Draw lines on the hand to change fate. Career line on hand - who are you, a teacher, a writer, or maybe a psychic? Job and career lines on hand

Is there a career line on hand? Palmists assure that due to the presence of certain signs, stripes, symbols, you can determine which profession suits you best. With this information, you can find out about your purpose.

In the article:

Career line on hand - where to find it?

As such, there is no career line or work on hand. However, palmistry can help you find out which profession suits a person the most. You can also determine whether a person will be successful at work.

In the latter, research will help, the main bands in the palm of your hand, in particular, the study of the money line, which is located near the life line and goes to the base of some hill, will help.

  • It is believed that if she goes to the Mount of Jupiter, a person’s career will grow rapidly and he will be able to earn a lot of money.
  • If the strip goes to the hillock of Saturn, this indicates hard (like slave) labor. You may not get the reward you expect.
  • If the line of money turns to the Mount of Apollo, this indicates that money will come easily to you.
  • If the strip moves to the hill of Mercury, then you will have to earn a living by mental labor.

Find out the career that suits you

There are a number of professions, the predisposition to which is easy to determine by looking in reality at the palm of a person, or at a photo of his hand. Various signs will be able to help determine the work destined by fate.

Advocate. The presence of Solomon's ring, an inextricable line of the mind, a clear line of life, often there is also a second, obvious dominance of the line of fate.

Actor. wavy, strongly arched, located on the hill of Jupiter. ends on the Mount of the Moon. The line of the sun is long, often there is a sign in the form of a star on it.

Architect. On the hillocks of Saturn and Jupiter, the line of the heart extends. The line of intuition is almost imperceptible, but the line of the head is very clear and even.

Banker. Long stripe on the Mount of Saturn. Lines of fate, heart and mind are straight, clear, long. Often they can completely cross the entire palm.

Doctor. Vertical stripes on the Mount of Mercury. The presence of a genetic band that extends from the Mount of Venus and crosses out the band of life. The line of the head divides the palm in half.

Writer- a thick, deep and long line of the mind goes around the hill of the Moon. On the line of the head, you can see a fork located under the hill of Apollo. The presence of the belt of Venus and various small dashes on the line of the heart.

Politician- under the first finger, the line of fate breaks, the presence of the line of the sun.

Sportsman- all lines are clear, straight, deep. The presence of a second band of life, on the upper bracelet there are several islands that form a chain.

Referee- the presence of Solomon's ring, the line of the mind is straight and clear, the line of the heart is located on the hillock of Jupiter.

Scientist- all lines are deep, clear, straight. The line of mind and life, heart and head are connected to each other.

Teacher- from the line of the heart, branches extend to the hillock of Jupiter, the ring of Solomon. The line of the head is straight or located on the hill of the Moon.

Worker- all lines are mostly short, clear, strong. The line of the mind is directed towards the hill of the Moon.

Psychic sign in the palm of your hand

Psychic sign in the palm of your hand

Palmists claim that many people have paranormal abilities and the patterns on their hands prove their words. It is believed that the gift of a psychic can be developed, but first you need to decide in which direction you need to work. In total, there are 13 signs that indicate the presence of a magical gift.

Cross on the first phalanx of the index finger- this symbol warns of the presence of paranormal abilities. Most often, this gift is activated as a result of severe stress, experiences.

Often this symbol can be found in individuals who have revealed their amazing capabilities as a result of an accident or some other situation in which there was a threat to life. The preaching work will help to reveal your gift.

Triangle on the second phalanx of the middle finger indicates a predisposition to engage in occult practices. The individual is probably very sensitive to subtle matters, able to contact ghosts.

Vertical lines on third phalanges- you have the basics of magnetism, charisma. Use your gift to help others you can.

Three stripes on the Mount of Mercury- the "sign of the Samaritans" states that a person can become a powerful healer or healer. Even if you do not belong to medicine by profession, you can take up various energy techniques.

Island in the belt of Venus- you have a strong sixth sense and a chance to become a good clairvoyant. Such people are able to read the future, fall into a trance with a powerful emotional outburst.

Jupiter ring("white Magician") is the hallmark of the Master. Be sure that from birth you are destined to help others, to guide them on the true path.

Ring of the Black Mage- such people have a very large reserve of power. They have destructive energy, but quite often they are unable to control this power.

St. Andreas Cross in the middle of the palm claims that a person is in complete harmony with himself and nature, they can give other people advice that will definitely help in life, engage in healing.

Square on the Mount of Jupiter- you are destined to be a spiritual mentor, a teacher. You have good oratory skills from birth and you know how to present information correctly.

