Personal talisman by name and surname. Find out your talisman stone by date of birth and zodiac sign and name Amulet by last name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f f h h
and y k l m n o r
with t u v x ts h w y
b y y e yu i

Determining the number of a talisman by name and surname

Numbers are continuously connected with our life. Not only numbers, but also letters or sound symbols act in conjunction with numbers and necessarily affect a person. Many examples can be given when a person's life changed dramatically after he took a different surname (or name) as a result of marriage or for other reasons. The name and its bearer influence each other. Numbers will help clarify this connection.

You need to add up all the numbers in your first and last name and thus come up with a number of one digit, which can be considered yours happy talisman.

If your talisman is number 1

Your talisman is a wonderful number: it is the beginning of all things, is part of other numbers, but is itself indivisible. If your talisman is number 1, be prepared for the fact that it will reward you with such character traits as the desire for leadership, the desire to be the best, the thirst for honor and respect. One will give your behavior generosity, pride, desire for creation, initiative, a sense of responsibility, justice.

But you should be more careful, as this number can make you close in on yourself, on your feelings, stop trusting people and come into conflict with others.

The number 1 can be correlated with the sun. Therefore, a medallion in the shape of the sun will be a good talisman, but be sure to write or scratch out a unit on its back. For a talisman, a coin worth 1 kopeck is also useful, only it should be made of yellow metal.

If your talisman is number 2

Two is a symbol of openness, emotionality, spiritual giftedness. Therefore, we can expect that this particular number will give you more friendliness, homeliness, fidelity and sensitivity.

After you choose a deuce-talisman for yourself, your rhythm of life may change. You will spend more time at home. You will constantly need someone to support your spirit, and you will become more reverent about friendship.

The deuce forces people to act only when they carefully consider and weigh everything. This is a symbol of diplomats, so if the number 2 becomes your talisman, you can be sure that when communicating with others, you will learn to bypass sharp corners and avoid misunderstandings and quarrels.

Two is the symbol of the moon. Therefore, you can use silver trinkets for the talisman, for example, a silver ring. Do not forget to engrave 2 on the outer or inner side of the ring, otherwise the talisman will not work.

If your talisman is the number 3

Three is a mysterious number. This talisman makes people optimistic, they are not afraid to make decisions and take risks, because they are sure that they will always win. The number 3 sets up its owners for a positive attitude towards themselves and others. Three attracts happiness and harmony like a magnet, so very rarely people whose talisman number 3 are unhappy.

The triple talisman gives its owner a sense of responsibility, a desire for improvement. This number is able to give a person a constant search for an ideal, an eternal desire for recognition of his merits. The troika also helps along the way, if you take a talisman with the number 3 with you on the road or go in the third car, third compartment, take third place. The journey is sure to be fun and interesting.

For a talisman, you can use an equilateral triangle. It can be a pendant or other decoration. In order for the talisman to act as a talisman against the envy of strangers, you can depict the number 3 on the talisman.

If your talisman is the number 4

The four-talisman makes people wayward and stubborn. They strive to live not according to generally accepted rules, but according to their own standards. Four is a symbol of everything new, and the owners of this talisman strive for the unknown and deny everything old. The number 4 is able to endow with non-standard thinking, interest in spiritual life and nature, independence from life circumstances.

Four makes people very sociable, they begin to love the company, they are bored and uninteresting in doing something alone.

This number is a symbol of stability and order, therefore the persons who made it their talisman are conscientious in work, mobile, sociable, very organized, they like to put everything on the shelves. Usually they have a remarkable memory and good organizational skills.

For a talisman, you can use everything that consists of four components: a cube, a parallelepiped, a square, a cross, and even a flower with four petals. In the center of the talisman, you must write the number 4. Even if you don’t have a talisman yet, but there is an important task ahead, put at least a matchbox in your pocket - it also has four corners - and you will see what a successful result will be.

If your talisman is the number 5

This number is a symbol of success and completion, so the talisman in the form of the number 5 gives people a lively and resourceful mind that allows them to find a way out of any situation. Five makes it possible to find a rational grain in every business, to take the initiative. Those whose talisman is the number 5 always strive to try their hand at rare professions. Constancy and routine work have a very bad effect on them.

The talisman in the form of a five makes its owners think quickly, be swift, and work with full dedication. The number 5 gives people the desire for knowledge, and they do not want to stop there until they feel that they are aware of the subject of interest to them on the "five plus".

