Feast of the Blessing. Water blessing. To protect the baby

Prosinets is celebrated with water blessing. Praise Heavenly Svarga - Host of all Gods. "Shine" - means the rebirth of the Sun. The Judeo-Christian "Orthodox" holiday Baptism (immersion in water) is a torn analogue of the Vedic holiday

Prosinets is the middle of Winter - it is believed that the Cold begins to subside and returns at the behest of the gods to the Land of the Slavs Solar heat.

On this day, they remember and honor God Kryshenya - in the Vedic Orthodox churches they remember how in ancient times God Kryshen gave fire to people who died from the cold during the Great Glaciation (there was a time when Yav plunged into the greatest glaciation - the cold of Marena captured more and more territory, and people lost the gift of the gods - fire).

Then God Roof shed from the heavenly Svarga on the magical Earth Suryu ( Surya or suritsa is a warming honey drink. In fact, this is a fermented honey decoction of herbs in the sun. In fact, the great and delicious drink of the gods. There are a lot of recipes, and on this occasion the fiercest debates of experts of antiquity flare up, but the principle is the same everywhere - it is honey + a decoction of herbs + the sun + good spirits).
It is generally accepted that on this day Surya spills from Svarga and makes all the waters healing, so believers bathe in the consecrated waters.

Surya is honey fermented on herbs!
Surya is also the Red Sun!
Surya - Vedas clear understanding!
Surya is the footprint of the Supreme Supreme!
Surya is the truth of God Kryshnya!

On this day, it is customary to bathe in cold water, throw feasts, be sure to consume dairy products for the glory of heavenly cow Zemun. This is a celebration of the glory of Heavenly Svarga - the world of all Gods. Surya poured onto the Earth on this day makes all the waters healing, therefore believers bathe in the consecrated waters. In the summer (annual) circle of Perun's festivities, this day also corresponds to Perun's victory over the Beast Skipper and the bathing of his sisters Zhiva, Marena and Lelya in the milky river. On this day, the Slavs bathed in cold river water and gave grandiose feasts, in which milk and dairy products must certainly have been present.

Kryshen is somehow regularly forgotten, but meanwhile he is worthy of mention as, truly, a Hero. He even came into the world, and not by chance, but with a special great mission - to give people life-giving warmth and great knowledge.

Water blessing - Vodokres

Pagan blessing of water on January 19-20 on the birthday of the Goddess of water and rivers Dana - the feminine principle of the All Light, but this is in a new style, and true Slavic Vodokres January 6- "Winter Turkeys" - on this day, a spark of Heavenly fire (Kres) from the Svarog forge falls into the waters of the Earth, endowing them with miraculous properties and Veles blesses all the waters on this day.

At the Judeo-Christian "Orthodox" baptism on January 19, water is also sanctified, but sanctified only by the power of the blind faith of a million Judeo-Christians, and not by Nature and the Gods. For "Orthodox" Judeo-Christians, all natural phenomena are shifted by 14 days and do not correspond to realities (they used to be shifted by 13 days; 12 days ...). After all, all Slavic holidays were timed to coincide with certain natural and astronomical phenomena (New Kolo and Christmas Kolyada - on the winter Solstice, Maslenitsa / meeting of spring / - on the spring Equinox, etc.)

Vodokres - WINTER TOURS - The holy day that ends Christmas time. It's time when the Gates of Navi are closed, and the world of Yavi acquires its usual orderliness. At this time, the Spark of Heavenly Fire ( Cresa) from the Svarog Forge falls into the waters of the Earth, endowing them with miraculous properties. They also believe that at this time God Veles - the Giver of Health - blesses all earthly waters, so that everyone who bathes in them on this day will be healed of all kinds of ailments
(at the time of dual faith in Russia on January 6, the Judeo-Christians celebrated the "Baptism of the Lord" / otherwise called "Theophany" /, recalling the "baptism" of Yeshua-ga Mashiyakh or Jesus / Jesus / in the waters of the Jordan River in Palestine -
hence, at the time of dual faith, the Semitic name “Jordans” came from - an ice hole in which the Judeo-Christians bathed in the so-called. "Epiphany" )
Note: Old Russian word kres means "fire", so baptism was originally called initiation by fire. Various purification rites were associated with water.