Isis band- often you see prophetic dreams which are bound to come true. If there is a small island in this strip, this indicates that the individual is able to read the thoughts of other people.

Double life bar also considered a sign of psychic gift. Such people have an extraordinary supply of energy, which allows them to charge vitality other people.

Radial loop on left toe- the sign of the scanner, appears in empathic personalities who subtly feel the mood of others and adopt it.

Circle at the bottom of the Hill of the Moon- an individual with such a pattern can see the future, the past, hear the voices of spirits.

The eye on the hand - a divine sign or a curse?

The eye, which is often located on the hill of the moon, is often called the "sign of the witch." From itself, it is a combination of small lines that add up to the outlines of the human eye. It is believed that if such a symbol is present on a human hand, this indicates the presence of special supernatural abilities.

The presence of such a sign indicates a very strong energy, the presence of various talents. Such people can see the past and the future, communicate with the souls of the dead, engage in healing. It is worth noting that people with this sign are born very rarely. Some palmists even claim that the appearance of a person with such a symbol in the palm of your hand opens or closes the millennium.

Palmistry - the line of intuition

This whimsical curl on the hand has a lot of names. It is believed that the closer it is to the back side of the hill of the moon, the more spiritual significance It has. Some palmists call it the line of Isis.

It is located in the lower part of the Mount of the Moon, after which it moves up to the hill of Mercury.

If it is thin, direct, continuous, this speaks of the open consciousness of a person. If it is thick, wide, this indicates that a person is not able to use his intuition, does not perceive the signs that fate sends him.

The presence of this strip on the left hand of a woman indicates her predisposition to palmistry and psychology. If islands are located on the line of intuition, this indicates an increase in psychic abilities.

However, this may be followed by various auditory and visual hallucinations. Consciousness can be overloaded, as a person will feel too much and will not always be able to correctly convey information to others.

Corrective palmistry - changing current and predicted events (Fate) - warning of dangers and realization of desires, by the method of chirography - by changing the pattern of the white lines of the hand.

The desire to improve one's life or change one's Destiny has always been inherent in man. In addition to rational methods - to study, work to achieve the goal, irrational ones were also used - magical rituals, amulets, prayers, sacrifices, etc. The most common magical way, still used today, mostly unconsciously - name change. We know many great people: Mark Twain, Marilyn Monroe, Che Guevara, A. Akhmatova and others under pseudonyms.

The decoration of one's body was given special importance. Drawing on the body, which has come down to us in the form of cosmetics, tattoos and scarring, was originally of a cult nature, strictly regulated and consistent with the social status of the owner. The drawing served as a sign of distinction and belonging to the clan, was used for medical purposes, protected from evil spirits, gave strength to the owner and generally determined his Fate.

The tradition of applying an easily washable pattern (henna, ink and other natural dyes) on the inner surface of the palm exists to this day in Asian countries. Before an important event, a rather complex and of course beautiful drawing is applied, but for every day it is simpler. As a rule, these are hieroglyphs, mantras or drawings of a religious nature. The goal is from helping in all endeavors to just morning prayer. It is believed that this good way communication with God. What is noted in Old Testament: "He puts on the hand of every man, that all men may know His work"(Book of Job) and accordingly "Behold, I have drawn you on My hands"(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah). It is also possible to draw a drawing taking into account the lines of the hand, especially since what ideas about palmistry the artists who apply the drawing, as a rule, have. Palmistry generally implies the possibility of changing Fate by the individual himself, based on a change in the pattern of secondary lines and signs throughout life.

And if a person admits that the main events in a person’s life, from birth to death, are reflected by certain signs on his hand, then why not try to change these events by influencing these signs? This is obvious and those initiated into palmistry drew, tattooed, cut and pressed the lines of the hand, trying to change Fate. In some cases, expectations were justified in full. A few years ago, a group of scientists: Y. Gotovsky, V. Ilyukhin, I. Bobrov and K. Mkhitaryan created a device that picks up negative electromagnetic signals from certain points on the palms (unfavorable signs) and converts these signals into opposite ones. The device has proven itself in the treatment of a number of diseases.

The history of the method

Once, in a girl complaining about her fate, I saw a problematic line of Life - with breaks in several places. The thought that came to my mind was like a flash of lightning and struck me with its simplicity and obviousness: " It can be fixed"! arose desire take a fountain pen and immediately draw a good line of Life for her. That same evening I developed the basic principles of corrective palmistry and the method of chirography.

