their wife.

MICHAEL. Who is like God (heb.). Most are charming, not stupid. Multifaceted. Instinctive, intuitive. They deny themselves a lot in order to achieve the goal. Lonely in a group. In public they are happy, but in their hearts they suffer. Many are good husbands and fathers.
NIKITA. Victorious (Greek). Gifted, first among equals. With a tenacious memory. Practical but impatient. Usually with the highest performance. Easily accessible, follow the homespun truth. There are difficulties and failures with the family.

NIKOLAY. The victory of the people (Greek). Internally stable natures. "Psychologists". Conservative in their beliefs. Smart, capable of extraordinary solutions. They rely on their strength. They can be trusted with your concerns. Silent, comfortable in everyday life.

OLEG. Light (Scandinavian). Controversial but restrained. Intelligent. Predisposed to variety. Always doubting. However, they themselves are stubborn in their opinions. sociable. All kinds of excessive hobbies interfere with a career.

PAUL. Small (Latin). With a difficult character, but, as a rule, they are easy to communicate with. They are inventive in their work, but they are rarely satisfied with it. Truth, beauty, goodness and usefulness are valued above all. Jealous, but forgiving.

PETER. Stone (Greek). Wise ones. Convinced. They grow up early. Independent. Truthful. They are overactive and unnecessarily active: often power is their passion. Strive to achieve perfection. Difficulty experiencing the collapse of illusions.
PLATO. Broad-shouldered (Greek). Folk thinker, wandering thoughts. An independent personality: "leading" and never "followed", has a great influence on people. An informal leader, a teacher, communication with him is a doping of kindness: if it doesn’t help, then it will console. At the very same - the rise, then the fall.

PROKHOR. Leading the singing (Greek). Demanding, straight to the goal, can succeed, influence. He does not notice the little things, he does everything big. However, captivating. Always committed to something. With a broken line of life. A slave of passions in youth - I am sure that "wine is given to us for joy", with age - a good old man.

NOVEL. Roman (Latin). Reliable. Acquiring an ideal, they persistently go to it, and in that they are an ultimatum. Convinced. Surprising. Circumstances have little effect on them, to the extent that they are their own among strangers. They love sweet food and good drinks. In women - in price.

RUSLAN. Lion (Turks). Firmament: fair, but quick to make categorical decisions. Aimed forward. By nature they are conflicting, explosive, although they do not show their addictions. Respectful. Respectful to elders.

SAVVA. Elder (Aramaic). Wine (Other Hebrew). Ryazan man with a southern temperament. Drinking is not stupid but beautiful. Talented, scattered, going backwards. A broad-minded and extraordinary acting inventive sage. Everything is taken to heart. Treats people without prejudice. There is no regret for what was lost.
SERGEI. Tall, venerable, goblin. Restless, but quiet. Attached to friends. Very attentive, sympathetic to other people's concerns. Painfully looking for an answer to the eternal question: why do we live? Usually, ideal husbands and fathers.

STANISLAV. Become glorious (Polish). Usually unbalanced. Nerves are a tight string. Irritable, but compliant. Responsive, such a character gives rise to life difficulties. Unlucky, mistakes haunt them. In youth they are amorous, but no further than flirting. Their weakness is beautiful women.

STEPAN. From Stefan, crown, crown (Greek). Willful and inspiring. Reflective. Original, hardy, trustingly wasteful on inventions, not staying long at one job and not burdening himself with things. Uncle-godfather-educator. Can drown in love.

TIMOTHEY. Worshiping God (Greek). Fair, righteous. Modest, thoughtful, thorough. Craftsman, with imagination and artistic taste. Perhaps circumstances are stronger than Timothy, and he has to do what he does not want to do. He is gentle with women, cherishes his wife, cherishes.

TIKHON. Lucky (Greek). Quiet, does not live in a lie, without self-praise. Peaceful - always strives to get around an acute angle, but not out of timidity. Thoughtful, doubtful. Respectful to other people's opinions. Appreciates calmness; in family life, an adherent of the useful rules of Domostroy.
FEDOR. From Theodore, God's gift (Greek). Rarely are they satisfied with life circumstances. Feelings are kept inside. Philosophical. Usually with the character "not a gift": by themselves, it happens, they are outraged. In the company they are noticeable, in the family - childish saints.

YURI. Creator (Slavs). Relying only on his own strength. Can drive himself and others. Usually makes good money, but will not become a billionaire. Vulnerable, worried: he is always in some kind of danger - either from mother nature, or from people. He loves earthly, peasant love.

YAKOV. from Jacob, a hesitant, follows someone, (dr, Heb). Fate strives to give him a surprise, often not the best. Smart, cunning. Every now and then steps fall out of his social ladder. Far-sighted, anticipating events. The Jacobs are allegedly indifferent to the female sex.

YAROSLAV. Bright glory (Slavs). Brightly individual, talented, ambitious. All his life he knows himself. Passionate, passionate. Yaroslav - cabin boy of romance and risk. Plays with fire, awakens interest. Hard to contain pride. He loves either the first, or the last, or one ...

Female modern names

ALEXANDRA. Help, reliable (Greek). Lively. Restless and restless. Always near. Usually the character is similar to that of a man. life path: "tomboy" - "business woman". In society and in the family, she is so active that, alas, she does not always have enough strength for tenderness.

ALLA. Another (gothic). Bright, "invincible". Not like everyone else. Energetic. Looking up, inspiring-rally. Catchy, beautiful, does not spare men. Marriages, however, often don't work out. Her passion is taking care of her mother.

ANASTASIA. Resurrected (Greek). Usually natures are complex, contradictory. Proud, strict and persistent. Crafty and attractive. Changeable and elusive. Years go by: yesterday's "ugly duckling" becomes and remains a seductive woman.

ANNA. Merciful (dr. Heb). Annushki-sudarushkas, truthful, internally uncompromising. Restrained-passionate, "failures" are rare. In work conscientious, thorough. With people's devotion, to self-forgetfulness. Kind and gentle with little ones.

ANTONINA. Spacious (Latin). Responsive. Trusting. They know how to support in word and deed, money. They like to cry, to relieve the soul, but they tactfully keep their worries to themselves. Well built, with soft lines, lyrical, but suddenly, out of the blue, they can get carried away and take them away.

ANFISA. Blooming (Greek). Independent, expressive. Freedom-loving, even self-willed. From childhood, with its difficult character, it copes with difficulty. Strives to become the "head of the family." He does not forgive change.

VALENTINA. Strong (latin). Nurse. Frankly. Direct. Verna. Friendly. Not as pretty as damn cute. Sensual. Dreaming of eternal love. AT public life- always looking for something new.

BARBARA. Cruel (Latin). "Barbarian", going to justice, to goodness, to the light - although he is one of those who lay softly, but sleep hard. Immediately attracts attention, majestic. Sustained, but with difficulty maintains emotional balance. Unaccommodating, often disagrees with the majority. The betrothed chooses meticulously. Longevity.

VASILISSA. Royal (Greek). Idol. Difficult to comprehend, adamant, leading. Carrying fate, generously bestowing. It is good to cooperate with her, but it is difficult to compete: she does not want to be second. May be offended when her advice is not followed. Not stable in behavior. Her actions are often incomprehensible to others. Circumstances favor her, but this should not be abused.

VERA. Vera (other Russian). Smart, kind, warm. Diligent, appreciate order. Honest, helpful. Reaching for the sublime. Sometimes - losers. And still: " unexpected joy"is a frequent visitor.

VICTORIA. Winner (Latin) Temperamental. Usually stubborn. In work with laziness, but has an outstanding taste. Athletic, with the posture of a champion, photogenic. Likes to be the center of attention. Allows himself extravagance. It is dangerous for men: it always gives the impression that she is passionate about another ...

GALINA. Clarity (Greek). Open. Usually aspiring to a higher goal. Collected, but able to quickly relax. Sometimes - "masterful pannochki". Very graceful, always in sight - can lure into the pool. The houses are affectionate, cozy, calm, but demanding.

GLAFIR. Smooth (Greek). "Peahen". Good. Artful. Heartbroken. Curious, insatiable. Brought up with good manners. Carefully presents himself, suffers from the "shout of fashion." Smart prefer beautiful. Unfortunately, in dating is not always picky. Indulgent towards rivals. Likes to cook, can make happy.

DARIA. Great fire (Persian). With a choleric temperament, with strong quickly arising feelings, but not reckless. In work, creativity can go far. Arouse interest. Artistic. Burning, burning in their "flame" is a pleasure. Nevertheless, homebodies are sometimes quiet.

EUGENE. Noble (Greek). As a rule, they are firmly convinced that they know everything well and not without reason: they rely on common sense. In any situation - like a fish in water. Prominent, personable. Demanding, like to restore justice. Their own in their circle, a loved one will never be denied support. All their lives young and hot.

CATHERINE. True hope, eternally pure (Greek). "People's lady". Her natural determination comes from talent, reasonable frugality and wasteful generosity. At the same time Katya is a woman Have a good mood: both native and earthly.

ELENA. Solar (Greek). Uplifting, inspiring. Attractive, alluring. Fabulous, creating joy. With great inner charm. With a personal view of the world. Many are ready to do anything for her. Baby diapers and dishes are not in the foreground.

ELIZABETH. Honoring God (dr. Heb). Betrayed. Condescending. Don't argue about tastes. Subject to stress, although holding up well. Relies on intuition and is often deceived. Delicate and feminine, sentimental. Love love in love.

ZINAIDA. Divine (Greek). Original, self-affirming, with a constant desire for superiority: what is called, with character. In the company - "Empress". With outstanding and refined taste. The mind is intoxicating: the rumor is that most of the men suffered from Zinaida.

ZOYA. Life (Greek). There are no monotonous Zoyas. The character has an amazing combination of extremes: hardness and softness, coldness and tenderness. They are different: one loves being looked after, the other makes an appointment herself, others even prefer cinema. They always pay attention to Zoya, her bewitching look will stop.