This talisman attracts others to its owner, and he becomes very popular and loved in his environment. It also gives you the opportunity to get along and get along with everyone, to be curious and charming, and not to lose your individuality.

For a talisman, it is good to use a five-pointed asterisk. It can be worn around the neck as a pendant, pinned to a dress as a brooch, or simply put in a pocket. Do not forget to write the number 5 in the middle of the star, then the talisman will become doubly effective.

If your talisman is the number 6

Usually this number is the talisman of those who are loved by everyone without exception. The six not only gives them charm, but also allows you to bypass all the pitfalls in life. The talisman in the form of the number 6 allows you to achieve everything very easily, with almost no effort. The Six makes it so that the owners of this talisman are almost never left without a livelihood, at least they have enough money to satisfy their needs.

The number 6 gives those people whose talisman is a cheerful disposition and attracts friends and acquaintances to them. If you make sure that six is ​​your lucky number, be sure that after some time, when you start using this number as your talisman, you will notice: you are more lucky in those areas of life where you communicate a lot with people. Six can become a talisman of those who are very hardworking and able to devote themselves to work or study.

The symbol for the number 6 can be a six-pointed asterisk or an equilateral hexagon. Be sure to write on the talisman 6. You can draw a hexagon on paper and carry it in your wallet or pocket, then you will feel how luck smiles at you.

This talisman will help you if you have a big conversation with a teacher, parents or classmates - they will treat you fairly.

The number b is associated with the planet Venus, which, as you know, got its name in honor of the goddess of beauty, and beauties love to look at their reflection, so you can use a hexagon-shaped mirror for a talisman.

If your talisman is the number 7

unstable and somewhat magic number. If, as a result of the test, you found that this particular number is your talisman, it is safe to say that you have some unusual abilities, for example, excellent intuition or see prophetic dreams.

The number 7 does not differ in constancy, so do not be surprised if you have wind in your pockets, or bills rustle. The seven gives completely different advantages - it sets you in a mystical mood, allows you to sensitively respond to the mood of others and predict events.

People whose talisman number is 7 are usually prone to gambling. But it is not recommended to get involved in such games, since the seven will still not be able to bring good luck. But she is an excellent talisman when it comes to music competitions or problems related to the spiritual sphere.

For a talisman, you can choose a treble clef or an equilateral heptagon. You can write 7 on paper and always have this sheet with you.

If your talisman is the number 8

The number eight symbolizes infinity. If you understand that this is your lucky number You are destined to live a long, comfortable life. Some terrible troubles will not happen in it, although a very great happiness, unfortunately, will bypass you.

Eight is able to make your circle of friends close. You will meet new people, but still you will communicate more with those whom you have considered friends for a long time. And if for some reason you quarrel with them, you risk being left alone.

The figure eight talisman can also bring you material security. You will get everything with great difficulty, but you will still go towards your goal. The talisman will give your character a sober look at things, loyalty.

For a talisman, you can quite use two rings linked together. Firstly, such a talisman resembles the number 8, and secondly, it symbolizes the rings of Saturn. After all, the figure eight is a symbol of the planet Saturn.

If your talisman is the number 9

This is a symbol of the last push, when only a little bit remains before reaching the goal. Therefore, those whose lucky number is nine always occupy a dominant place in their environment. They know exactly what they want and what they strive for.

Nine helps to conquer everything on their own. This talisman gives more courage and will on the way to victory. Nine makes a person intolerant of submission, so it is rare to see people whose talisman is 9 on the sidelines - most often they are leaders and leaders.

Nine-talisman is able to give the character of a person initiative, enterprise, energy, self-confidence. However, the nine can reward too self-willed people with ruthlessness, arrogance, a contemptuous attitude towards everyone they consider below themselves.

If you figured out that your talisman is the number 9, you can use a flower with nine petals for it or just a circle with 9 written in the middle.

As the name number 1 means personality, full of energy and desire to act. It is of great benefit in actions in a momentary, immediate situation, in sudden and unexpected situations, less in planned situations. Risky activities and engaging in profitable business are categorically contraindicated. The best thing is to complete assigned tasks. The number 1 is associated with confidence in one's strengths and capabilities, such concepts as courage and bravery. But the nature of these people is more imitative than creative. They know how to earn and spend money. Rash decisions should be avoided.

How the name number 2 symbolizes a changeable nature, emotional and internal anxiety, which can bring a person to complete insecurity or even fatalism. Do not worry about trifles and all sorts of minor actions, avoid disputes and quarrels. The best success will bring joint work with friends, colleagues.