During this period, the Sun is closest to the Earth and begins to rage, fill with young strength to become after the Great Day on the spring Equinox - Yarila. At the same time, it affects all water - Dana, filling it with divine power. Therefore, the Blessing of Water is also called Yar-Dana.
On this day, on the Rodnoverie Temples, as well as on the banks of reservoirs, at specially cut holes in the ice, near wells and sacred springs that do not freeze in winter, the rite of Blessing of Water is performed. Having heated a piece of Svarog iron on fire, it is solemnly, with appropriate glorifications, lowered into water, which, according to popular beliefs, acquires a special Power on this day - it becomes “mighty and mighty”, healing, cleansing the body and soul.

After the completion of the rite of the Blessing of Water, all those gathered wash themselves with water or bathe in ice holes in order to wash away “all pains and sorrows” from themselves. Those who took part in the ritual okrut (dressed in the guise of people from Navi) on Kolyada and during the Veles Christmas time - wash off the remnants of the Navi charms that connected them with the world of the Dead.
By folk ideas, water consecrated to Vodokres is considered clean - sacred, and linen should not be washed or rinsed in it for 12 days. If the yard and house are sprinkled with water, cursed for Vodokres, all evil spirits will bypass them.

Coal from sacred fire, kindled at the Temple on this day, as well as from the fire in which ritual iron was heated, is kept for a year, revered as a miraculous amulet against fire and lightning.
In order to protect their house from fire, on Vodokres the owners - the eldest in their Family, a man and a woman - go around the house, holding a bowl of water in their hands, while saying the words:

Veles and Makosh with me
They carry a bowl of water;
If there is a fire -
They will put out the fire:
Don't burn - one!
Don't burn - two!
Don't burn - three!

Saying these words, they sprinkle water on the house three times, after which they complete the plot:

Spirits of the Ancestors stand -
Save the house from fire!
My word is strong and stucco! Goy!

The people believe that it is impossible to take water out of the house on this day - together with it you can take out cleanliness. There is a legend that about this time Chernobog Himself, turning into a Beggar Wanderer, goes from house to house and asks people for water. Whoever takes out a ladle to Him, together with water, will give Him their Share...

A person who has passed the rite of purification (including “baptism”) on Vodokres can forever get rid of all filth, throw off a painful “burden” from the soul and discover for himself a new Path leading to Wisdom, Strength and Health, which was bequeathed us Ancestors...

Hail, Mighty Veles!
Hail, our Wise God!
Accept the sacrifice and hear us who call on Thee!

There is a white island Buyan in the Okyan Sea,
On that island stands a damp sprawling Oak -
Father of all oak-trees.
He sprouted the whole Mother Cheese-Earth with roots,
And he embraced the whole Golden Svarga with branches.
Lies under that Oak white-combustible stone Alatyr -
The father of all stones is the Heart of the World.
Two keys spring from under that stone of Alatyr:
The key of the Living water and the key of the Dead water -
The share of Zhiva Light and the share of Dark Mary.

You come to us, Mighty Veles,
You get up on frisky legs,
You open your clear eyes!
Reveal Your Trimighty Power and Great Wisdom,
Give us water to drink
Do not wash us with dead water!

So, putting your strong word
Under the white-flammable stone Alatyr,
I lock it with golden keys,
I throw those keys into the ocean bottomless ocean.
As no one will ever find them,
The white-flammable stone will not gnaw in any way,
So no one will ever overcome this word!

May it be so! Truly, yes.
From Col to Col!
Veles - glory! Goy!

Conspiracy for the beginning of the rite

From seven weeks
From Heavenly Springs
Come down, goodness of God,
To our needs
To the Holy Temple!
Here the fire burns
Here glory thunders
Here the demand rises
Here the Force leads
The circle dances
Sorrow raises -
From Mother Earth
To Svarga Golden!
To the Gods of the Family -
Forever glory! Goy!

Conspiracy to fire

Svarog went out to a wide courtyard - glory!
Svarog called his son - glory!
You come, come to Me, My son - glory!
Come to Me, Honest Svarozhich - glory!
You come to Me, Fire of the Daring - glory!
How honest Svarozhich went out to that call - glory!
Svarozhich Honest, Fire Daring - glory!
Svarozhich ascended to the oak Steal - glory!
He offered great glory to Father Svarog! Goy!

Consecration of water

A mandatory requirement for holy water is its consecration by a priest or bishop.