INNA. Stormy stream (Greek). Intelligent. Citizen. Easily hurt. It's not easy for her parents. The martyr from her character, from her inner disharmony, comes to tears. Capable of unexpected things. Wasted on spectacularly good deeds. Wherever Inna lives, she always has something of the flavor of St. Petersburg.
IRINA. World (Greek). Almost always selflessly loving caring mother, faithful wife. Patience to the point of sacrifice. The thirst for peace given to her from above cannot be satisfied in any way. AT Everyday life something like Figaro. Never, even with age, does not lose its attractiveness.

KIRA. Lady (Greek) Usually closed nature. Aristocrat: knows his own worth. Proud and determined, sometimes conceited, up to pride. No matter how old she is, she is the “lord-child”: sometimes and suddenly the feminine principle takes over the mind. As a rule, with the figure of a stewardess, bright-eyed, such men are afraid - they prefer to admire from afar.

CLAUDIA. From Claudius, lame (latin. Mostly hardworking, patient ascetics. All loved ones are always under their affectionate, caring wing. Claudia believes: "Family is Life."

KSENIYA. Wanderer (Greek). Attractive. Sociable. Embarrassed. Usually with unstable temperament, restless. Nevertheless conscientious, can do any job. Generous to people. In personal life, they are usually demanding, jealous.

LARIS. Seagull (Greek). Freedom-loving. Expressive, attractive. "Sweet woman". This is how poetry is written. Highly impressionable. Demanding, scrupulous to the point of creating problems for others and herself. Life without them would be insipid.
LYDIA. From Lydia - areas in Asia Minor (Greek). The character is complex, secretive. Has a masculine mindset. Bold and strong-willed. Independent, true. Very unusual in creative self-manifestation. They can bewitch and become an eternally loving wife. Carelessness with it is risky.

LOVE. Love (other Russian). Lyubasha. Expressive look: the top of the triad Faith - Hope - Love. A little frivolous, vulnerable, she herself needs affection. Compliant, compliant, without reproach. She loves to work, everything is arguable in her hands. Good, but not always lucky in life. Internally stable, pious.

LYUDMILA. Dear people (Slavs). Caring, forgiving. Educator, zealot of morality. Knows how to correctly assess their capabilities and is slightly crafty. A sane, almost irreproachable hostess. Usually surrounded by friends. Devoted to a loved one, jealous. The desire to please sometimes harms her.

MARGARET. Pearl (Greek). Dreamy and tender. Honest and disinterested. Compassionate. With an easy character for relatives and friends and difficult for himself. Intelligent. They value their independence very much. Mysterious. They dare to give up the object of their passion.

MARINA. Marine (Latin). Often - the minion of fate. Impatient and impulsive. It can make things big. With imagination, free, does not know what to do in a moment. Always under siege by fans. In the soul - cherishes the only one.
MARIA. Bitter, stubbornness, superiority (heb). Helpers. Follow the truth. Fair. Sincere and benevolent in judgments. We are ready to stand up for those and others, for society. They know how to endure. Their fate confirms that to live life is not a field to cross.

MARFA. Mentor (Aramaic). Very diverse in character and behavior. Capable of the most unexpected things. Usually they know how to foresee and command. They can adequately condemn their own mistake, and this helps them to carry along. Focused on the family, affectionate to parents and children.

HOPE. Hope (other Russian). Hardworking. Diverse in behavior. Uncontrollable and active in everything. Inventive from natural looseness and some adventurism. They are tough and demanding. They do not accept effeminacy and cowardice. True to this word, reliable. They love unconditionally.

NATALIYA. Natural, native (latin). Feminine and soft. Lyrical and shy. Ardent and condescending. Outwardly frivolous, in difficult situations, unexpectedly independent. Dreamer to the loss of a sense of reality. Loved and loves. Born mom.

NINA. From Nin - the capital of Assyria (cargo). She is self-significant, values ​​herself, and this helps out in circumstances that are confused around her. Often she drives herself into overload. Sometimes - brings salvation, sometimes - completely rejects. In youth, almost always - in the upper corner " love triangle", with age - the subject of male worship.
OKSANA. From Xenia, wanderer (Ukr). With a strong character. Firm. Majestic, Madonna. Incendiary and eccentric. Fashionista. She likes to "walk on her own" - there is something in her from evil spirits. Hospitable to the extreme. Passion cannot be extinguished - they say that this name goes either burning black-haired or fiery red.

OLGA. Light (Scandinavian). "Worthy is", independent. Stubborn, in eternal problems. The sovereign in her environment is the "princess". Dangerous in anger, but her personal devotion is worthy of high compliments. She has: suffering - from love, love - from suffering. However, oddly enough, in youth it is different: light, with a madness.

PAULINE. From Pavlik (Greek). Friend. A crystal clear woman in a dark cherry shawl. The wild flower is the beauty of the province. And the Russian spirit keeps in the capitals. Weakness adorns her femininity. All life - all in chores. Her care lasts for two generations. In his youth, he is a broken woman, does not lose his youthfulness over the years, and therefore, in old age, he adores youth.

RAISA. Light (Greek). Equal in communication with loved ones. Assiduous, practical, scrupulous in work. Everyday, without complexes. Razors don't walk on a razor's edge, but they can. Neutralize emerging conflicts. The family has good housewives. In love - dispelling sadness.

RIMMA. From Rome (Latin). Rare woman. It absorbed "the virtues and vices of the East and West." Not equivalent in relationships. Her holiday - with anguish. If she is attached to someone, she is passionate and tender.
RUFINA. Redhead (Greek). "Mercury": pulsating, one in the morning, another in the evening. Sharply starting, tireless and ... forever unsatisfied to the end. He lives at a pace, with a constant craving for what is not, In desires, he can cross the line. With men, he keeps himself like this: if I want, not one can resist. At the same time, she is strict with herself and never believes that anyone is to blame for mistakes, but not me.

SVETLANA. Light (glory). Happiness is in Svetlana herself: fate is inconsistent towards her. Usually grows up beautiful. "Field Marshal in a skirt". Accurate, but in life are rarely arranged. They love old tart wine. They have a contrasting character. They are devoted to their husbands, but they can "stumble".

SERAPHIM. Fiery (ancient Hebrew). Good by yourself. Capable, impulsive, unrestrained. Very picky. Always insist on their own. They value their reputation. They are financially independent, stand firmly on their feet, and are democratic. They know how to like.

SOFIA. Wisdom (Greek). with the rich vitality. Knowing. Righteous. Healthy. They are drawn to confession. By nature, judges who bring help and healing. They can hurt, but a person will become stronger. Usually chosen and blessed by their husbands. Mother of Faith, Hope, Love - traditions are transmitted through them.

TAISIA. From "Goddess of fertility" (another Egyptian). Brilliant, seductive girl. Chatterbox - laughter. Filled with attention. Comfortable with children. She feeds and clothes, scolds and caresses, she teaches life: she is a mother - she is always right. Brilliant, seductive woman.
TAMARA. From "date palm" (heb.). Dvuedina, Tamara has an innate struggle between desires and possibilities. Proud, confident. Always up to date, socialite. She cares about everything, she always has money. In serious thoughts they are anxious; alone with yourself - easy in magical dreams. The image of the Lermontov queen always hovers over her.

TATIANA. Lady (Greek). Loyalty combined with self-esteem are the traits of Tatyana's character. Meeting them is always reassuring. Deceit and evil are not accepted. A strict performer of her own, given herself, aspirations. Sometimes Tatyana is a martyr from the circumstances of fate, but still in Moscow ... "on Tatyana's day, all the students are drunk."

ULYANA. From Julian (latin). Fair, collected, adheres to strict rules. Steep Mordyukovskaya femininity merged with this name: he will stop a galloping horse. They joke juicy, figuratively, purposefully: sharply and cleansingly. At the same time, she is shy, she experiences troubles deeply, in herself. Hard worker, "Vladimir heavy truck". He is lucky on himself and the yard, and a large family, and husband's love. Worthy of admiration.

FAINA. Appearing, shining (Greek). Whirlwind, temperamental, demanding. Beautiful. The forces of charms, desires and passions are merged in them: they themselves suffer from their "talented bitchiness". In fact, they are tolerant and kind. Their hearts always beat irregularly. Sometimes sad. There are usually many children in the family who are loved, pitied, but they are kept in extraordinary severity.

JULIA. From Julius, wavy, fluffy (Greek). Mobile, noticeable, going up the stairs. In some way restless. A child of love, surrounded by worship from childhood and accepts it with dignity. A talented bohemian, with a twist, is trying to achieve universal recognition, but the elders give way. Egoza goat with graceful sharp horns. Beckons, and ... leaves.

(for example, Zemfira / Zemfira), or write us a request in the comments box at the very end of the page. We will give a translation of even the rarest name.


Abbas (Gabbas)- is of Arabic origin and in translation means "gloomy, severe."

Abdel-Aziz (Abdulaziz, Abdul-Aziz) - Arabic name, in translation meaning "slave of the Mighty". Along with other names formed by adding the particle “abd” to one of the names of Allah, it is one of the noble ones among Muslims.

Abdullah (Abdul, Gabdullah, Abdullah)- translated from Arabic means "slave of Allah." According to one of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.), is best name, since it emphasizes that its owner is a slave of the Lord of the worlds.

Abdul-Kadir (Abdul-Kadir, Abdulkadir, Abdulkadir, Abdukadyr)- Arabic name, which in translation means "slave of the Mighty" or "slave of the Possessing absolute power."

Abdul-Karim (Abdulkarim, Abdukarim)- Arabic name, translated as "slave of the Generous" and meaning that its bearer is a slave of Allah, Possessing unlimited generosity.

Abdul-Malik (Abdulmalik, Abdumalik)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "slave of the Lord or Lord of all things."

Abdul-Hamid (Abdulhamid, Abdulhamit)- Arabic name, which in translation means "slave of the Worthy of Praise", i.e. its bearer is a slave of the Lord of the worlds, Worthy of praise.

Abdurauf (Gabdrauf, Abdrauf)- Arabic name, the literal meaning of which is "the servant of the Condescending in relation to His creations."