How the name number 3 symbolizes talent, versatility, gaiety, indicates science, the world of art, sports life, everything that serves as an outlet for a person, his hobby. If this person accepts helpful tips and act wisely when choosing a profession, planning his career, then this will be the path leading to success and glory.

How the name number 4 means success in scientific and technical fields especially in the industry. It symbolizes reliability and stability, conscientiousness, making friends and achieving recognition. Moreover, such a person is useful in extreme situations, in difficult conditions, when the qualities of his character and morals are revealed from the best side. This should never be underestimated.

How the name number 5 indicates spiritual freedom and independence of action. They value the acquired and accumulated experience more than outside advice. Most of all, they love travel and adventure, which pushes their mental anxiety. How effective is this energy when it is directed to everyday work! Often, the number 5 also indicates a philosophical mindset, sometimes - happy accidents with unpredictable consequences.

How the name number 6 portends success in enterprises, if only it is possible to gain the trust of others, to attract not only customers, but also followers. Often they are either politicians or high government officials. They become known in society for their scientific or philosophical views, but on the condition that their word coincides with their deeds. After all, society expects from them the implementation of what has been said. They quickly learn the truth that honesty is more fruitful than ambition, that honest efforts are not in vain, that good, good deeds will help to achieve the goal without resorting to radical methods.

How the name number 7 is fraught with the ability to direct talent into the field of science, into the world of art or philosophy, into religious activity. But the success of their activities largely depends on a deep analysis of the results already achieved and on the real planning of their future. Understanding other people, they often become leaders and teachers of the highest class. But if they decide to engage in commercial or financial affairs, then here they themselves will need outside help.

How the name number 8 favors activities in the field of significant, major affairs, foreshadowing and material wealth. Finishing successfully one business, these people are immediately taken to the next. Often benefit and benefit, both public and material success, they are brought by a passion for forgotten teachings, abandoned enterprises that have served their methods, etc. etc. But they must give up trifles and details, transferring this work to others, and themselves speaking only by and large.

How the name number 9 requires devotion to a high goal from its ward, talent and vocation, as well as a generous return of what nature has endowed him with. Since they all enjoy authority, they can be leaders, they should be guided by justice, not deviate from those lofty ideas that they proclaim. They should not be petty, resort to irreverent actions or uncharacteristic behavior, so as not to lose either the devotion or respect that they have won. For themselves, they should not demand more than they are due, and not demand from others what they are not capable of. They must humble themselves, give up excessive pride and selfishness, conceit and arrogance. And to recognize the dignity and rights of others.

How the name number 11 gives determination, strength and vitality common sense, thoroughness, which helps a person to truly rise to inspired heights. But then again everything can change, the excessive precaution or complacency of the number 2 will again disrupt the activity of the number 11 and everything will start all over again.

How the name number 22 can give rise to strong fluctuations between eccentricity and genius. Possessing the talent of an inventor or researcher, this person will also turn to the sphere of the secret, the unknown, to the still unexplored and unexplained.

In numerology, various methods of analyzing the individual traits of a person are used. The following processing is one of the simplest.

First, the number of the birthday is considered as revealing the natural characteristic of a person. It is obtained from the digits of the date of birth and is the number of the individual.

To designate developed features, they take the number of the name. For childhood, this is an incomplete name, but then it is supplanted by its form, which the person himself chooses and which is used by his neighbors. This is the development number.

If the name number continues to exist in an unchanged form, its importance is enhanced in terms of a person's career. If it is radically changed, for example, a literary or theatrical pseudonym is taken, then the new name is based on the previous calculation. In any case, it is already an acquisition number.

In some cases, the original name of a person becomes the number of development, as the number of acquisition, and in others, with the addition or omission of initials, it can cause a significant difference between them.

The vibration of vowels, which is obtained by adding the numerical value of the vowels in a person's name and reducing them to an elementary number, is the number of the main influence.

One of the numerological rules says: if the birthday number is higher than the name number, this means that this person is inclined to follow his main inclinations, which can make it difficult to develop the features of his name or the vibration number of the name. Conversely, if the number of the name is higher than the number of the birthday, then the ambition and goals expressed by this number of the name predominate in a person, so that the natural traits and inclinations of the person are directed to the circumstances of her choice. The human tendency is to set conditions rather than obey them.

Man with the same number birthday and name has the opportunity to develop an even harmonious character, the ability to easily take on all matters. But this is not particularly desirable, since the overall result of such harmonic numbers can lead to haziness and obscurity.