In the Orthodox Church

The Orthodox Church distinguishes two ranks of the blessing of water:

The rite of the great consecration of water is more solemn than the small one and includes more hymns and readings (except for the Gospel and the Apostle, proverbs are read). Mandatory for both great and small consecration is the priest reading a prayer for the consecration of water and immersion in a bowl of water of the cross (during great consecration it is three times and is supplemented by the blessing of the water by the hand of the priest).

Prayer for the blessing of water

Great God, work miracles, they are innumerable! Come to your praying servants, Master: send Your Holy Spirit and sanctify this water, and give it the grace of deliverance and the blessing of the Jordan: create a source of incorruption, sanctification of the gift, resolution of sin, healing of ailments, death by a demon, impregnable to opposing forces, full of angelic fortresses : as if all those who draw and receive from it have for the purification of soul and body, for healing by harm, for changing with passion, for the remission of sins, for driving away all evil, for sprinkling and consecrating houses, and for every benefit I will like. And if it is in the houses, or in the place of the faithful living, this water will sprinkle, let all impurity be washed away, and save from all harm, below there let the destructive spirit settle, below the harmful air, let every dream and slander of the hiding enemy flee, and if anything eat, a hedgehog, or envy the health of the living, or peace, sprinkling this water, let it be reflected. Yes, bless and glorify the most honorable and magnificent your name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

In Russia, on the day of the Epiphany, the consecration of water is sometimes carried out right on the reservoirs in specially made holes in the ice, which are called "Jordan", in remembrance of the baptism of Christ in the Jordan. There is also a tradition of bathing in these holes.

  • The consecration of the water used in the performance of the sacrament of baptism occurs as part of the general order of this sacrament. At the same time, the cross is not immersed in water, and the priest blesses the water in the font with his hand.

In the Catholic Church

The use of holy water

Holy water is used in the sacrament of baptism, which makes a person a member of the church. Also, holy water is used in the consecration of temples and all liturgical items, at the consecration of residential buildings and household items. Believers are sprinkled with holy water at religious processions and during prayer services.

Orthodox Church tradition considers great agiasma as a kind of lower degree of Communion (even the vessel for consecrating water itself resembles a chalice in shape). In cases where a penance is imposed on a Christian and a ban on communion, then the reservation specified in the canonical rules is made: Tochiyu agiasma yes drink».

In Orthodoxy, holy water (especially the great agiasma) is kept by believers at home and used in case of need: it is drunk (sometimes with prosphora) on an empty stomach or it is sprinkled with dwellings and objects.

In Catholicism, consecrated water is also used in the sacrament of baptism, for sprinkling worshipers during services, during the consecration of churches, residential buildings and household items. The hand is dipped in consecrated water when performing sign of the cross when entering and leaving the temple. Believers can store holy water at home and use it to sprinkle their homes; it is not customary to drink it.

properties of holy water

Water is sanctified with the aim of returning the water element to its primitive purity and holiness, lost after the fall of man, and descending upon it by the power of the prayer of blessing and the grace of the Holy Spirit. Through this sacred action, according to the teachings of the church, water acquires a number of miraculous properties: it cleanses believers from spiritual and bodily filth, sanctifies objects and strengthens believers in their spiritual labors.

Holy water, according to the teachings of the church, has the ability to heal the sick. For example, Seraphim of Sarov advised patients who came to him to take a tablespoon of consecrated water every hour.

There are cases of keeping holy water fresh for a long time. The church attributes this to a visible manifestation of the presence of the grace of the Holy Spirit in it, and science considers such cases either as an accident or as a result of the use of silver crosses and bowls during the blessing of water, which leave silver ions in the water, which have a strong bactericidal effect. In the case of "blooming" of holy water, according to church canons, it must be poured into an unassailable place.

Kolo Svarog - January holidays

January - he is Sechen (cutting off one circle of years

from another), Perezimye, Stuzhailo, Prosinets

Vodokres - Vodosvyazie - Prosinets

Nature is everything that is with God Rod. One of the Laws of Nature is cyclicity. Everything in the world happens according to cycles: day gives way to night, autumn - winter, after death comes birth. To live in rhythm with nature means to live according to the laws of the Universe, and to live according to the laws of the Universe means to be healthy, happy and in abundance, Love and balance.