Abdurrahman (Abdurrahman, Gabdrahman, Abdrahman)- an Arabic name, which in translation means “slave of the Merciful” and emphasizes that its bearer is a slave of the Lord, Possessing unlimited mercy. According to the hadith, one of the best names.

Abdurrahim (Abdurahim, Abdrahim, Gabdrahim)- Arabic name, translated meaning "slave of the Merciful". This name emphasizes that a person is a servant of the Lord, and therefore is considered one of the noble names in Islam.

Abdurashid (Abdrashit, Gabdrashit)- Arabic name, translated as "slave of the Guide to the path of truth."

Abdusamad (Abdusamat)- an Arabic name indicating that its bearer is a “slave of the Self-sufficient”, that is, a slave of the Lord, who does not need anything or anyone.

Abid (Gabit)- Arabic name, which translates as "performing ibadat (worship)" or "worshiping Allah."

Abrar- Turkic name meaning "pious".

Abu- Arabic name, the translation of which is "father".

Abu Bakr (Abubakar)- Arabic name, which means "father of chastity." The bearer of this name was the closest associate of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) and the first righteous caliph - Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (r.a.).

Abutalib (Abu Talib)- Arabic name, translated as "father in search of knowledge" or "father of Talib." The famous bearer of this name was the uncle of the Prophet (S.G.V.), in whose house the young Muhammad received a good upbringing.

Agzam- Arabic name meaning "high".

Agil (Agil)- Arabic name, translated as "smart".

Aglyam (Eglyam, Aglyamzyan, Aglyamdzhan)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "owner a large number knowledge".

Adam- Arabic name, which translates as "man." The bearer of this name was the first vicar of Allah and the first person on Earth - the Prophet Adam (AS).

Adele (Adil,Gadel, Adelsha, Gadelsha)- Arabic name, translated means "fair", "making fair decisions"

Adgam (Adygam, Adham, Adigam)- Tatar name, meaning "swarthy, dark."

Adip (Adib)- Arabic name, which translates as "educated", "polite".

Adnan- Arabic name, translated means "founder", "founder".

Azamat- Arabic name, translated as "warrior, knight."

Azat- Persian name, the meaning of which is "free", "free".

Aziz (Azis, Gaziz)- Arabic name, translated means "dear, mighty." One of the names of Allah.

Azim (Azyim, Gazim)- Arabic name, meaning "great", "possessing greatness." Included in the list of names of the Almighty.

Aiz (Ais)- Arabic name, which translates as "calling the Almighty."

Aish (Agish)- Arabic name, meaning "living".

Aibat- Arabic name, translated means "respectful", "worthy", "authoritative".

Aivar- Turkic name, translated as "lunar", "like a month".

Aidan (Aidun)- Turkic name with the meaning of either "strength", "power", or "radiance from the moon". Also found among the Irish, translated from Old Gaelic - "fire".

Aydar (Ayder)- Turkic name, meaning "like the moon", "a person with the features of the month."

Ainur- Turkic-Tatar name, which translates as "moonlight", "light emanating from the moon."

Airat- a Turkic name of Mongolian origin, meaning "dear" in translation.

Akmal (Akmal)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "the most perfect", "ideal", "devoid of any shortcomings."

Akram- Arabic name, translated meaning "generous", "possessing generosity."

Alan- Turkic-Tatar name, which can be translated as "fragrant like flowers in a meadow."

Ali (Gali) Arabic name meaning "exalted". It is one of the most common names in Islam, since its bearer was one of the closest associates of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.), he is also his cousin and son-in-law - the fourth righteous caliph Ali ibn Abu Talib.

Aliascar (Galiascar)- Arabic name, consisting of two parts - Ali and Askar. It translates as "great warrior".

Alim (Galim)- Arabic name, translated meaning "scientist", "knowing".

Alif (Galif)- Arabic name with the meaning "assistant", "comrade". This name was also given to the firstborn, since the letter "Alif" is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet.

Diamond (Almas, Elmas)- Turkic name, derived from the name of a precious stone.

Altan- Turkic name, which translates as "scarlet dawn". This name was given to children with scarlet cheeks.

Altynbek- Turkic name, the literal meaning of which is "golden prince". This name was given to representatives of the nobility.

Albert (Albir)- name ancient Germanic origin which is popular among the Turkic peoples. Its meaning is "noble brilliance".

Almir (Ilmir, Elmir)- Tatar name, which means "ruler", "leader".

Alfir (Ilfir)- Arabic name, translated as "exalted".

Alfred (Alfried)- a name of English origin, popular among the Turkic peoples. Means "mind, wisdom".

Alyautdin (Alauddin, Aladdin, Galyautdin)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "the sublimity of faith."

aman- Arabic name, translated as "strong", "healthy". Parents gave this name to their children, hoping that they would grow up strong and healthy.

Amin (Emin)- Arabic name meaning "honest", "faithful", "reliable".

Amir (Emir)- Arabic name, the semantic meaning of which is "head of the emirate", "ruler", "ruler", "leader".

Amirkhan (Emirkhan)- Turkic name meaning "chief ruler".

Ammar (Amar)- Arabic name, translated as "prosperous."

Anas- Arabic name, translated means "joyful", "cheerful".

Anvar (Anver, Enver)- Arabic name, which can be translated by the word "glowing" or the phrase "radiating a lot of light."

Anise- Arabic name meaning "friendly", "affable".

Ansar (Ensar, Insar)- Arabic name with the meaning "fellow traveler", "assistant", "companion". During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Muslims who helped the Muhajirs from Mecca, who moved to Medina, were called Ansar.

Arafat- Arabic name, which arose in honor of the mountain in Mecca with the same name. This mountain is very significant in the life of Muslims.

Arif (Garif, Garip)- Arabic name meaning "possessor of knowledge". In Sufism - "the owner of secret knowledge."

Arslan (Aryslan, Aslan)- Turkic name, its direct translation is "lion".

Arthur- Celtic name, popular with the Tatar people. It translates as "mighty bear".

Assad- Arabic name meaning "lion".

Asadullah- Arabic name, translated meaning "lion of Allah."

Asaf- Arabic name, translated as "dreamy."

Asgat (Askhad, Askhat)- Arabic name, translated meaning "the happiest", "the happiest."

Askar (Asker)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "warrior", "warrior", fighter".

Atik (Gatik)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "free from hellish torment." The first righteous caliph Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (r.a.) also bore this name, who, even during his lifetime, was delighted with the news of entering Paradise.

Ahad (Ahat)- Arabic name meaning "only", "unique".

Ahmed (Ahmad, Ahmat, Ahmet)- Arabic name, translated as "praised", "commendable". One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.)

Ahsan (Aksan)- Arabic name, translated meaning "the best."

Ayub (Ayub, Ayup)- Arabic name with the semantic meaning "repentant." The bearer of this name was the Prophet Ayyub (AS).

Ayaz (Ayas)- Turkic name meaning "clear", "cloudless".


Bagautdin (Bakhautdin, Bagavutdin)- Arabic name, which in translation means "radiance of faith", "light of faith".

Baghdasar- Turkic name meaning "light of rays".

Bagheer (Bahir)- Tatar name meaning "radiant", "shining".

Badr (Batr)- Arabic name, translated as "full moon."

Bayram (Bayram)- Turkic name, in translation meaning "holiday".

Bakir (Bekir)- Arabic name with the meaning "studying", "receiving knowledge".

Bari (Barium)- Arabic name, which is translated by the word "Creator". It is one of the 99 names of Allah.

Barrak (Barak)- Arabic name meaning "blessed".

Basyr (Basir)- Arabic name, which translates as "all-seeing", "seeing absolutely everything." Included in the list of names of Allah.

Batyr (Batur)- Turkic name, means "hero", "warrior", "hero".

Bahruz (Bahroz)- Persian name, the meaning of which is "happy."

Bakhtiyar- Persian name meaning "happy friend". Gained wide popularity among the Turkic peoples.

Bashar (Bashshar)- Arabic name, which translates as "man."

Bashir- Arabic name with a semantic meaning "foreshadowing joy."

Bayazit (Bayazid, Bayazet)- Turkic name, in translation meaning "father of the superior." This name was very popular in the ruling dynasty of the Ottoman Empire.

Beck- Turkic name, means "prince", "prince", "high dignitary".

Bikbulat (Bekbolat, Bekbulat, Bikbolat)- Turkic name, which can be translated as "strong steel".

Bilal (Bilal, Belal)- Arabic name, translated meaning "alive". It was worn by one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) and in the history of Islam - Bilal ibn Rafah.

Bulat (Bolat)- Turkic name, means "steel".

Bulut (Bulyut, Bulut)- Turkic name, which translates as "cloud".

Beetroot- Turkic name, in translation meaning "brilliant".

Burkhan (Burgan)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "honesty", "reliability".


Vagiz (Vagis)- Arabic name, which translates as "mentor", "teacher".

Wazir- Arabic name, translated meaning "minister", "vizier", "noble".

Vakil (Vakil)- Arabic name with the meaning "patron", "ruler". One of the names of the Almighty.

Wali (Wali)- Arabic male name, which can be translated by the word "guardian", "trustee". Included in the list of names of the Lord in Islam.

Valiulla- Arabic name, means "close to God", "close to Allah."

Walid (Walid)- Arabic name, translated meaning "child", "child", "boy".

Waris (Waris)- Arabic name, literally translated as "successor", "heir".

Vasil (Wasil, Vasil)- Arabic name, the semantic meaning of which is "coming".

Watan (Watan) is the Arabic word for home.

Vafi (Vafiy, Vafa)- an Arabic name that means " true to word”, “reliable”, “keeping his word”.

Waheet (Wahid, Waheed)- Arabic name, translated meaning "the only one." Consists of 99 names of Allah.

Wahhab (Wagap, Wahab)- Arabic name, which can be translated by the word "giver". One of the names of the Almighty.

wildan- Arabic name, means "servant of Paradise."

Volkan- Turkic designation of the word "volcano".

Vusal- Persian name, which translates as "meeting", "date".


Gabbas (Abbas, Gappas)- Arabic name, translated meaning "gloomy", "severe".

Gabdullah (Abdullah)- Arabic name, which translates as "slave of Allah." According to one of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.), is the best possible name.