It happened not at the most favorable period of my life. And most likely, initially there was a desire to change one's own Destiny. Therefore, having discovered a way to correct Fate, I immediately began to practice - generously, without denying myself anything, I drew everything I wanted on my hand. The changes were not long in coming and already happened the next morning - the head physician of our medical center quit, and I was offered to take his position and office. I was amazed at such a quick change, but did not think long about this proposal - the next day I quit my job and took up palmistry professionally.

Justification of the method

The method of corrective palmistry is based on the principle of biofeedback and the karmic law of our personal responsibility for our destiny.

Biofeedback is the principle of self-management of the physiological and mental state of the body by returning information about its activities. For example, in hypertensive patients, a relationship was noted between the frequency of measuring blood pressure and its decrease. The more closely the patient monitors his blood pressure, the more accurately he controls it. A paralyzed patient will learn to control the body if special devices show limb movements invisible to the naked eye. A complex movement - a dance step is much easier to learn not only by repeating it many times (training the body), but also looking at the mirror, performing visual correction of actions. The classic use of biofeedback in medicine is acupuncture (acupuncture), the phenomenon of which has not yet been explained. modern science. The use of the feedback principle occurs daily in women who wear makeup. In part, their attractiveness increases in proportion to confidence.

The application of biofeedback methods in the palm of your hand is most effective, since it is the largest number sensory receptors and the human hand itself performs the main tactile function. Tactile sensitivity can develop to the state of skin vision, which is important for the rehabilitation of blind people. The hand is a sense organ like the eye or the tongue.

Our personal responsibility for our Destiny is indisputable and we receive everything from it in accordance with our efforts and abilities. Unfortunately, people tend to think that everything good in their life is the result of their labors, and everything bad is from other people or circumstances. And of course, a person strives to change everything and everyone around, and he even succeeds in something. But the whole world cannot be changed; only oneself can be changed. And when a person realizes this and begins to change, miracles happen to him. Alas, this doesn't happen often. Sometimes, seeing lines that speak of inevitable misfortune and offering to avoid it, you are faced with a complete misunderstanding or unwillingness to change something in yourself. The misfortunes of such people were originally planned. And sometimes the blindness of a person in his actions is simply amazing, the recklessness of which is obvious to most of those around him.

How effective is corrective palmistry? Exactly as far as it is possible to change the fate of a person at all. It is unrealistic to take an eraser and erase everything on your hand, and then draw a new life, turning a homeless person into a banker. But, if you are a banker without five minutes, then these five minutes can sometimes be reduced to five seconds.

When the Columbus expedition approached the shores of America, the team rebelled (2 months on the high seas without the slightest sign of land instead of the promised India) and demanded a return. The commander insisted on continuing the journey, and he managed to persuade the team to give 3 more days. Fate patronizes the brave - on the morning of the third day the long-awaited cry was heard: "Earth!" Now it is difficult to imagine that things could have been different. Many people have been waiting for their luck for years, and sometimes they lack just a little.

Speaking about fate, M. Bulgakov noted that a brick does not accidentally fall on the head. But if a brick is destined to fall on your head, then the consequences of this event can be different from a bed in intensive care to a simple abrasion on your forehead. The latter is preferable.

Types of corrective palmistry.

1. Protective chirography.

  • the application of protective signs (square, triangle), removing the negative effect of the existing ones (line breaks, crosses).

Example. S., aged 32, came for a consultation, saying that she was "confused" in life. In addition, she was worried about headaches, memory impairment, inability to concentrate, and fatigue. On the line of the Head there is a large island corresponding to the present time. It can be interpreted as a warning of a very serious danger: head injury, brain disease or insanity. The bifurcation of the Head line, which is more often regarded as a positive sign, in this situation complicated the future picture. The correction of the Head line was to draw a clearer and straighter line, which reduces the negative effect of the island and the forked line. (See photos 1 and 2)

After the correction S. noted the clarity of thinking, the possibility of resolving the life situation and the disappearance of headaches. The line of the Head became clearer, the island smoothed out.

2. Chirography of success

  • strengthening the main lines (torn, fuzzy, wavy);
  • drawing new lines or signs (success, love, money, etc.);

Example. M. has been working for a large Western company for 35 years. Over the past few years, he has been actively improving his professional level by taking corporate trainings and receiving additional education. However, participation in intra-corporate competitions for higher vacant positions did not bring success. It has undergone correction - strengthening the line of Fate and drawing the line of Success. A week later, M. was invited for an interview for a newly opened vacancy. After the interview, the correction was repeated. At present, M. is in a new position and, according to her, works 2 times less, and receives 2 times more.