In the Slavic cycle "Kolo Svarog" we remember Slavic holidays and tribal traditions and customs that our glorious Ancestors have observed and kept from time immemorial. Each season has its own character, its own sound and the power of influence in a particular area. Man, living on his land, becomes part of it. The time of the year is a manifestation of the specific Power of the Kind of the Most High in the faces of the Native Gods.

From December 25 to January 6 in Russia, the people celebrate the Great Velesov Christmas time - twelve holy days, symbolizing the twelve months of the year (six dark ones - a dark half-year, and the other six light ones - a light half-year), starting with Kolyada (Kolyada itself is not among holy days) and to Turits. An enchanting time, when the light of the new Sun is still too weak to disperse the darkness (as it was at the time when Svarog was still forging the Earth's Firmament), and the Gates connecting Yav and Nav are wide open. This is the time to commemorate the ancestors-ancestors - Navi grandfathers, caroling, various fortune-telling, wide folk festivals and youth gatherings.

The main holidays of winter are Svyatki or Kolyada, which last 12 days after the winter solstice. Previously, the winter solstice (the longest night and shortest day of the year) fell on December 24th. But due to the shift in the movement of the Sun (precession), this date is now astronomically shifted and falls on December 21st. Like the Kupalo holiday, it has moved from June 24 to June 21. Christmas time and Kupalo are tied to the movement of the Sun, so they should be celebrated according to the astronomical calendar, that is, on December 21 and June 21. To learn to understand the essence of ancient holidays, you need to focus not on the date, but on the meaning behind this date.

It is also interesting that such a correlation of the time of Kolyada and Christmas time. Kolyada was born on December 21, but for 3 days, like any newborn, he is not shown to anyone. 25, when the day begins to arrive at a sparrow's lope (for a minute), they celebrate Kolyada, and then the days correspond to the months of the new year: December 26 - January, 27 - February, 28 - March, 29 - April, 30 - May, 31 - June. December 31 - A generous evening, and in June, after all, the crown of summer, Kupalo. Then everything is in order. Very logical.

January 1 is the day of Ilya Muromets. He was from the village of Karacharova, near the city of Murom. At that time, the Finno-Ugric peoples, the Murom tribe, lived here (it is known that many local Finno-Ugric peoples still adhere to the faith of their ancestors, and their neighbors - the Meadow Mari - were never Christians, retained the priesthood).In Russian epics about Ilya Muromets, the image of the hero merged with the image of Perun. In essence, these epics completely preserved the texts of ancient songs about Perun.

It was customary to dress up at Christmas time, that is, to put on outlandish, unusual costumes and masks (masks). First of all, these were costumes and masks of animals: a bear, a bull, a horse, a goose, a goat, a crane, a fox, as well as fabulous and mythological creatures: kikimora, goblin, brownie, water. The same people dressed up as an old man with an old woman (a girl dressed up as an old man, and a guy dressed up as an old woman). Glorified with carol songsKolyada, the owners of the house, were congratulated on the New Year, they wished happiness, wealth, harmony and kindness. The carolers were presented with specially baked “goats”, “cows”, pies, fruits and money, as well as kutya (because it was believed that in the guise of carolers, the souls of their ancestors come to people living in Yavi)It was believed that these rituals would influence the mighty forces of nature and bring a new bountiful harvest next year. Thus, the essence of winter rites and songs was to ensure a future good harvest, livestock offspring and a happy family life.

The end of Christmas time, the famous "Epiphany evening", was considered the most convenient time for questioning fate. For January spells and fortune-telling associated with spy songs, special vessels were required for sacred water, into which they dipped Golden ring. Water and gold - attributes Christmas divination, as well as water and sun, which provided ancient Slav harvest. There were a great many ways of divination - everything could carry signs about the future.

JANUARY 6 - Tourists
Tourists dedicated to the tour - one of the most ancient animals revered among the Slavs, possessing magic power. The tour embodies the union of Veles and Perun for the glory and prosperity of the Slavic clan. The tour patronizes shepherds, guslars and buffoons, valiant prowess, games, dances and fun, as well as groves and forest animals. In the North, Tur appears as a proud deer, and in the taiga forests as a elk.The ancient Slavs took a cue from these formidable animals that did not take care of themselves to protect the herd. They tried to teach the younger generation to defend themselves, to show resourcefulness and stamina, endurance, courage, the ability to unite to repel enemies, protect the weak and find a weak spot in the enemy.