Gabid (Gabit)- Arabic name meaning "worshipper".

Gadel (Gadil)- see the meaning of the name.

Gadzhi (Hadzhi, Hodzhi)- Arabic name, means "performing a pilgrimage."

Ghazi (Gezi)- Arabic name, which translates as "conqueror".

Gaziz (Aziz)- Arabic name, which in translation means "mighty", "dear". One of the names of Allah.

Gaisa (Isa)- Hebrew and Arabic name. An analogue of the name Jesus, the bearer of which was one of the prophets of the Most High.

Gali- see the meaning of the name.

Galiascar (Galiasker)- Arabic name, which is composed of two roots: "Gali" (great) + "Askar" (warrior).

Ghalib (Galip)- Arabic name semantic translation- "victorious", "victorious".

Galim- see the meaning of the name.

Gamal (Amal, Gamil)- Arabic name, which in translation means "working", "hardworking".

Gamzat (Gamza)- a name derived from the Arabic name Hamza and meaning "agile".

Gani (Ganiy)- Arabic name, translated as "rich", "possessor of untold wealth." Represents one of the names of Allah.

Garay (Girey)- Turkic-Tatar name, which came from the ruling Tatar dynasty Girey. In translation, it means "powerful", "strong".

Garif (Arif)- Arabic name, the translation of which is “possessor of knowledge”, “knowing”.

Garifulla (Arifulla)- Arabic name, can be translated as "knowing about Allah."

Gasan (Gassan)- a name derived from the name Hassan and meaning "good."

Gafur- Arabic name, which translates as "forgiving." This is one of the names of the Almighty.

Gayaz (Gayaz, Gayas)- an Arabic name that has several similar meanings: "assistant", "comrade", "saving".

Gaillard (Gaillard)- Arabic name meaning "courageous", "brave", "brave".

Homer (Gumer)- Arabic name, translated as "human life."

Gumar- a name derived from Umar. That was the name of the second righteous caliph Umar ibn Khattab (r.a.).

Gurban (Gorban)- see the meaning of the name.

Hussein (Husain)- the name, derived from Hussein, means "beautiful", "good".

Guzman (Gosman)- variety of the name Usman. Its bearer was the third righteous Caliph.


Davlet (Davletsha, Devlet)- Arabic name, translated meaning "state", "empire", "power".

Davud (Davyd, Davut)- see the meaning of the name Daud.

Dalil (Dalil)- Arabic name, translated as "guide", "pointing the way", "guide".

Damil (Damil)- Persian name, the literal meaning of which is "trap". This name was given to boys in the hope that the child would live long, and that a trap was prepared for his death.

Damir (Demir)- Turkic name, which in translation means "iron", "steel". This name was given to children in the hope that they would grow up strong and strong. Some also interpret this name as an abbreviated version of the phrase "Give the world revolution!"

Danil (Danil)- Arabic name with the meaning "gift of God", " close person to God."

Danis (Danish)- Persian name, which translates as "knowledge." Parents gave it in the hope that their child would become a very smart and educated person in the future.

Daniyar (Diniyar)- Persian name meaning "smart", "knowing", "educated".

Darius- Persian male name, which translates as "sea". The famous Persian emperor Darius, who lost the war to Alexander the Great, was the owner of this name.

Daud (Davud, Davyd, Daut)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "possessing", "beloved". That was the name of one of the messengers of Allah - the Prophet Daud (David, a.s.), the father of the Prophet Suleiman (Solomon, a.s.).

Dayan (Dian)- Arabic name, in translation meaning "repaying his creations according to merit", "highest judge". This name is one of the 99 names of Allah.

Demir- see the meaning of the name Damir.

Demirel (Demirel)- Turkic name, translated as "iron hand".

Jabbar (Jabbar)- Arabic name, which carries the meaning of "subordinating to one's will." One of the names of the Almighty.

Jabir (Jabir)- Arabic name, translated as "comforting."

Jabrail (Jabrail, Jibril)- Arabic name, which means "the power of God." The owner of this name is the angel Jabrail (Gabriel), who is considered the highest angel. It was the angel Jabrail who was the mediator between the Lord of the worlds and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) at the moments when the revelations of Allah were sent down.

Javad (Jawat, Javid)- Arabic name, meaning "a person with a broad soul", "possessing generosity."

Jagfar (Jakfar, Yagfar, Jafar)- Arabic name, which translates as "source", "key", "spring", "stream".

Jalil (Jalil, Filled)- Arabic name with the translation of the meaning "authoritative", "respected", "revered".

Jalal (Jalal, Zalal)- Arabic name, translated as "greatness", "supremacy", "supremacy".

Jamal (Jamal, Jemal, Jamal)- Arabic name, meaning "perfection", "ideal".

Jamaletdin (Jamalutdin, Jamaluddin)- Arabic name, which means "perfection of religion."

Dzhambulat (Dzhanbulat, Dzhambolat)- Arab-Turkic name, translated as "strong soul."

Jamil (Jamil, Jamil, Jamil, Zyamil)- Arabic name, which means "beautiful", "beautiful".

Jannur (Zinnur)- Turkic name, which translates as "shining soul."

Jaudat- see the meaning of the name.

Jihangir (Jigangir)- Persian name, in translation meaning "conqueror", "conqueror of the world", "master of the world." That was the name of the youngest son of Sultan Suleiman Kanuni.

Dilovar (Dilavar, Dilyaver)- Persian name, translated as "courageous", "fearless", "brave".

Dinar- Arabic name, which translates as "gold coin", in this case - "precious". Dinar serves as the official currency of a number of Arab states, such as Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, etc.

Dinislam- Arabic name formed by combining two words: "Din" ("religion") and "Islam" ("Islam", "obedience to God").

Dinmukhamed (Dinmukhammed)- Arabic name, which in translation means "the religion of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.)".


Jalil(Stung) - see the meaning of the name.

Jamal- see the meaning of the name.

Zhaudat (Javdat, Javdat, Jaudat, Dzhevdet, Zaudat)- Arabic name, which in translation means "superior", "generous".


Zabir- Arabic name, translated as "solid", "strong", "strong".

Zagid (Zagit)- Arabic name meaning "pious", "holy".

Zagir- Arabic name, which means "shining", "shining", "bright".

Zaid (Zeid)- Arabic name, the semantic translation of which is “gift”, “gift”.

Zaydulla (Zeydulla)- Arabic name, translated as "gift of Allah", "gift of the Almighty."

Zainulla (Zeynulla)- Arabic name, which means "decoration of the Almighty."

Zakaria (Zakharia, Zakarya)- ancient Jewish name, bearing the meaning of "always remembering God." One of the Lord's vicegerents on Earth had this name - Prophet Zakaria (AS), who was the father of the Prophet Yahya (John, AS) and the uncle of Maryam, the mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ, AS).

Zaki (Zaki)- Arabic name meaning "wise", "capable", "gifted".

Zakir- Arabic name, which is translated in the meaning of "praising the Almighty", "giving praise to Allah."

Zalim- Arabic name, which means "cruel", "despot", "tyrant".

For peace- Arabic name, translated as "conscientious", "honest".

Zarif (Zarip)- Arabic name meaning "attractive", "refined".

Zahid (Zahit)- Arabic name, which translates as "modest", "ascetic".

Zelimkhan (Zalimkhan)- see the meaning of the name.

Zinnat- Arabic name, translated meaning "decoration", "beautiful", "magnificent".

Zinnatulla (Zinatulla)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "the decoration of the Almighty."

Zinnur- Arabic name, the semantic interpretation of which is “radiant”, “bright”, “illuminating”.

Ziyad (Ziat)- Arabic name meaning "growth", "multiplication", "increase".

Ziyaddin (Ziyaddin)- Arabic name with a semantic meaning "multiplying religion", "spreading religion".

Zubair (Zubair)- Arabic name meaning "strong".

Zulfat (Zolfat)- Arabic name, which is translated by the adjective "curly". Usually so called boys who were born with curly hair.

Zufar (Zofar)- Arabic name, which in translation means "conquering", "winning".


Ibad (Ibat, Gibat)- Arabic name, which translates as "slave." In this case, it is understood that the bearer of this name is a slave of the Supreme Lord.

Ibrahim (Ibrahim)- Hebrew-Arabic name, means "father of peoples." That was the name of one of the greatest messengers of Allah - the Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.), known and under biblical name Abraham. It should be noted that the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was the forefather of the Jewish and Arab peoples, for which he was called the "father of peoples."

Idris- Arabic name, translated meaning "diligent", "enlightened". One of the first prophets in the history of mankind, the Prophet Idris (AS), had this name.

Ishmael- see the meaning of the name Ismail

Ikram- Arabic name, which in translation means "respect", "respect", "authority".

Ilgam (Ilham, Ilgam)- Arabic name with the meaning "inspired", "inspired".

Ilgiz (Ilgis, Ilgiz)- Persian name, translated as "wandering", "traveler".

Ilgizar (Ilgizar)- Persian name, the meaning of which is "a person who travels."

Ildan (Ildan)- Tatar-Persian name, translated meaning "glorifying his country."

Ildar (Ildar, Eldar)- this Tatar-Persian name contains the meaning of “master of his country”, “a person who has a homeland”.

Ildus (Ildus)- Tatar-Persian name, meaning "loving his country."

Ilnaz (Ilnaz, Ilnas)- Tatar-Persian name with the meaning "caressing his country."

Ilnar (Ilnar, Elnar)- Tatar-Persian name, which translates as "flame of the people", "fire of the state."

Ilnur (Ilnur, Elnur)- Tatar-Persian name, meaning "radiance of the people."

Ilsaf (Ilsaf)- Tatar-Persian name with a sense meaning "purity of the people."

Ilsiyar (Ilsiyar)- Tatar-Persian name, means "loving his people", "loving his country."

Ilsur (Ilsur)- Tatar-Persian name, which translates as "hero of his country", "hero of his people."

Ilfar (Ilfar)- Tatar-Persian name, which in translation means "beacon of its people."

Ilfat (Ilfat)- Tatar-Persian name, meaning "friend of his country", "friend of his people."