Description of the method

Correction takes place in 2-3 sessions with breaks of several days and includes: diagnostics, work with karma, chirography.

1. Diagnostics.

Determination of abilities and opportunities, strengths and weaknesses, readiness for change, assessment of the present and forecasting the future. Clarification of needs and the possibility of their implementation.

2. Work with karma.

Studying the life and karmic situation, searching for the reasons that prevent the realization of desires or caused misfortune, developing a strategy for success. Sometimes it is enough to work out the karmic picture, without further correction of the lines of the hand, for the desired changes to occur.

3. Chirography.

Red paint is the color of energy and strength. Easily washable. There is no need for long-term preservation of the applied sign (tattoo). With the correct given correction (corresponding positive changes), the lines also change - they "sprout" according to the intended pattern. But the task of the inflicted sign is still to give impetus to a change in events.

When drawing a picture, the principles of operative surgery are used:

  • physiology - compliance with existing lines,
  • minimization - 1-2 characters. The smaller the impact, the more effective it is.

You can't draw everything at once. If necessary, it is better to repeat.

After correcting my line of Destiny, I received an offer to become the head physician of the medical center. Having comprehended the offer, I made a paradoxical decision - to quit. Very soon, Fate gave me other chances that completely satisfied me. It is very important to take the first step or to see an open door for you. No one limits a person in his abilities, except for himself.

Once at a party on April 1, I strengthened the line of Love for the women present, and for the men I drew a triangle of "easy money". The very atmosphere of the evening was conducive to practical jokes. How the ladies spent that night, I did not ask, but one of my friends easily earned 3 more than usual in April, and the other only found 500 rubles on the street. Perhaps you do not want what you need. Success is achievable only if the desired changes correspond to the real possibilities - readiness for changes. The main thing is not to miss your chance.

Changes in life begin almost immediately (one client, immediately after drawing the line of success, was called by a business partner with an offer that he had been waiting for many months, and he accordingly had a high readiness for change) and continue for several months (up to a year). But, as a rule, the peak of changes occurs during the first 1-2 weeks after the correction. In the future, there is a change in the lines themselves.

The revolutionary and sensational nature of the method is that for the first time a palmist is not a simple observer, but actively helps a person change Fate! This is especially true if there are signs on the hand that warn of life-threatening danger. The creation of corrective palmistry has changed the role of the palmist in the fate of man. Previous generations of palmists were content with the position of observer and adviser. To know human destiny is already a gift from above, especially if knowledge makes it possible to correct something for the better. Now a palmist can not only read the fate of a person, but also help him change his life.

Highly important points, which must also be worked out when correcting fate, are the correct perception of future events in order to "not pass by your happiness" and the initial readiness for change.

Palmistry is an ancient teaching based on the assertion that a person's fate is "written" on his palms. Professional palmists can, only by studying the drawings in the palm of a person, tell about what events have occurred in his life, what his life situation is now and what is in store for him in the future. It would seem that this is impossible, however, if palmistry did not have any true foundations, this teaching would not have come down to us through the ages, and has not been so widespread to this day.

From the drawings on the hand, you can find out life expectancy, the number of children, the age of marriage (marriage), these lines also carry information about what talents a person has, whether he will be successful in life or many difficulties and obstacles await him.

And the question arises: is it possible to find out what profession a person is destined to engage in, in what area to work and whether this will bring him material wealth? Of course, palmistry answers this question as well. Therefore, in this article we will look at various career lines, what meaning they carry and how they can help in our lives.

Job and career lines on hand

The line that is responsible for the success of a person in work and tells about what kind of career awaits a person is the line of fate. There are people in whom the line of fate is completely or partially absent, then the Apollo line can tell about a person’s career.

The presence of special marks on these lines - a cross, a triangle, a square, as well as the shape of the lines themselves, the depth and integrity can tell a lot about a person. But we must not forget about the line of the mind, the line of life and the line of money, which also influence the interpretation of the drawing in the palm of your hand, if a person wants to know how successful his career will be.

Thus, the line of work and career as such does not exist, and only from the overall picture and how the lines mentioned above relate to each other, we can draw conclusions about those areas of life in which a person will be able to succeed best.

Success in business by hand and palm

AT modern world business has become an integral part of our lives, and many people are engaged in it or at least once tried to do it. However, there are those who would like to open their own business, but are afraid - after all, business is inextricably linked with constant risk and can lead to the loss of huge amounts of money. Therefore, a person turns to palmistry in order to find out whether he is destined to become a successful businessman or not.