On this day, they guess for the whole next year, as the holiday closes the winter Christmas time. The 12th day of Christmas time corresponds to the 12th month of the year. Fortune-telling takes place in the evening, with the onset of darkness. Snow is collected to bleach the canvas. The snow collected this evening, thrown into the well, can save water for the whole year. For many years, tours, wild bulls, served people as a symbol of honor and courage. Cups and horns were made from turi horns, which were invitingly trumpeted in military campaigns, and even bows were made from especially large horns. But Turitsy is also a shepherd's holiday, at this time the community invites a shepherd for the next season, agrees with him about work, entrusting him with a precious flock for long time. The shepherd, the servant of the Veles, puts intoxicating drinks on the common table, and the community - food, and celebrate their conspiracy with a holiday. From this moment on, the shepherd takes care of the flock, and the tour helps him in this de le, protecting young heifers and cows preparing for calving in February from various misfortunes and diseases.

JANUARY 8 - Babi porridge
On this day, it was customary to honor midwives. They brought generous gifts and treats. They came with children so that the grandmothers would bless them. Especially on this day, expectant mothers and young girls were recommended to go to grandmothers. Later, the Orthodox Church began to celebrate the feast of the Cathedral on this day. Holy Mother of God. A midwife is a distant relative in the village. The grandmother helped the woman in labor. Knowing the customs of antiquity, the grandmother knew her business. In the throes of a woman in labor, she flooded the bathhouse, pulled out the woman in labor in the sun. Babkanie - wilting - was made good with a kind word, good herbs, good prayers. Smoking a woman in labor, that is, setting fire to a birch torch and setting fire to wormwood with immortelle grass, the grandmother cared about easy homelands.

This is not a holiday, but an occasion to convey to people, especially to young people, the idea of ​​love and fidelity, betrayal and betrayal through tales and legends. On this day, they remember how, in the era of Kupala, Veles kidnapped Diva-Dodola, the wife of Perun. During the wedding of Perun and Diva, Veles fell in love with Diva, but he was rejected by her. However, then, carried away by love passion, he turned into a spring flower lily of the valley and managed to seduce the goddess of the storm, the daughter of Dyya. From their connection, the spring god Yarilo was born. Also on the Day of Abductions, they remember how, in the era of Lada Marena, she bewitched Dazhdbog (the God of summer and happiness) and even married him to herself, but the deception was still revealed, Zhiva saved Dazhdbog. And Marena, desiring undivided power, became the wife of Koshchei. From the connection between Koshchei and Marena, the Snow Queen was later born. But while Dazhdbog is under the spell of Morena, that is, all winter, frosts will become stronger, and blizzards will sweep everything around.

If we take only a tiny part of these long stories and legends - about the lily of the valley - this is already very deep knowledge even at the material level. Beautiful, fragrant, delicate spring flower. A tincture of its berries is a medicine, but the berries can poison you to death. This is such a fairy tale, in which there are many hints and lessons.

Vodokres - I A bright ancient holiday on the land of our Slavic ancestors - currently causes a lot of controversy, inconsistencies and disputes even among the Slavs. Someone talks about January 6 (Yardana - Water Light, - that is, on the 12th day of Christmas time after the birth of a new sun), someone - about 19 (when the church celebrates Epiphany), someone - about 21 - Water Blessing. The most logical still seems to be January 6th. After all, our ancestors lived in harmony with natural cycles, guided not by the decrees of the rulers, but by the Sun, which is not subject to any calendars. It is around January 6 that such a cosmic phenomenon as PERIHELIUM occurs. In its annual journey around the sun The Earth then flies up to the Sun, then flies away from it, because its orbit is slightly elongated. The Earth passes perihelion - the point of the Earth's orbit closest to the Sun - between January 2 and 6. In 2018, the Earth passed through perihelion at 6 a.m. on January 3rd.