Ilshat (Ilshat)- Tatar-Persian name, meaning "joy for one's country", "joy for one's people".

Ilyas- Hebrew-Arabic name, which in translation means "the power of God." It was possessed by one of the prophets of the Almighty Ilyas (Elijah, a.s.).

Ilyus- Tatar name, translated meaning "grow, my country", "prosper, my people."

Imam- Arabic name, translated as "standing in front." In Islam, imams are called believers who are primates during the performance of a collective prayer. In Shiism, the imam is the supreme ruler, the head of spiritual and secular power.

Imamali (Imamgali, Emomali)- Arabic name formed by combining two words: "Imam" (spiritual leader, primate) and the name Ali. This name is very popular among Shiite Muslims, who have a cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) - Ali ibn Abu Talib (Imam Ali) is considered the most revered person after the Prophet himself (S.G.V.).

iman- Arabic name, which translates as "faith", "iman". They named the boy in the hope that in the future he would become a sincere believer.

Imanali (Imangali)- Arabic name meaning "Ali's faith".

Imran (Emran, Gimran)- Arabic name, which is translated by the word "life". It is mentioned in the Koran: in particular, the third sura is called.

Inal- Turkic name, which contains the meaning of "a person of noble origin", "a descendant of the ruler."

Ingham (Inham)- Arabic name, which translates as "gifting", "gifting".

Insaf- Arabic name, which means "modest", "educated", "fair".

Intizar (Intisar)- Arabic name meaning "long-awaited child." Accordingly, they were named long-awaited children.

Irek (Irek)- Tatar name, which in translation means "free", "free", "independent".

Irfan (Girfan, Khirfan)- Persian name, which translates as "enlightened", "educated".

Irkhan (Erkhan, Girkhan)- Persian name meaning "courageous khan".

Irshat- Arabic name, the semantic interpretation of which is "instructing on the true path."

Isa- see the meaning of the name.

Iskander (Iskandar) - ancient Greek name meaning "winner". This name (Iskander Zulkarnay) in the Muslim world was called the great commander Alexander the Great.

Islam (Islam)- Arabic name, derived from the name of the religion of Islam. The word "Islam" itself translates as "obedience to Allah."

Ismail (Ismail, Ismagil, Ismail)- Arabic name, which means "God hears everything." One of God's vicars had this name - Prophet Ismail (AS), the eldest son of the forefather of the peoples of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS). It is believed that it was from the Prophet Ismail (pbuh) that the Arab people went and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was his descendant.

Ismat (Ismet)- Arabic name, translated as "protection", "support".

Israfil (Israfil)- Arabic name, the translation of which is “warrior”, “fighter”. This is the name of one of the greatest angels of Allah - the angel Israfil (AS), whose main function is to announce the coming of the Day of Judgment.

Ishaq (Isaac)- Hebrew-Arabic name, translated as "joyful", "joyful". It was worn by one of the messengers of the Almighty - the Prophet Ishak (AS), the son of the forefather of the peoples of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS). It is believed that it was from the Prophet Ishaq (a.s.) that Jewish people and all subsequent prophets, with the exception of Muhammad (s.g.v.), were his descendants.

Ikhlas (Ihlyas)- Arabic name, which translates as "sincere", "honest". One of the suras Holy Quran called .

Ihsan (Ehsan)- Arabic name meaning "kind", "merciful", "helping".


Kabir (Kabir)- Arabic name, which translates as "big", "huge". Included in the list of names of the Almighty.

Kavy (Kaviy)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "powerful", "strong". It is one of the names of Allah.

Kadi (Kadi)- see the meaning of the name Kazi.

Kadim- Arabic name, which in translation means "ancient", "old".

Kadir (Kedir)- Arabic name, which translates as "possessing power." It is one of the names of the Lord of the worlds in Islam.

Kazbek (Kazibek)- an Arab-Turkic name formed by adding two names: Kazi (judge) and Bek (master, prince).

Kazi (Kazy)- Arabic name, the translation of the meaning of which is "judge". As a rule, judges dealing with Sharia affairs are called qazis.

Kazim- Arabic name, which translates as "restrained", "patient", "holding anger in himself."

Kamal (Kamal, Kemal)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is expressed by the words "perfection", "ideal", "maturity".

Camille (Camille)- Arabic name, which in translation means "perfect", "ideal".

Kamran- Persian name meaning "strong", "powerful", "powerful".

Karam- Arabic name, translated as "generosity", "generosity".

Kari (Kariy)- Arabic name, which in translation means "a reader who knows the Koran", "hafiz of the Koran".

Caribbean (Carip)- Arabic name meaning "close", "approximate".

Karim (Karym)- Arabic name, which translates as "generous", "a person with a broad soul."

Karimulla (Karymulla)- Arabic name, means "the generosity of the Almighty", "the nobility of Allah."

Kasym (Kasim, Kasim)- Arabic name, translated meaning "distributing", "dividing", "distributing".

Kausar (Kavsar, Kyausar)- Arabic name, which translates as "abundance." Kausar is the name of a stream in Paradise.

Kafi (Kafii)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "quick", "capable".

Qayum (Qayum)- Arabic name, meaning "supporting life", "eternal". It is one of the 99 names of the Almighty.

Kemal- see the meaning of the name Kamal.

Kiram- Arabic name, which translates as "sincere", "sincere".

Qiyam (Qiyam)- Arabic name, in translation meaning "resurrected", "risen".

Kudrat (Kodrat)- Arabic name, translated as "strength", "power".

Kurban (Korban)- Arabic name, which translates as "sacrifice", "sacrifice". In this case, a sacrifice to Allah is meant.

Kurbanali (Korbanali)- a name composed by adding two Arabic names: Kurban ("sacrifice") and Ali.

Kutdus (Kuddus, Kotdus)- Arabic name, the meaning of which can be represented by the epithet "free from any shortcomings." One of the names of the Lord of the worlds among Muslims.

Qiyam- see the meaning of the name Qiyam.


Latif (Latif, Latip, Latif)- Arabic name, translated meaning "understanding", "treating with understanding." It is one of the names of the Almighty.

Lenar (Linar) - Russian name, formed from the phrase "Lenin's army". Similar names became popular in the Soviet years.

Lenur (Linur)- Russian name, representing the abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin established the revolution." It appeared in Soviet times.

Lukman (Lokman)- Arabic name, which in translation means "caring", "showing care". That was the name of one of the righteous men mentioned in the Qur'an.

Loot (Lot)- a Hebrew name, the owner of which was the Prophet Lut (AS), sent to the people of the Sadum tribe, also known as Sodom and Gomorrah.

Laziz (Laziz)- Arabic name, translated meaning "delicious", "sweet".


Mawlid (Maulid, Maulit, Mavlit, Mavlut, Mevlut)- Arabic name, which literally translates as "Birthday". As a rule, this word refers to the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.).

Magdi (Magdi, Mahdi)- Arabic name meaning "walking on the path indicated by the Almighty."

Magomed (Mohammed)- see the meaning of the name Muhammad.

Majid (Majit, Majid, Mazhit, Mazit)- Arabic name, which translates as "glorified." Included in the names of the Creator.

Maksud (Maksut)- Arabic name, which in translation means "aspiration", "goal", "intention".

Malik (Myalik)- Arabic name meaning "ruler", "ruler". It is one of the names of the Almighty.

Mansour (Mansor)- Arabic name, translated means "winner", "celebrating victory."

Marat- a French name that became common among the Tatars after the October Revolution. This name was borne by one of the leaders of the French Revolution - Jean Paul Marat.

Mardan- Persian name, which translates as "hero", "hero", "hero".

Marlene- Russian name formed by adding the surnames Marx and Lenin.

Mars- Latin name. In ancient Roman mythology, Mars is the god of war.

Marseille (Marsil)- a French name that became widespread among the Tatars after the 1917 revolution in honor of one of the leaders of the labor movement in France, Marcel Cachin.

Masgud (Masgut, Maskhut)- Arabic name, translated meaning "happy."

Mahdi- see the meaning of the name Magdi

Mahmud (Mahmut)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is expressed by the words "praised", "worthy of praise." It is one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.).

Mehmed (Mehmet)- Turkic name, analogue of the name Mahmud. This name is very popular in modern Turkey.

mihran- Persian name meaning "merciful", "hearty".

Midhat (Mithat, Midhad)- Arabic name, translated as "glorification", "praise".

Minle (Minne, Mini, Min)- a word that means "with a mole." Often found as part of complex Tatar names. Previously, children who were born with a mole were given a name with the particle "Minle", as there was a belief that the presence of a mole is fortunate. It also happened that if a mole was discovered after the child was given a name, it was changed to a name with this particle, or simply added to an existing one. For example: Minakhmat (Min + Ahmat), Mingali (Min + Gali), Minnehan (Minne + Khan), Minnehanif (Minne + Hanif).

Mirza (Murza, Mirza)- Persian name meaning "high dignitary", "master", "representative of the nobility".

Muaz (Mugaz)- Arabic name, which means "protected" in translation.

Muammar (Muammar, Mugammar)- Arabic name, translated meaning "a person who is destined for a long life."

Mubarak (Mobarak, Mubaraksha)- Arabic name, translated as "sacred."

Mubin- Arabic name, the semantic translation of which is "capable of distinguishing truth from lies."

Mugalim (Mualim, Mugallim)- Arabic name, which in translation means "teacher", "mentor".

Mudaris- Arabic name meaning "a person teaching lessons", "teacher".

Muzaffar (Muzaffar, Mozaffar)- Arabic name, translated meaning "a warrior who wins victories."

Muqaddas (Moqaddas)- Arabic name, translated as "pure", "pious".

Mullah- Arabic name meaning "preacher", "educated in matters of religion". Often found in complex names both at the beginning of the name and at the end.

Mullanur- Arabic name, formed by adding the words "mullah" (preacher) and "nur" ("light").

Munir- Arabic name, translated meaning "radiating light", "shining".

Murad (Murat)- Arabic name, which translates as "desired." It is very popular in the Turkic states and regions.

Murza- see the meaning of the name Mirza.