This question can be answered by the nature of the line of fate, because it is it that shows how confidently a person stands on the ground and what his endurance is. A clearly drawn line of fate is characteristic of self-confident people who set themselves ambitious goals and go towards them. Such people will suit work in the field of business, and they will be able to succeed in this field.

If the line of fate is shallow, barely noticeable and intermittent, then it is better for such a person to refrain from doing business, since their volatility and lack of clear goals can lead to ruin and bankruptcy.


Which lines are responsible for money. Signs of wealth and happiness

To determine whether a person is in for financial abundance, there are several signs. First, it is the length of the little finger. It is the little finger that symbolizes material well-being, because it is under the influence of Mercury. The longer it is, the more likely it is that a person will be rich.

Short little fingers are usually found in people who do not know how to handle money - they are either too stingy, or, conversely, prone to squandering. Usually such people can neither earn nor save a lot of money.

The same people can be recognized by the presence of gaps and gaps between the fingers (when they are closed). If there are no such gaps, then this indicates a person’s ability to competently manage his money and the ability to profit from what he does.

If there are vertical lines between the little finger and the ring finger, then this indicates that the material condition of a person will be stable throughout his life. If the line of the mind and the line of the heart form a figure in the form of a triangle, then this is indisputable proof that a person will live in abundance and will never know need.


Is it possible to change the line on the hand?

Many people get upset when they learn that the drawing on their palms predicts any difficulties, problems and failures. Is everything predestined and can't be changed? Actually, you can. And the way that you can achieve this is impossibly simple!

Palmists are advised to draw missing or fuzzy lines on the hands with a felt-tip pen or pen for a period of time. Thus, you start the process of changing your destiny. If you are worried about financial problems, then you should pay attention to your line of fate - most likely it is fuzzy or broken for you. Sometimes people don't have it at all. In this case, you should draw a clear vertical line from the middle of the palm (starting just above the wrist) to the middle finger.

In this case, it is very important to focus your attention not on the lack of money, but on what you already have and for which you can already be grateful. When you have already drawn the lines, you need to thank life for what you have and be sure that the universe will provide you with everything you need very soon.

Professional career in palmistry

As we already know, the clearer the line of fate, which is indicated as “c” in the figure, the greater success in financial affairs awaits a person. If in a person the lines "a" and "b", separating the phalanges, are connected into one line (when the little finger and ring finger closed), this indicates stability in the financial sector.

If a person has a line indicated in the figure as “g”, then he can safely do business.

A clearly drawn line of the Sun indicates that a person has oratorical abilities and that he can succeed in political activities. A triangle on the line of life portends a big win that awaits a person.

A long and deep line of the head characterizes a person with a high level of intelligence, who is most suitable for a career in the scientific field. However, this sign can also mean a person's ability to think deeply and get to the bottom of things. In this case, he can become a wise philosopher.

How palmistry helps to be successful at work

It is very important for a person to find his destiny, the path on which he can realize himself as a person. That is why it is necessary for each person to correctly determine the profession. And palmistry helps with this.

Certain lines on the hand, signs allow a person to become better aware of his talents and abilities that may be hidden, and, as a result, turn to the area to which he has a predisposition. After all, in order to be successful at work, you need to love what you do. And palmistry in most cases accurately determines the profession to which a person has a soul, even if he does not yet realize it.

Every person at least once in his life wanted to know his fate. It was in order to answer the most exciting questions that palmistry was created. It helps not only to find out how the future life will turn out, but also warns of all sorts of dangers and difficulties. However, it happens that the forecasts often do not suit the fortuneteller. The correction of lines in the palm of your hand, which throws a real challenge to fate, can change the state of things. You can use the method, both with the help of a professional approach, and adjust the future at home on your own. The article below will tell you how this technique works.

Change the lines on the palm of your own

Not everyone can afford to change their fate with the help of professional corrective palmistry, the procedure requires not only money, but also serious moral preparation. Palmistry fans recommend resorting to a less radical technique, for which an ordinary pen or felt-tip pen is suitable. Despite the fact that such a pattern will remain on the hand for a short time, a change in the present will occur immediately. Palmistry is for those who believe in the possibility of dramatic change and are not afraid to try new ways to bring it about.

It's no secret that the number of lines and their shapes in the palm of the right and left hands are different. The correction of the lines on your hand begins only after their preliminary study. Moreover, the drawing changes on the working (it is called the active) hand of a person (for example, a right-handed person changes the lines on the right). After a thorough study of the pattern, you can begin to gradually adjust the lines. To do this, you can use a red pen or any other writing instrument of this color. The only rule for the procedure: you need to draw a “new destiny” on the growing moon, which contributes to the arrival of positive and pleasant changes.