We are ready to draw up your complete individual numerological horoscope.

What will it include

We will calculate and analyze the values ​​of more than 20 numerological parameters, as a result you will receive your personal horoscope, which will include the following:

Description of your character, your true inner being

Features of your thinking

your strong desires

Your talents, in what area do you have the greatest abilities?

Intrinsic motivation behind your actions

Character traits that you show in dealing with other people

Opportunities and challenges of fate throughout your life

A little bit about money and finance

Brief information about health

Extreme situations - about how you best act in them

your karmic lessons

Tasks that you must solve during your life

Numbers are continuously connected with our life. Not only numbers, but also letters or sound symbols act in conjunction with numbers and are sure to influence...

You need to add up all the numbers in your first and last name and thus come to a number of one digit, which can be considered your lucky talisman.

A letter and a number that corresponds to that letter

A - 1, B - 2, C - 6, G - 3, D - 4, E - 5, F - 2, H - 7, I, Y - 1, K - 2, L - 2, M - 4, H - 5, O - 7, P - 8, R - 2, C - 3, T - 4, U - 6, F - 8, X - 5, C - 3, H - 7, W - 2, W - 9, S - 1, b - 1, E - 6, Yu - 7, I - 2



So, the number 9 can be considered the talisman of Svetlana Ivanova.

If your talisman is number 1

Your talisman is a wonderful number: it is the beginning of all things, is part of other numbers, but is itself indivisible. If your talisman is number 1, be prepared for the fact that it will reward you with such character traits as the desire for leadership, the desire to be the best, the thirst for honor and respect. One will give your behavior generosity, pride, desire for creation, initiative, a sense of responsibility, justice.

But you should be more careful, as this number can make you close in on yourself, on your feelings, stop trusting people and come into conflict with others.

The number 1 can be correlated with the sun. Therefore, a medallion in the shape of the sun will be a good talisman, but be sure to write or scratch out a unit on its back. For a talisman, a coin worth 1 kopeck is also useful, only it should be made of yellow metal.

If your talisman is number 2

Two is a symbol of openness, emotionality, spiritual giftedness. Therefore, we can expect that this particular number will give you more friendliness, homeliness, fidelity and sensitivity.

After you choose a deuce-talisman for yourself, your rhythm of life may change. You will spend more time at home. You will constantly need someone to support your spirit, and you will become more reverent about friendship.

The deuce forces people to act only when they carefully consider and weigh everything. This is a symbol of diplomats, so if the number 2 becomes your talisman, you can be sure that when communicating with others, you will learn to bypass sharp corners and avoid misunderstandings and quarrels.

Two is the symbol of the moon. Therefore, you can use silver trinkets for the talisman, for example, a silver ring. Do not forget to engrave 2 on the outer or inner side of the ring, otherwise the talisman will not work.

If your talisman is the number 3

Three is a mysterious number. This talisman makes people optimistic, they are not afraid to make decisions and take risks, because they are sure that they will always win. The number 3 sets up its owners for a positive attitude towards themselves and others. Three attracts happiness and harmony like a magnet, so very rarely people whose talisman number 3 are unhappy.

The triple talisman gives its owner a sense of responsibility, a desire for improvement. This number is able to give a person a constant search for an ideal, an eternal desire for recognition of his merits. The troika also helps along the way, if you take a talisman with the number 3 with you on the road or go in the third car, third compartment, take third place. The journey is sure to be fun and interesting.

For a talisman, you can use an equilateral triangle. It can be a pendant or other decoration. In order for the talisman to act as a talisman against the envy of strangers, you can depict the number 3 on the talisman.

If your talisman is the number 4

The four-talisman makes people wayward and stubborn. They strive to live not according to generally accepted rules, but according to their own standards. Thursday

Verka is a symbol of everything new, and the owners of this talisman strive for the unknown and deny everything old. The number 4 is able to endow with non-standard thinking, interest in spiritual life and nature, independence from life circumstances.

Four makes people very sociable, they begin to love the company, they are bored and uninteresting in doing something alone.

This number is a symbol of stability and order, therefore the persons who made it their talisman are conscientious in work, mobile, sociable, very organized, they like to put everything on the shelves. Usually they have a remarkable memory and good organizational skills.

For a talisman, you can use everything that consists of four components: a cube, a parallelepiped, a square, a cross, and even a flower with four petals. In the center of the talisman, you must write the number 4. Even if you don’t have a talisman yet, but there is an important task ahead, put at least a matchbox in your pocket - it also has four corners - and you will see what a successful result will be.