Murtaza- Arabic name, translated meaning "chosen", "beloved".

Musa- Arabic name, the meaning of which expresses the word "child". Also given name interpreted as "drawn from the sea." One of the greatest prophets and messengers of Allah was called Musa (AS), also known as Moses, who led the people of Israel out of Egypt and saved them from the oppression of the Pharaoh.

Muslim- Arabic name, which in translation means "follower of Islam", "Muslim".

Mustafa (Mostafa)- Arabic name, translated as "chosen", "best". This is one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.).

Muhammad (Muhammed, Muhamet, Muhammet)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "praised". The owner of this name was the best of the people who ever inhabited the planet - the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.). Today it is one of the most popular names in the world.

Muharram (Muharlyam, Muharryam)- Arabic name, which translates as "forbidden". Muharram is the name of the first month of the Muslim lunar calendar.

Mukhlis (Mokhlis)- Arabic name, the semantic meaning of which is "a real, sincere friend."

Muhsin- Arabic name, translated as "a person who helps others."

Mukhtar (Mokhtar)- Arabic name meaning "chosen one", "chosen one".


Nabi (Nabi)- Arabic name meaning "prophet". Nabis in Islam are called all the prophets of Allah, including the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.).

Navruz (Nauruz)- Persian name, which translates as "the first day of the year." Navruz is a holiday of the spring equinox, celebrated in a number of Muslim states.

Naked (Nahim)- Arabic name meaning "happiness", "well-being".

Najib (Najib, Najip, Najip)- see the meaning of the name Nazip.

Nadir (Nadir)- Arabic name, which means "rare", "one of a kind", "unique".

Nazar- a name of Arabic origin, the meaning of which is “far-sighted”, “looking far ahead”.

Nazim (Nazim, Naziym)- Arabic name, translated as "constructing", "building".

Nazip (Nazib)- Arabic name meaning "a person of noble origin", "precious".

Nazir (Nazir)- Arabic name, which translates as "notifying", "warning", "observing".

Nazif (Nazif)- Arabic name with the meaning "pure", "immaculate".

Nail (Nail)- Arabic name, translated meaning "gift", "gift", "a person worthy of a gift."

Nariman- Persian name, which in translation carries the meaning of "strong in spirit", "a person with a strong-willed character."

Nasreddin (Nasrutdin)- Arabic name, means "helping religion", "helping religion".

Nasrullah (Nasrallah)- Arabic name, translated as "help of Allah."

Nasyr (Nasser)- Arabic name meaning "assistant", "comrade".

Nafig (Nafik)- Arabic name, translated meaning "benefit", "benefit", "profit".

Nafis (Nefis)- Arabic name, the meaning of which can be expressed by the words "graceful", "beautiful".

Nizami- Arabic name, which translates as "disciplined", "educated".

Nihat- Arabic name, the semantic translation of which is "the last child." This name was given to the boy, who, as the parents planned, was to be the last.

Niyaz (Niyas)- Arabic name, translated as "need", "necessity", "desire".

Nur- Arabic name meaning "light", "radiance".

Nurgali (Nurali)- Arabic compound name from the word "light" and the name Ali.

Nurjan (Nurzhan)- Persian name, which literally means "radiant soul."

Nurislam- Arabic name, which in translation will sound like "the radiance of Islam."

Nurmuhammet (Nurmukhamet, Nurmuhammad)- Arabic name, meaning "light emanating from Muhammad."

Nursultan (Nursoltan)- Arabic name, which translates as "shining ruler", "shining sultan".

Nurulla- Arabic name, translated means "the light of Allah", "the radiance of the Almighty."

Nuh- Hebrew-Arabic name. Its bearer was the Prophet Nuh (AS), also known as Noah.


Olan (Alan)- Celtic name, which translates as "harmony", "consent".

Omer (Omar)- Turkic analogue of the name Umar (see meaning).

Oraz (Uraz)- Turkic name meaning "happy", "rich".

Orhan- Turkic name, the translation of the meaning of which is “commander”, “commander”.

Osman (Gosman)- Turkic analogue of the name Usman (see him). The owner of this name was the founder of the great Ottoman Empire - Osman I.


Parviz (Parvaz, Perviz)- Persian name, which in translation from Farsi sounds like “takeoff”, “ascent”.

pash a - Perso-Turkic name, which is an abbreviated version of the name Padishah, meaning "sovereign". In the Ottoman Empire, only officials closest to the Sultan had the title "pasha".


Ravil (Ravil)- Arabic name, translated means "spring sun". Also, this name is interpreted as "wandering", "traveler".

Ragib- see the meaning of the name Rakip.

Rajab (Rejep, Razyap)- Arabic name given to boys who were born in the seventh month according to Muslim lunar calendar month of Rajab.

Radik- a name of Greek origin, which gained popularity among the Tatars in the last century. It translates as "sunshine".

radif- Arabic name, translated meaning "satellite", "located nearby." It is also interpreted as "going behind everyone." This name was given to boys who were planned as the last child in the family.

Razzak (Razak)- Arabic name meaning "giving blessings." Is one of the .

Razil (Razil)- Arabic name, which translates as "chosen", "consonant".

Rail (Rail)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "founder", "founder".

Rais (Reis)- Arabic name with the meaning "chairman", "head", "leader".

Raif- Arabic name, translated as “showing pity for others”, “merciful”, “compassionate”.

Rayhan (Reyhan)- Arabic name, which in translation means "bliss", "pleasure".

Rakib (Rakip)- Arabic name meaning "watchman", "guard", "guardian".

Ramadan (Ramadan, Ramzan, Rabadan) is a popular Arabic name usually given to boys born during holy month obligatory fasting of Muslims Ramadan.

Ramzil (Ramzi, Ramzi)- Arabic name meaning "having a sign", "symbol".

Ramis (Ramiz)- Arabic name, in translation it means "a sign symbolizing something good."

Ramil (Ramil)- Arabic name, translated as "wonderful", "magic".

Rasil (Razil)- Arabic name, which means "representative".

Rasim (Rasym, Resim)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “creating pictures”, “artist”.

Rasit (Razit)- Persian name, in translation meaning "reached maturity", "adult".

Rasul (Rasul)- Arabic name, which translates as "messenger", "sent". Messengers in Islam are the prophets to whom the Holy Scriptures were revealed. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is also the Messenger of Allah, since the Noble Quran was revealed to him.

Rauf- Arabic name meaning "indulgent", "kind-hearted". One of the names of Allah.

Raushan (Ravshan, Rushan)- Persian name, the meaning of which is "radiant", "shining".

Rafael (Raphael)- Hebrew name, which translates as "healed by God." AT Holy Scripture Jews - Taurate (Torah) mentions the angel Raphael.

Rafik- Arabic name, which means "friend", "comrade", "friend".

Rafis- Arabic name, translated meaning "outstanding", "famous".

Rafkat (Rafkat, Rafhat)- Arabic name meaning "majesty".

Rahim- Arabic name, translated means "merciful." Included in the list of 99 names of the Supreme Creator.

Rahman- Arabic name, which translates as "merciful." It is one of the most frequently used names of the Almighty.

Rahmatullah- Arabic name, meaning "the mercy of the Almighty."

Rashad (Rashat, Rushad)- Arabic name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the words "truth", "right path".

Rashid (Rashit)- Arabic name, translated meaning "moving along the right path." It is used among the names of the Lord of the worlds in Islam.

Ryan (Ryan)- Arabic name, translated as "comprehensively developed."

Renat (Rinat)- a name popular with the Tatars and composed by adding the words: "revolution", "science" and "labor". Appeared in Tatar families after the 1917 revolution.

Ref (Reef)- a name formed from the first letters of the phrase "revolutionary front". So some Tatars began to call their children in the post-revolutionary period.

Refnur (Rifnur)- a name formed by adding the first letters of the phrase "revolutionary front" and the Arabic word "nur" (light). The name appeared among the Tatars in the Soviet years.

Riza (Reza)- Arabic name, which translates as "consonant", "satisfied", "satisfied".

Rizvan (Rezvan)- Arabic name meaning "spiritual joy." This is the name of the angel who guards the gates of Paradise.

Rome- a name composed by adding the first letters of the phrase "revolution and peace". It appeared among the Tatars after the October Revolution.

Rifat (Refat, Rifgat)- Arabic name, which carries the meaning of "climbing up."

Rifkat (Refkat)- Arabic name meaning "blessed".

Rishat (Rishad)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "moving straight."

Robert- English name, endowed with the meaning "grand glory." The Tatars appeared in the middle of the last century.

Rudolf (Rudolf)- German name meaning "glorious wolf". In Tatar families, this name began to appear after the revolution.

Ruzal (Ruzal)- Persian name, often translated as "happy."

Ruslan- Slavic name popular with the Tatars. Descended from Turkic name Arslan (Leo).

Rustam (Rustem)- Persian name meaning "big man". In ancient Persian art - a hero, a hero.

Rufat- a name modified from the Arabic Rifat. It means "occupying a high position."

Rushan- see the meaning of the name Raushan.

Hi all! I wonder if many married ladies wear engagement/wedding rings?
I wore, probably, the first month. I can't stand it - some kind of yellow, wide. And for me, all these attributes do not mean anything.
Moreover, I can’t remember if my friends, acquaintances wear these attributes. Never paid attention.


To live well!

Our city is just now hosting an annual trade show, which is easier to call just a fair. By the way. the most cozy and familiar Russian fair has German roots and comes from Jahr-year and Markt-market, bazaar.
I invite you to walk around the German province in the rain, where are we without it

This announcement in the children's pavilion made my day_ "Please. Don't forget to pick up the kids!"



It's about mother-in-law and sister-in-law. I was very tired of annoying visits to our dacha without an invitation and living there for a month or two. It would be nice if we had common points of contact, there was something to talk about, or at least some family relations but everything is silent.

The mother-in-law comes as if to her home, hangs up her towels, plants and digs trees at her own discretion, brings some odorous fertilizers, in general, everything is "as I like it." You can’t leave a child with her, there is no trust, since she is “wonderful” - she can leave a five-year-old child alone at home, and go away on business herself, I haven’t heard about hygiene: hands with nails are always black, she doesn’t wash her hands after the toilet, all the dishes after her in greasy and sticky spots. It's so nasty girls!