Lines and their influence

There are only 4 main lines on each hand, each of which has a serious impact on life.

  1. The line of fate is the main one and tells whether a person will be able to achieve something in life or will remain a dreamer. If the band is not expressed, then its owner is not able to achieve the goal due to the lack of a strong desire and desire. With a broken line, it is worth talking about serious obstacles on life path, and in the absence of a trait - about a person who does not want to change anything and strive nowhere. You can change the layout of things by drawing an elongated and dense strip that will start at the base of the palm and end at the base of the middle finger.
  2. The value of the line of the heart in displaying feelings, intuition and emotions. An adjustment is necessary if the strip is interrupted, portending failures and difficulties in the love sphere; if it is lowered to the line of life or ended with an island, which speaks of nervous breakdowns and frequent mental falls. Correction involves drawing a bold solid straight line that will help to establish personal life and find harmony.
  3. A change in the line of the mind is necessary if it is absent, which indicates laziness, if it is not pronounced, which means a bad memory. In order to give motivation to life, to provide character with firmness and perseverance, you need to clearly and clearly draw a line in the palm of your hand.
  4. Correction of life lines is necessary in case of their discontinuity and close proximity to thumb. A deep, clear, non-breaking line on the palm with a bend in the center near the thumb will bring stability and confidence, cheerfulness and determination to life.
  5. A change in marriage and love lines is necessary if they are not clear, broken, have a plug anywhere, or are completely absent. To attract long and happy love and strong family ties, it is also necessary to clearly draw a straight line on the arm. A person can even choose how his marriage will proceed.

The method that was described earlier is only suitable for those who truly believe in its effectiveness. Home correctional palmistry is a cheap and easy way to quickly and permanently change your reality. It is important to take into account all the stripes and dashes in the palm of your hand, so as not to lead to unexpected consequences. Therefore, the use of corrective palmistry is resorted to only after a thorough study of the hands.

What does the method of corrective palmistry mean?

Corrective palmistry is a technique that is built on the use of the biological reverse principle and the karmic law responsible for fate. The meaning of biofeedback in self-management of physiological and mental states. Traditionally, feedback has been used in the form of acupuncture/acupuncture, which has proven to be effective, although not theoretically explained so far.

Few people are really ready to fight adversity and strive forward to success. Many, seeing unlucky signs on their hands, give up and stop fighting for happiness, obey people and unpleasant circumstances. Corrective palmistry is suitable only for those who not only want to draw new lines in the palm of their hands in anticipation of a miracle, but are also set on serious changes and the implementation of their plans through struggle. For example, the correction will not suit lazy and passive individuals who do not have goals and plans, expecting a sudden win in the lottery and hoping for a chance. The well-known corrective rnchiromancy will cost "their money" only for real fighters who strive forward and are tired of expecting success.

Varieties of corrective palmistry

Corrective palmistry is divided into two types.

  1. Protective. The correction is aimed at strengthening the main lines, if they are broken, unexpressed and wavy, as well as at applying protective signs (triangles or squares), which can remove negative impact breaks, crosses. People with health problems often resort to adjusting the lines in the palm of their hand, because sometimes it is difficult to find their cause even after a lot of research. In practice, it has been proven that the presence of a large island in the palm of your hand indicates that a person is in serious danger or brain disease, and the addition in the form of a forked line only exacerbates the picture. To change the situation, it is important to draw clearer, more pronounced straight lines that can reduce the impact of negativity and the effect of forked lines. By conducting corrective palmistry, you can not only clear your thoughts, but also come up with solutions that can change your life, improve your health and eliminate headaches. The correction makes the Head line sharper and smoothes the Islet.
  2. Chirography of success. This correction enhances the main lines with an unexpressed pattern, fuzziness, waves and other negative designations. In addition, there is the possibility of drawing new successful, love, money and other lines. This type is especially effective for individuals who for a long time cannot achieve success and recognition at work, climb the career ladder, increase their efficiency, develop, etc. Sometimes a person does not have enough “push” to move to a new stage. They can become correctional palmistry. On the examples of people, it has been proved that after strengthening the line of Destiny and changing, improving the line of Success, significant career ups took place, new opportunities and chances appeared. Many of the followers of the technique were able to increase wages several times without much change in lifestyle.

It is important that any of the types be carried out by an experienced palmist with work experience and professional experience, because in this case, any extra movement can aggravate the situation.