If your talisman is the number 5

This number is a symbol of success and completion, so the talisman in the form of the number 5 gives people a lively and resourceful mind that allows them to find a way out of any situation. Five makes it possible to find a rational grain in every business, to take the initiative. Those whose talisman is the number 5 always strive to try their hand at rare professions. Constancy and routine work have a very bad effect on them.

The talisman in the form of a five makes its owners think quickly, be swift, and work with full dedication. The number 5 gives people the desire for knowledge, and they do not want to stop there until they feel that they are aware of the subject of interest to them on the "five plus".

This talisman attracts others to its owner, and he becomes very popular and loved in his environment. It also gives you the opportunity to get along and get along with everyone, to be curious and charming, and not to lose your individuality.

For a talisman, it is good to use a five-pointed asterisk. It can be worn around the neck as a pendant, pinned to a dress as a brooch, or simply put in a pocket. Do not forget to write the number 5 in the middle of the star, then the talisman will become doubly effective.

If your talisman is the number 6

Usually this number is the talisman of those who are loved by everyone without exception. The six not only gives them charm, but also allows you to bypass all the pitfalls in life. The talisman in the form of the number 6 allows you to achieve everything very easily, with almost no effort. The Six makes it so that the owners of this talisman are almost never left without a livelihood, at least they have enough money to satisfy their needs.

The number 6 gives those people whose talisman is a cheerful disposition and attracts friends and acquaintances to them. If you make sure that six is ​​your lucky number, be sure that after some time, when you start using this number as your talisman, you will notice: you are more lucky in those areas of life where you communicate a lot with people. Six can become a talisman of those who are very hardworking and able to devote themselves to work or study.

The symbol for the number 6 can be a six-pointed asterisk or an equilateral hexagon. Be sure to write on the talisman 6. You can draw a hexagon on paper and carry it in your wallet or pocket, then you will feel how luck smiles at you.

This talisman will help you if you have a big conversation with a teacher, parents or classmates - they will treat you fairly.

The number b is associated with the planet Venus, which, as you know, got its name in honor of the goddess of beauty, and beauties love to look at their reflection, so you can use a hexagon-shaped mirror for a talisman.

If your talisman is the number 7

An unstable and somewhat magical number. If, as a result of the test, you found that this particular number is your talisman, it is safe to say that you have some unusual abilities, for example, excellent intuition or see prophetic dreams.

The number 7 does not differ in constancy, so do not be surprised if you have wind in your pockets, or bills rustle. The seven gives completely different advantages - it sets you in a mystical mood, allows you to sensitively respond to the mood of others and predict events.

People whose talisman number is 7 are usually prone to gambling. But it is not recommended to get involved in such games, since the seven will still not be able to bring good luck. But she is an excellent talisman when it comes to music competitions or problems related to the spiritual sphere.

For a talisman, you can choose a treble clef or an equilateral heptagon. You can write 7 on paper and always have this sheet with you.

If your talisman is the number 8

The number eight symbolizes infinity. If you understand that this is your lucky number, you are destined to live a long, comfortable life. Some terrible troubles will not happen in it, although a very great happiness, unfortunately, will bypass you.

Eight is able to make your circle of friends close. You will meet new people, but still you will communicate more with those whom you have considered friends for a long time. And if for some reason you quarrel with them, you risk being left alone.

The figure eight talisman can also bring you material security. You will get everything with great difficulty, but you will still go towards your goal. The talisman will give your character a sober look at things, loyalty.

For a talisman, you can quite use two rings linked together. Firstly, such a talisman resembles the number 8, and secondly, it symbolizes the rings of Saturn. After all, the figure eight is a symbol of the planet Saturn.

If your talisman is the number 9

This is a symbol of the last push, when only a little bit remains before reaching the goal. Therefore, those whose lucky number is nine always occupy a dominant place in their environment. They know exactly what they want and what they strive for.

Nine helps to conquer everything on their own. This talisman gives more courage and will on the way to victory. Nine makes a person intolerant of submission, so it is rare to see people whose talisman is 9 on the sidelines - most often they are leaders and leaders.

Nine-talisman is able to give the character of a person initiative, enterprise, energy, self-confidence. However, the nine can reward too self-willed people with ruthlessness, arrogance, a contemptuous attitude towards everyone they consider below themselves.

If you figured out that your talisman is the number 9, you can use a flower with nine petals for it or just a circle with 9 written in the middle.