According to the first, I tried to build a respectful relationship: I invited me into the house, set the table, gave expensive wine to drink, but in a conversation I heard that the cutlets were a bit dry and I myself was still that bitch! And I decided that we should not sit at the same table with her. It can be seen that I cannot save my family, no matter how much I would like to. I'm not ready for such impudent visits to my country house.

We live in the city in my apartment: me, husband, 5-year-old daughter. The husband built the house. I want to hear opinions on what I can do in this situation so that I no longer get upset. I can’t sleep for two nights. He doesn’t call and doesn’t even pick up the phone when his husband calls him).

I am not interested in being a poor relative, especially since I have a good position and I earn normally. I can theoretically rent a dacha in the suburbs myself, but it's so insulting that I generally do everything myself. And I myself take the child to the sea, because he is sorry for the money - there is a village, And now they have occupied it.

Next week, the sister-in-law sends her children to us .. So that they can live there for another month .. I will tell you that the house is not made of rubber, and we all won’t fit there even if I step over my disgust to the slovenliness of my mother-in-law ...


Fairy just Fairy

Many letters.
Sasha and Dasha met as students, were friends for 4 years, got married. She said that you shouldn’t get married right away, so who would listen ((
The problem was Dasha. More precisely, not a problem, a person just had to be allowed to live independently, and only then build his family. Her mother has big, big bells and whistles, she crushed Dasha when Sasha introduced us to her, the first impression is a thin, thin sprout that is just emerging from the ground. She would have to live at least a year without her mother, just one, but love is carrots, they ran to the registry office.
After the wedding, they combined the premarital, bought a three-ruble note in a new building, got pregnant, that's like live and be happy. After the birth, a paragraph began ((((Sasha from a family with the model "dad is a breadwinner, mom is a keeper of the hearth", and mom's Dasha, who transferred her own cockroaches to family life daughters, instead of helping a daily lecture that a good wife has her husband's dirty socks washed on the same day and for the husband there should always be the first, second and compote. Sasha's brain was inserted, he began to actively help Dasha, and the mother-in-law began to come only in his presence, but it was too late,
It ended sadly. When Andryushka was 9 months old, Dasha had a breakdown. At the next scandal, she jumped out of the house in one dressing gown at 3 o'clock in the morning and left. Thanks to her friend, she took her away, but I had to call an ambulance, emergency hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Dasha stayed in the PND for almost half a year, was discharged, and never returned to her family. She moved to a metropolis, got a job, after 2 years she got married a second time, gave birth to a daughter. She was widowed during pregnancy, inherited her husband's business, now everything is in order with her. She began to communicate with her son as soon as she was discharged from the hospital.
Sasha also got married. Nadia is a little older, her first marriage broke up due to her infertility, she was purposefully looking for a man with children. She accepted Andryushka as her own, adopted a common one.
When Sasha filed for a divorce, she said that determine the place of residence of the child with you, but again, who would listen ((
Andryushka is happy with everything, he calls both mothers. He is almost 7 and is going to school this year. There is mother Nadia, who is always with him, father and adored younger brother, father and mother promise to buy a sister. And mother-holiday Dasha, who takes her for the weekend and on all sorts of trips to the seas and oceans, plus her beloved little sister too.
The problem is - Dasha decided that Andryushka should be taken away. Sasha and her family live in a small town, she lives in the regional center and wants to send her to a good school. Sasha, of course, categorically does not want to give up his son.
Sane people, while everything is quiet and peaceful, but the scandal is brewing.
The question is what is best for the child? Leave dad in the family or give it to mom, where will there be more opportunities for education?


Maria Sukhova

Girls, talkative topic)

I have a friend, in December she underwent a complex paid operation, she was on sick leave for a long time. She went to work in April, and after 1.5 months they were sent on unpaid leave. She found new job from 1.07. But apparently it is difficult to live financially, although she does not complain and does not ask.

Her parents did not offer her financial assistance, although they have such an opportunity. She has both a grandmother and a grandfather, and a sister, and aunts and uncles and their children (cousins). Everyone lives normally. Although if a friend asked, she would be helped. I offered her help, she thanked and said that she would probably apply in July, because. The first salary will be in August.

Moreover, yesterday she met ex-husband and he also offered her himself, knowing about her difficulties (they have normal relations). She did not take it, she also left it as a last resort. We chatted with a friend about this topic. But this just a pretty good example of this It's not about a friend and her family.

Do your relatives offer help without your request? Do you yourself offer help to your relatives without their request? In what situations?


Hi all! I wonder if many married ladies wear engagement/wedding rings?
I wore, probably, the first month. I can't stand it - some kind of yellow, wide. And for me, all these attributes do not mean anything.
Moreover, I can’t remember if my friends, acquaintances wear these attributes. Never paid attention.


To live well!

Our city is just now hosting an annual trade show, which is easier to call just a fair. By the way. the most cozy and familiar Russian fair has German roots and comes from Jahr-year and Markt-market, bazaar.
I invite you to walk around the German province in the rain, where are we without it

This announcement in the children's pavilion made my day_ "Please. Don't forget to pick up the kids!"



It's about mother-in-law and sister-in-law. I was very tired of annoying visits to our dacha without an invitation and living there for a month or two. It would be nice if we had common points of contact, there was something to talk about or at least some kindred relationship, but everything is deaf there.

The mother-in-law comes as if to her home, hangs up her towels, plants and digs trees at her own discretion, brings some odorous fertilizers, in general, everything is "as I like it." You can’t leave a child with her, there is no trust, since she is “wonderful” - she can leave a five-year-old child alone at home, and go away on business herself, I haven’t heard about hygiene: hands with nails are always black, she doesn’t wash her hands after the toilet, all the dishes after her in greasy and sticky spots. It's so nasty girls!

According to the first, I tried to build a respectful relationship: I invited me into the house, set the table, gave expensive wine to drink, but in a conversation I heard that the cutlets were a bit dry and I myself was still that bitch! And I decided that we should not sit at the same table with her. It can be seen that I cannot save my family, no matter how much I would like to. I'm not ready for such impudent visits to my country house.

We live in the city in my apartment: me, husband, 5-year-old daughter. The husband built the house. I want to hear opinions on what I can do in this situation so that I no longer get upset. I can’t sleep for two nights. He doesn’t call and doesn’t even pick up the phone when his husband calls him).

I am not interested in being a poor relative, especially since I have a good position and I earn normally. I can theoretically rent a dacha in the suburbs myself, but it's so insulting that I generally do everything myself. And I myself take the child to the sea, because he is sorry for the money - there is a village, And now they have occupied it.

Next week, the sister-in-law sends her children to us .. So that they can live there for another month .. I will tell you that the house is not made of rubber, and we all won’t fit there even if I step over my disgust to the slovenliness of my mother-in-law ...


Fairy just Fairy

Many letters.
Sasha and Dasha met as students, were friends for 4 years, got married. She said that you shouldn’t get married right away, so who would listen ((
The problem was Dasha. More precisely, not a problem, a person just had to be allowed to live independently, and only then build his family. Her mother has big, big bells and whistles, she crushed Dasha when Sasha introduced us to her, the first impression is a thin, thin sprout that is just emerging from the ground. She would have to live at least a year without her mother, just one, but love is carrots, they ran to the registry office.
After the wedding, they combined the premarital, bought a three-ruble note in a new building, got pregnant, that's like live and be happy. After the birth, a paragraph began ((((Sasha from a family with the model "dad is a breadwinner, mom is a keeper of the hearth", and mom's Dasha, who transferred her own cockroaches to her daughter's family life, instead of helping, a daily lecture that a good wife has her husband's dirty socks are washed on the same day and for the husband there should always be first, second and compote. Sasha's brain was inserted, he began to actively help Dasha and the mother-in-law began to come only in his presence, but it was too late,
It ended sadly. When Andryushka was 9 months old, Dasha had a breakdown. At the next scandal, she jumped out of the house in one dressing gown at 3 o'clock in the morning and left. Thanks to her friend, she took her away, but I had to call an ambulance, emergency hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Dasha stayed in the PND for almost half a year, was discharged, and never returned to her family. She moved to a metropolis, got a job, after 2 years she got married a second time, gave birth to a daughter. She was widowed during pregnancy, inherited her husband's business, now everything is in order with her. She began to communicate with her son as soon as she was discharged from the hospital.
Sasha also got married. Nadia is a little older, her first marriage broke up due to her infertility, she was purposefully looking for a man with children. She accepted Andryushka as her own, adopted a common one.
When Sasha filed for a divorce, she said that determine the place of residence of the child with you, but again, who would listen ((
Andryushka is happy with everything, he calls both mothers. He is almost 7 and is going to school this year. There is mother Nadia, who is always with him, father and adored younger brother, father and mother promise to buy a sister. And mother-holiday Dasha, who takes her for the weekend and on all sorts of trips to the seas and oceans, plus her beloved little sister too.
The problem is - Dasha decided that Andryushka should be taken away. Sasha and her family live in a small town, she lives in the regional center and wants to send her to a good school. Sasha, of course, categorically does not want to give up his son.
Sane people, while everything is quiet and peaceful, but the scandal is brewing.
The question is what is best for the child? Leave dad in the family or give it to mom, where will there be more opportunities for education?


Maria Sukhova

Girls, talkative topic)

I have a friend, in December she underwent a complex paid operation, she was on sick leave for a long time. She went to work in April, and after 1.5 months they were sent on unpaid leave. She found a new job from 1.07. But apparently it is difficult to live financially, although she does not complain and does not ask.

Her parents did not offer her financial assistance, although they have such an opportunity. She has both a grandmother and a grandfather, and a sister, and aunts and uncles and their children (cousins). Everyone lives normally. Although if a friend asked, she would be helped. I offered her help, she thanked and said that she would probably apply in July, because. The first salary will be in August.