Existing stages

Corrective palmistry is carried out in several stages, has a certain sequence of actions and takes 2-3 days. A change in fate is possible only after completing each of the stages, namely: diagnostics, karmic work and directly chirography. What is each of the stages?

  1. During the diagnosis, the specialist determines how capable the person is, and how many skills he has for development, what are his strengths and weak sides whether she is ready to visit life changes. The corrective technique is aimed at assessing and predicting later life. The palmist finds out the true needs and determines the ways of their implementation.
  2. During karmic work, they are worked out life situations, the palmist is trying to find reasons that prevent the realization of desires or attract misfortunes. The specialist builds a strategy to achieve success. Sometimes the traditional study of the karmic picture is enough to change reality. Many stop at this stage, content with the changes that have come.
  3. Corrective chirography is the direct drawing of lines in red, energetically strong, with a color that is easily washed off. It is interesting that it is not necessary to draw lines periodically, a single application is enough. Correct correction by a specialist is able to introduce new lines into the palms so much that they “sprout” according to the drawings. The task of chirography is to give motivation for changing life.

When drawings are applied, the basic mechanisms of surgery are used. New lines necessarily correspond to existing stripes and are minimized, do not take more than 2 characters. It is believed that the impact should not be serious. It is not recommended to draw several lines at the same time: it is better to stretch it over several procedures.

In my next article, I would like to talk about a topic that worries so many people - about a career. I chose the topic not by chance, because this sphere of human activity is very important, both from the point of view of realization in life and the search for one's own path, and with the realization of the material and spiritual needs of a person.

Many of you have already had to examine your hands and tell people about those other, both favorable and unfavorable events that have been or are coming in a person’s life, but I think not many of you have had to aim a person to make the right decision for him, for example, in terms of changing jobs.
I believe, for example, that it is simply necessary to warn a person about the possibility of a difficult time for him, when he must carefully weigh all his actions and when every erroneous decision or deed can negatively affect his future fate.

For example, life obstacles “harden” people with a strong willed character and serve as an incentive for further struggle and contribute to the beginning of more active activity, i.e. a person mobilizes and sets himself new tasks and looks for new solutions, which later help to get out of the “closed circle” and take place as individuals. Weak-willed people who are accustomed to go with the flow, without making any effort to realize themselves in life, are “broken” by obstacles, that is, a person panics, gets lost - and as a result, makes many rash actions and decisions that negatively affect further events In human life.

Therefore, the task of the palmist is to warn of an impending unpleasant period in life and to suggest to him the possibilities of getting out of it. But let's start, as always, with theory ....

All events related to a career look mainly along the line of fate or Apollo (especially if there is no line of fate), they can also be supplemented by lines of effort, both on the line of life and the line of the head.

When considering the line of fate, it is necessary to pay attention to both intersections (let's call them decision lines), breaks, mixing, and thickness in different parts of the line.

1. Lines of decisions (intersections with the line of fate)
As a rule, these lines speak of a person's conscious choice to change jobs.
For example and clarity, let's turn to my favorite book by Sasha Fenton.


Pay attention to three lines here:
h - a clear line crossing the lines of fate or Apollo at an angle from the rounded side of the palm, indicates that the decision will be made by the subject on his own initiative;
i - a clear line, at an angle crossing the lines of fate or Apollo from the ulnar side of the palm, - a decision made by someone else, spouse or partner, which will affect the subject; this may mean that he is under pressure to make this decision;
j - a clear line crossing the lines of fate or Apollo at a right angle, - a blocking line that encourages a person to act; the line can be very short or reach the hill of Venus.

2. Breaks or lack of a line of fate
- it's always change. Often, in the absence of a fate line in a certain time interval, it tells us that a person is either without a permanent place of work, or his work does not completely satisfy him, which prevents him from being realized in a career. But in this case, when interpreting the breaks on the line of fate, many different options are possible.

For example, in my practice, there were hands of people who served in the army (both soldiers and officers) - on these hands, during the period of their service, the line of fate was completely absent, and it appeared after a person left the army and began to consciously build his fate. In the hands of girls, during the period of maternity leave, there is often no line of fate, which is understandable - a career in this case clearly fades into the background, giving way to its life purpose - the birth and upbringing of a child.

3. Offsets- the theory of palmistry tells us that the mixing of the line of fate towards the index finger is a change that is only beneficial and brings career improvements and material wealth.
A shift towards the ring finger - deterioration, bringing monetary losses and loss of social status, this sign may also indicate a change in work from a more monetaryly profitable, to a calmer and not very monetary one, i.e. a person changes career success to a calmer Existence.