Numbers are continuously connected with our life. Not only numbers, but also letters or sound symbols act in conjunction with numbers and necessarily affect a person. Many examples can be given when a person's life changed dramatically after he took a different surname (or name) as a result of marriage or for other reasons. The name and its bearer influence each other. Numbers will help clarify this connection.

You need to add up all the numbers in your first and last name and thus come to a number of one digit, which can be considered your lucky talisman.

A letter and a number that corresponds to that letter

A - 1, B - 2, C - 6, G - 3, D - 4, E - 5, F - 2, H - 7, I, Y - 1, K - 2, L - 2, M - 4, H - 5, O - 7, P - 8, R - 2, C - 3, T - 4, U - 6, F - 8, X - 5, C - 3, H - 7, W - 2, W - 9, S - 1, b - 1, E - 6, Yu - 7, I - 2



So, the number 9 can be considered the talisman of Svetlana Ivanova.

If your talisman is number 1

Your talisman is a wonderful number: it is the beginning of all things, is part of other numbers, but is itself indivisible. If your talisman is number 1, be prepared for the fact that it will reward you with such character traits as the desire for leadership, the desire to be the best, the thirst for honor and respect. One will give your behavior generosity, pride, desire for creation, initiative, a sense of responsibility, justice.

But you should be more careful, as this number can make you close in on yourself, on your feelings, stop trusting people and come into conflict with others.

The number 1 can be correlated with the sun. Therefore, a medallion in the shape of the sun will be a good talisman, but be sure to write or scratch out a unit on its back. For a talisman, a coin worth 1 kopeck is also useful, only it should be made of yellow metal.

If your talisman is number 2

Two is a symbol of openness, emotionality, spiritual giftedness. Therefore, we can expect that this particular number will give you more friendliness, homeliness, fidelity and sensitivity.

After you choose a deuce-talisman for yourself, your rhythm of life may change. You will spend more time at home. You will constantly need someone to support your spirit, and you will become more reverent about friendship.

The deuce forces people to act only when they carefully consider and weigh everything. This is a symbol of diplomats, so if the number 2 becomes your talisman, you can be sure that when communicating with others, you will learn to bypass sharp corners and avoid misunderstandings and quarrels.

Two is the symbol of the moon. Therefore, you can use silver trinkets for the talisman, for example, a silver ring. Do not forget to engrave 2 on the outer or inner side of the ring, otherwise the talisman will not work.

If your talisman is the number 3

Three is a mysterious number. This talisman makes people optimistic, they are not afraid to make decisions and take risks, because they are sure that they will always win. The number 3 sets up its owners for a positive attitude towards themselves and others. Three attracts happiness and harmony like a magnet, so very rarely people whose talisman number 3 are unhappy.

The triple talisman gives its owner a sense of responsibility, a desire for improvement. This number is able to give a person a constant search for an ideal, an eternal desire for recognition of his merits. The troika also helps along the way, if you take a talisman with the number 3 with you on the road or go in the third car, third compartment, take third place. The journey is sure to be fun and interesting.

For a talisman, you can use an equilateral triangle. It can be a pendant or other decoration. In order for the talisman to act as a talisman against the envy of strangers, you can depict the number 3 on the talisman.

If your talisman is the number 4

The four-talisman makes people wayward and stubborn. They strive to live not according to generally accepted rules, but according to their own standards. Thursday

Verka is a symbol of everything new, and the owners of this talisman strive for the unknown and deny everything old. The number 4 is able to endow with non-standard thinking, interest in spiritual life and nature, independence from life circumstances.

Four makes people very sociable, they begin to love the company, they are bored and uninteresting in doing something alone.

This number is a symbol of stability and order, therefore the persons who made it their talisman are conscientious in work, mobile, sociable, very organized, they like to put everything on the shelves. Usually they have a remarkable memory and good organizational skills.

For a talisman, you can use everything that consists of four components: a cube, a parallelepiped, a square, a cross, and even a flower with four petals. In the center of the talisman, you must write the number 4. Even if you don’t have a talisman yet, but there is an important task ahead, put at least a matchbox in your pocket - it also has four corners - and you will see what a successful result will be.

If your talisman is the number 5

This number is a symbol of success and completion, so the talisman in the form of the number 5 gives people a lively and resourceful mind that allows them to find a way out of any situation. Five makes it possible to find a rational grain in every business, to take the initiative. Those whose talisman is the number 5 always strive to try their hand at rare professions. Constancy and routine work have a very bad effect on them.