Moreover, yesterday she met her ex-husband and he also proposed to her, knowing about her difficulties (they have normal relations). She did not take it, she also left it as a last resort. We chatted with a friend about this topic. But this just a pretty good example of this It's not about a friend and her family.

Do your relatives offer help without your request? Do you yourself offer help to your relatives without their request? In what situations?

148 NAME: Tatiana
FLOOR: feminine
TRANSLATION: The name Tatiana (old Tatiana) comes from the Latin `Tatius` - the name of the Sabine king. Sabines - Italic tribes, some of which lived on the hills of Rome. According to another version, the name Tatyana is of ancient Greek origin, from the word `tatto` - to establish, determine. The name means organizer, founder, mistress, establishing, set, appointed. The name is bright, good and beautiful, although not very brilliant and outstanding. It assumes in its bearer a large and courageous personality. Modest attention and colorful expressiveness are combined in this sound. The name is emotional and firm. There is a certain determination and self-confidence in it - as if the sound of (TA-) soft, but (-THYA-) distinct (-NA) steps is heard. In the 18th century. Tatyana were three percent of peasant women and only one - noblewomen. In 1961-1970. 12-14% of girls received this name (in 1981 in Moscow - 5%, in the countryside - 8%).
NAME DAYS: Tatiana of Rome, virgin, deaconess, martyr, January 25 (12). She was born into a noble Roman family. Her father was elected consul three times. He was a secret Christian and raised a daughter devoted to God and. churches. Having reached adulthood, Tatyana did not marry, but gave all her strength to the church. She was made a deaconess in one of the Roman churches and served God, caring for the sick in fasting and prayer and helping those in need. Under Emperor Severus, Tatyana was captured. She was brought to the temple of Apollo to sacrifice to an idol. She prayed - and suddenly there was an earthquake. The idol was blown to pieces, and part of the temple collapsed and crushed the priests and pagans. The demon, who lived in the idol, fled with a cry - everyone saw a shadow sweeping through the air. After cruel tortures, the executioners gouged out Tatyana's eyes, but she endured and prayed for her tormentors. The Lord heeded her prayer - and a Voice was heard from heaven addressed to the martyr. Then eight executioners believed in Christ and fell at the feet of Tatiana, asking them to forgive their sins. They were executed, and the saint was again tortured. She was stripped naked, beaten, and then they began to cut her body with blades. But instead of blood, milk flowed from the wounds and a fragrance spread in the air. She came to court the next morning completely healthy and even more radiant and beautiful than before. The amazed tormentors led Tatyana to the temple of the goddess Diana so that she would sacrifice to this goddess. But Tatyana crossed herself and began to pray. And suddenly there was a deafening thunderclap - and lightning incinerated the idol and the priests. The martyr was again subjected to cruel tortures. And again, the angels of God appeared to her in prison and healed her wounds. The next day, Tatyana was taken to the circus and a hungry lion was released on her. But the lion did not touch the saint and began meekly licking her feet. Tatyana was thrown into the fire, but the fire did not harm the martyr either. When all the tortures were exhausted, she was executed.
ZODIAC NAME: Capricorn.
NAME COLOR: Crimson, blue, intense red, a combination of gray-lilac with rose-red, brown, red. Warm shades of yellow are most favorable.
VIBRATION: 100,000 fps.
TALISMAN STONE: Ruby, heliodor, tiger's eye.
PLANT: Elm, clover, blueberry.
ANIMAL: Gopher, lynx.
FEATURES: Activity, sexuality, will, intuition.
TYPE OF: It is enough to look into Tatyana's eyes to understand what the look of our foremother Eve was like: they contain the passion of the sun's rays. Very cheeky - a real tomboy. Lies in wait for the victim, like her totem animal - a lynx. Growing up, gives the impression of a person with some kind of secret knowledge reading the book of life.
CHARACTER: Tatyana is stubborn, domineering, purposeful, does not tolerate objections, sometimes despotic. This is a very emotional, artistic person with great charm. Egocentric, not sentimental. Very subjective. The potential of the personality is colossal, but due to the properties of its character it is not always used. She prefers to be friends with men, next to whom she usually becomes softer and more feminine. Most often, Tatyana is quite sociable and sociable, although she doesn’t really consider even her relatives. Loyalty in it is combined with self-esteem. Soft romanticism and sensitivity to the order of life, striving for a harmonious dispensation, found a bright and emphasized form in Tatyana. She accurately represents what she needs in life and does not tolerate objections. The company behaves uninhibited. He knows how to get his way. In male society, she is transformed - she becomes lively, charming, flirtatious. Tatyana is not a primitive person and accepts life as it is without any illusions. Tatyana Nikolaevna is especially stubborn. Tatyana Vladimirovna is a calmer and more gifted person. Tatyana Borisovna is a caring mother, her marriage is prosperous, and Tatyana Mikhailovna is the calmest of all Tatyanas.
FATE: Tatyana is a woman who radiates light... Tanya is an emotional child, practical and principled, able to stand up for herself. But its principles largely depend on the mood. Among peers strives for leadership. It is difficult to tolerate monotony, so she attends sports sections, a choreographic circle, needlework courses. There are many boyish traits in her character. It is difficult for parents to keep track of this mobile girl, although she cannot be called naughty. It's just living costs. Sometimes Tatyana will face a difficult fate.
PSYCHE: An introvert, unaffected, has an incredible memory. Sometimes her activity develops into excessive impulsiveness and impulsiveness, which can complicate her life. Self-confidence gives her optimism. It is most favorable when Tatyana's mobility is combined with a sense of humor, which, by the way, is greatly facilitated by the general energy of the name. This allows her to avoid a good half of conflicts and misunderstandings. Her actions, as a rule, are harsh, but Tatyana does not worry about the impression they make - the result is important. Strong will, determination, combined with high susceptibility, even gullibility, do not always contribute to good relations with friends or family. But Tatyana rarely regrets anything and is not inclined to correct the consequences. He does not accept deceit and evil.
INTUITION: Tatyana is guided by clairvoyance. It anticipates, guesses, envelops you with its charm. Men are very quickly convinced of this. He considers himself to be insightful.
INTELLIGENCE: Tatyana has a sharp mind. Her sociability and activity are well above average. Intelligence is quite high, but always aimed at solving practical problems. Tatyana is too analytical. Her lynx eyes miss nothing. Thanks to prettiness and charm, not only relatives can win over to his side.
MORAL: Not too strict. It seems to her that she has the right to dispose of moral principles and change them at her discretion. Often Tatyana is drawn to a heart-to-heart conversation. She wants to open her soul, share her problems. She is not averse to sympathize with you, but if you need her assistance, then it is more logical to appeal not to her feelings, but to logic and calculation. She is unlikely to give up her interests for the sake of compassion for you.
HEALTH: Tatyana has fragile bones and a very 'impressive' stomach. You need to follow a diet and eat dinner early. Accidents in vehicles are possible. You need to watch your eyes.
SEXUALITY: Sex for Tatyana is all or nothing. Everything - when he loves. Nothing - when he does not love. A sure way to win her heart is to go on tours with her and let her know that this is your passion too. Tatyana loves to dominate in sex. In bed, she is aggressive, easily excited, takes the initiative. In the caresses of a man, he expects humility, some subordinate admiration. Sometimes it can hurt a partner. She has a very sensitive body, especially her chest and lower back. During intimacy, Tatyana seeks to please only herself. Therefore, he often sees in a partner only an instrument to satisfy his passion. Sergei, Igor, Artem, Vladimir, Nikolai, Eduard and Ivan are close to her. The most sexy Tatyana Dmitrievna.
MARRIAGE: Tatyana has a somewhat exaggerated sense of ownership, which is sometimes perceived by her as love. She tries to bend her family to her will. Therefore, in the family there is an eternal war of characters. She is usually a good housewife, although she is rarely satisfied with this one role. She should live more in the interests of loved ones, and not make scandals for no particular reason. Children are wary of her, for them she is a strict mother. Tatyana has few friends, pragmatism prevails in relations with others. She values ​​material goods more than paradise in a hut. Having arranged her life, Tatyana tries not to change it, appreciates stability and stability. If necessary, it becomes sweeping, not very shy in the means. Tatyana conquers men with caring, surrounds them with warmth and tenderness - she can be an excellent partner for those who are interested in more than just sex in her. She loves to win over strong men: Anatoly, Valery, Ivan, Oleg and Sergey. A successful marriage with Vyacheslav, Gennady, Cyril, Stanislav or Philip is unlikely.
HOBBIES: Likes to travel. She perceives music, works of art very superficially, although it happens that something affects her deeply. Knows how to cook well, keeps the apartment in exemplary order. I like rearranging furniture and updating the atmosphere in the apartment. Likes to meet new people.
FIELD OF WORK: Often Tatyana is talented, artistic. She finds the best use for her rich feelings and passions on stage. He knows how to talk and make himself listen. She is interested in medicine, especially paramedicine. Can become an experienced engineer.
BUSINESS: Tatyana lives by the principle: `Happiness of a person is in his hands`. Her active nature and great pride yearn for success and public recognition. A decisive character helps her to make a career. A strict performer of her own, self-given desire. Meeting her is always reassuring. Business acumen is amazing. Capable of doing any job. The attention of the boss especially stimulates her.
CELEBRITIES: Tanya Rostokinskaya - a robber girl, a brave owner of an entire region, was born and raised in Elizabethan times in Rostokino, a junction point on a high road, among rich estates and an impenetrable forest. And this ataman was so famous that her fame spilled onto the pages of Lyubetsky’s popular adventurous novel “Tanka, the Robber Rostokinskaya, or the Tsar’s Terema”, published in 1834, which was popular in the past. folk songs. For a long time, Tanka-atamansha walked around the outskirts of Moscow. It brought a lot of fear to the merchants. But the passion for green wine ruined the girl. Tanka, who inspired fear in the forests of `Losinka`, in the dungeons of a secret order, has perished. They took her on a drunken case in a tavern. However, the memory of her still lived among the people for a long time. Even the village of Taininskoye was called Taninsky for a long time. And the newly built water pipelines were reputed to be robber caves and lairs. Samoilov, Snezhina, Skorokhodov, Shmyg.