But in any theory there are nuances, for example, if the break in the line of fate is “covered”, then the person himself consciously prepares himself for changes in life and the events taking place will not be unexpected for him.

If the gap is not closed, then changes in a person’s career will bring nothing but stress and worries. Very often you can meet breaks with displacements, their interpretation is generally the same, except that a person himself radically changes his life purpose, for example, working as an engineer for a long time, he can quit this job and change it, for example, to the job of a manager , that is, changing the work with the "iron" to communicate with people.

4. The nature (thickness) of the line of fate
- tells us about the volitional qualities of a person, about his determination, ability to achieve his goal, about the change in stability in a person's life and about successes and failures in a career.
There are a lot of options here, as elsewhere, for example: a deep line tells us that a person has a specific goal in life, he is purposeful and able to achieve his goals. A shallow and superficial line can say that a person rather goes with the flow than makes his own destiny, he lacks determination and perseverance in achieving the goal.

In continuation of my article, I want to show how everything I described in theory “works” in practice.

I will give examples from my practice, and confirmed by the people to whom I looked at the hands. Also, in the course of the description, I will give the necessary comments so that it is clear how people built their destiny, what good or not they achieved in their careers.

Example 1

In all examples, the fate line is indicated in blue, the decision lines are in dark green.
The line of fate begins at the age of about 21-22, which tells us that it was from this age that the girl began to make important decisions herself and began to realize herself as a fully formed personality. The decisions that her parents had previously made for her did not play a big role for her, she herself began to live her own life and build her own destiny. Further we see a short beginning of the fate line, a gap with a shift towards Apollo, and a decision line with a point at 23 years.

The interpretation of events here is as follows - a girl up to 23 years old worked in her specialty received after college, but the work did not satisfy her, that is, it did not bring either spiritual balance or material prosperity, as a result of which, at this age, consciously (look at the offset with overlap) radically changed her profession.

In her words, after graduating from the institute and becoming a doctor, the girl soon realized that it was not her, and after graduating from accounting courses, she quit and became an accountant. I want to draw your attention to the fact that although there is a gap with mixing with Apollo, which should show all sorts of deterioration, but in this case the girl only won by changing her occupation and found her purpose in life (look at the new strong fate reaching up to 50 years, instead of the previous one, small and thin).

The shift times show us the decision lines (dark green), which are calculated at the intersection with the fate line. Age is determined by the line of fate. In this example, I want to draw attention to the decision line - a fork (light green), which comes from the direction of Venus and indicates that the person himself and consciously changes his job. The fork in this case speaks of a repetition of events, in this case it is 25 and 26 years.

Example 2

In this example, I want to draw on the absence of a line of fate at the age of 23-26 years. The absence of a line of fate, as I already wrote, tells us either that there is no work at a given age, or that work does not give moral satisfaction to a person.

In this case, it happened: a man by education a civil engineer, after graduating from the institute, got a job in a design organization. The work was unpromising and he went to her as if "to serve his sentence", respectively, there could be no question of any career growth.

Further, at 26, the line of fate appears, but there is no line of decisions that speaks of a job change. In my practice, this occurs when a person, having gathered all his will, changes his own destiny, and such changes, as a rule, are only beneficial. At the age of 26, he quits and gets a job in a completely different specialty for which he studied, for another promising and profitable job, where he has been working to this day.

Example 3

In this example, I want to draw attention to the absence of a line of fate at the age of 23-25 ​​years. But this hand of the girl and on the line of life we ​​see the line of a child at the age of 23 years. The interpretation of simple is the birth of a child at 23 and, as a result, maternity leave from 23 to 25 years (no line of fate at this age).

And in conclusion of the article, I would like to tell you that there are a lot of options in describing a person’s career, as well as in interpreting the lines themselves in the palm of your hand. Here, first of all, it is important to learn how to correctly interpret both the lines themselves and their behavior, as well as auxiliary lines, including signs in the palm of your hand. I want to warn especially beginner palmists, not to rush to conclusions and immediately tell a person what awaits in a career along one line of fate, because it is necessary to look for confirmation on the rest of the lines of the palm, and then make your own “diagnosis”.

Maybe I will repeat myself, but always learn from the past of a person, after understanding the behavior of the lines in the past of a person, it will be possible to take on the future ....

P.S. For those who want to practice on a person’s career, I give a photo of a woman’s hand 37 years - interesting hand and fate. You can find the answers on the website in my previous article "Personality Analysis" in the "work-career" subsection.