The talisman in the form of a five makes its owners think quickly, be swift, and work with full dedication. The number 5 gives people the desire for knowledge, and they do not want to stop there until they feel that they are aware of the subject of interest to them on the "five plus".

This talisman attracts others to its owner, and he becomes very popular and loved in his environment. It also gives you the opportunity to get along and get along with everyone, to be curious and charming, and not to lose your individuality.

For a talisman, it is good to use a five-pointed asterisk. It can be worn around the neck as a pendant, pinned to a dress as a brooch, or simply put in a pocket. Do not forget to write the number 5 in the middle of the star, then the talisman will become doubly effective.

If your talisman is the number 6

Usually this number is the talisman of those who are loved by everyone without exception. The six not only gives them charm, but also allows you to bypass all the pitfalls in life. The talisman in the form of the number 6 allows you to achieve everything very easily, with almost no effort. The Six makes it so that the owners of this talisman are almost never left without a livelihood, at least they have enough money to satisfy their needs.

The number 6 gives those people whose talisman is a cheerful disposition and attracts friends and acquaintances to them. If you make sure that six is ​​your lucky number, be sure that after some time, when you start using this number as your talisman, you will notice: you are more lucky in those areas of life where you communicate a lot with people. Six can become a talisman of those who are very hardworking and able to devote themselves to work or study.

The symbol for the number 6 can be a six-pointed asterisk or an equilateral hexagon. Be sure to write on the talisman 6. You can draw a hexagon on paper and carry it in your wallet or pocket, then you will feel how luck smiles at you.

This talisman will help you if you have a big conversation with a teacher, parents or classmates - they will treat you fairly.

The number b is associated with the planet Venus, which, as you know, got its name in honor of the goddess of beauty, and beauties love to look at their reflection, so you can use a hexagon-shaped mirror for a talisman.

If your talisman is the number 7

An unstable and somewhat magical number. If, as a result of the test, you found that this particular number is your talisman, it is safe to say that you have some unusual abilities, for example, excellent intuition or see prophetic dreams.

The number 7 does not differ in constancy, so do not be surprised if you have wind in your pockets, or bills rustle. The seven gives completely different advantages - it sets you in a mystical mood, allows you to sensitively respond to the mood of others and predict events.

People whose talisman number is 7 are usually prone to gambling. But it is not recommended to get involved in such games, since the seven will still not be able to bring good luck. But she is an excellent talisman when it comes to music competitions or problems related to the spiritual sphere.

For a talisman, you can choose a treble clef or an equilateral heptagon. You can write 7 on paper and always have this sheet with you.

If your talisman is the number 8

The number eight symbolizes infinity. If you understand that this is your lucky number, you are destined to live a long, comfortable life. Some terrible troubles will not happen in it, although a very great happiness, unfortunately, will bypass you.

Eight is able to make your circle of friends close. You will meet new people, but still you will communicate more with those whom you have considered friends for a long time. And if for some reason you quarrel with them, you risk being left alone.

The figure eight talisman can also bring you material security. You will get everything with great difficulty, but you will still go towards your goal. The talisman will give your character a sober look at things, loyalty.

For a talisman, you can quite use two rings linked together. Firstly, such a talisman resembles the number 8, and secondly, it symbolizes the rings of Saturn. After all, the figure eight is a symbol of the planet Saturn.

If your talisman is the number 9

This is a symbol of the last push, when only a little bit remains before reaching the goal. Therefore, those whose lucky number is nine always occupy a dominant place in their environment. They know exactly what they want and what they strive for.

Nine helps to conquer everything on their own. This talisman gives more courage and will on the way to victory. Nine makes a person intolerant of submission, so it is rare to see people whose talisman is 9 on the sidelines - most often they are leaders and leaders.

Nine-talisman is able to give the character of a person initiative, enterprise, energy, self-confidence. However, the nine can reward too self-willed people with ruthlessness, arrogance, a contemptuous attitude towards everyone they consider below themselves.

If you figured out that your talisman is the number 9, you can use a flower with nine petals for it or just a circle with 9 written in the middle.

The talisman is magic item, which gives its owner strength, protects from danger and attracts good luck. Since prehistoric times, people have believed in the mysterious power of talismans and amulets. Why did modern man retain faith in the magical power of the amulet? Psychologists do not operate with categories occult sciences, and do not sweep aside "prejudices", but explain everything very simply - a conditioned reflex. Each of us has noticed more than once that the familiar smell of the spirits of a loved one, a melody associated with happy moments of life - improve mood, strengthen faith in good and beautiful. And as a result, they make us less vulnerable to negativity, increase self-confidence. So an original pendant, an engraved ring or a piece of amber in your pocket create a feeling of security and support. And this, of course, helps in difficult moments and contributes to success.

It is believed that a talisman given by a person who loves you has great power. And the first gift that we receive in life from parents who undoubtedly love us is a name. If we take into account that the name is an expression of the essence of the personality, and has a decisive influence on fate, then mascot, selected by the name may be omnipotent.

It is not difficult to calculate the numerological number of a talisman by name. You can choose a charm only by first name or by first and last name. It is better for married women to take their maiden name for calculation. As you know, each letter in Numerology corresponds to a certain number. The sum of the numerical values ​​​​of all letters of the first and last name, reduced to prime number, and there is the number of your talisman. For example, let's calculate the number of the mascot of spacecraft designer Sergei Korolev. Sergey - 1+6+9+4+6+2 = 28. 2+8=10. 1+0=1. Korolev - 3+7+9+7+4+7+3=40. 4+0=4. 1+4=5. The number of Sergey Korolev's talisman is 5. Now it remains to see which talisman corresponds to this number.

The choice of a mascot according to the number of first and last names.

One is the number of the leader. Her symbol is the Sun. Therefore, a good talisman would be something in the form of a sun made of yellow metal, engraved with the number "1". A coin with a denomination of 1 kopeck may come up, but it must be yellow.

Two - peacefulness, diplomacy. Her symbol is the moon. Talisman with the image of the Moon made of silver, engraved with "2", will bring you good luck.

Three is the lucky number of creativity. For a talisman, a thing in the shape of an equilateral triangle is perfect. With the number "3".

Four - stability and order. Anything that consists of four components can become a talisman - a square, a cube, a cross, a flower with four petals, even an ordinary matchbox. Don't forget to "mark" the talisman "4".

Five - novelty, risk, travel. The best mascot will be a five-pointed star with the number "5".

Six - selflessness, charm, devotion. Choose a talisman in the form of a six-pointed star or an equilateral hexagon. With the number "6".

Seven - intuition, talent, spirituality. A talisman-treble clef (7 notes) or an equilateral heptagon is perfect. Naturally, with "7".

Eight is a symbol of infinity and superstability. You need a talisman in the shape of a figure eight or two interlocked rings.

Nine - mercy, the completion of the cycle. A talisman in the shape of a flower with nine petals or a circle with the number "9" is well suited.

An interesting story happened to the talisman of Sergei Korolev, the number of which we calculated. If you remember, the number of the name Sergey is "1". By an amazing coincidence, he always carried two penny coins in his pocket. I considered them my talisman. But one day before the operation, these coins disappeared. Sergei Pavlovich was terribly upset and lost faith in recovery. The great designer did not undergo surgery and died. Whether the coins are to blame or not is unknown. But psychologists warn of the danger of excessive psychological attachment to objects, including talismans. This is also evidenced by the ancient ban on the creation of idols.


Would anything change if Gennady remained with his last name? Maybe! After all, some strange surnames in Russia were given to people as amulets. These surnames tell about past superstitions. In families where children often died, newborns, in order to deceive evil spirit were given defensive nicknames. These amulets possessed, according to the beliefs of the ancestors, the magical ability to protect its owner, to scare away various disasters from him: Found, Nenash, Puzhailo, Nakhodka. The surnames Nekrasov, Negodyaev, Nestrakhov, Fool are connected with the names-amulets.

There is such a belief among other peoples. Kazakhs say: "Bad name - good health." If the children in the family are sickly and often die, the parents name the newborns Turdybek (stand firmly on their feet) or give them completely dissonant names like Itbay (dog) or Itayak (dog's leg). And there are nicknames that are simply inconvenient to call, for example: Sasyk (Smelly), Zhaman (Bad), Bokmuryn (literally Snotty nose, Snotty), Toygan (Fed up), Sutemgen (Sucking milk). Such names were also given as protection from the evil eye.

Offensive, in our opinion, definitions should not be misleading. The nickname Fool from time immemorial in Russia was considered a talisman against that same stupidity. These names and surnames were not abusive, but protective. They protected their masters from intrigues and vicissitudes of fate.

It is possible that the surname Scarecrow belongs to this kind of surnames. Surnames-amulets from all evil. This surname scared away all evil spirits, envy and anger from its owner. Changing his surname, Gennady lost it protective force. And he immediately picked up the “prison and scrip” virus, which was intended for a completely different person.

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