This is a unique day of the year - it is on this day that all the waters of Mother Earth are consecrated by the Fire of the newborn Sun. A spark of Heavenly Fire (Cress) from the Svarozh Forge falls into the waters of the Earth, endowing them with miraculous properties. All the negative information that the Earth's waters have collected over the year is "reset". Water again becomes pristine, clean, healing... It is on this day that Water becomes LIGHT, after which it retains its healing properties for a long time. According to customs, it is customary to swim in the hole. Another, more "soft" way to get health from Light Water is to scoop up a bucket of river Water and douse yourself at home or in a place protected from the wind. Immediately after swimming in the ice-hole, you should QUICKLY wipe yourself dry and dress warmly, then continue the holiday with tea drinking among friends. The water at this time is MAGIC and gives health to bathers up to Kupala in summer and the next Yardana - Water Light in winter. According to Slavic Vedic knowledge, during Yardana - Water Blessing - the Sun, Earth and the center of the Galaxy are located so that a line of communication opens between the heart of our planet and the center Galaxies. A special kind of energy channel operates, which in a certain way structures everything that enters it. This structurization is subjected to all water on Earth (and in us too!). During this period, the Sun is closest to the earth and begins to rage, fill with young strength to become Yarila after the Great Day. At the same time, it affects all water - Dana, filling it with divine power. That is why Vodosvyatie is called - Yardana.

It is curious WHO AND WHY brings confusion into Rodnoverie by replacing calendars that do not correlate with natural phenomena (for some reason, the blessing of water is on January 19, Kupala instead of summer solstice they try to justify July 7 and shift it by 13 days from the natural calendar).

But we agreed not to argue and not to prove anything to anyone, but to apply in our lives everything that the Heavenly Father, Mother Earth and all the forces of light give for the benefit of the Human Race - with love and gratitude.

Therefore, someone has already stocked up on light water yardans January 3; someone will do it in Baptism January 19, when a powerful human factor is also connected; someone will add power to Prosinets- Blessing of water - January 21.

21 JANUARY - Prosinets
Prosinets- the name of January, it is celebrated water blessing. Praise Heavenly Svarga - Host of all Gods. "To shine" means the rebirth of the Sun. Prosinets falls in the middle of Winter - it is believed that the Cold begins to subside, and the solar heat returns to the lands of the Slavs at the behest of the gods. On this day, Vedic temples remember how in ancient times Rooftop gave fire to people who died from the cold during the Great Glaciation. Then he spilled the magical Surya from the heavenly Svarga onto the Earth.

Surya - honey fermented on herbs! Surya is also the Red Sun! Surya - Vedas clear understanding! Surya is the footprint of the Supreme Lord! Surya - the truth of God Rooftop! Surya poured onto the earth on this day makes all the waters healing, so believers bathe in the consecrated waters. In the annual circle of the Perun festivities, this day also corresponds to the victory Perun over Skipper the Beast and bathing his sisters Alive, Marena and Lely in the milk river. On this day, the Slavs bathed in cold river water and gave grandiose feasts, in which milk and dairy products must certainly have been present. Prosinets- this is a holiday of the beginning of the revival of the Sun and Life, which is celebrated on January 21 with a sacred day - the Blessing of Water (VodoKres), it is also - “Prosin Day” (Horsa Day), it is also “Kryshnya Day” (Roof). So, back in Ancient Times, the Feast of the WATER-CHRISING or ROOFING was perceived by our ancestors as one of the most significant days of the Family, later adopted by Christians as - Baptism.

In our active group for 4 years, serious experience has already been accumulated in the use of LIGHT (Epiphany) water to solve a variety of pressing issues.

Recently, when natural and social cataclysms have become especially frequent, when tension around and within us is increasing, the simplest and most effective way to quickly help ourselves and those we want to help is the ancient simple and at the same time deep method - charging (structuring) water. Someone uses holy water, someone has already worked with me when we “charged” the water together. Moreover, we “charged” water both for the person involved in this process, and for sick relatives and friends, even those in intensive care. The results have consistently been positive. This contradicts the guidelines of the Committee on Pseudoscience of the Russian Academy of Sciences, but does not contradict my experience and the experience of those people who did this. I think this experience can be useful to many people, both as first aid to normalize their own condition, and to help others. At the same time, I do not want to replace or replace official medicine in any way. The practice is based on the achievements of science and folk methods.

1. Tatyana Petrovna, good morning. After yesterday's webinar, the skin on my hands began to heal. In the morning I already felt a noticeable relief. The redness has decreased. Thanks a lot!!

2. Since 01/19/2015, my mother has been using water and now I can already say that sleep has become better, she herself has become stronger so that yesterday she took a bath-bath (feet in water with salt) and washed herself - quite easily, well. Legs in recent weeks have become, as it were, with red "socks" (varicose veins, blood flow). Over the weekend, they worked with both water and runes - redness and swelling almost disappeared. Thank you for such a full-length and full-length course of many knowledge that really helps us every day.

3. Tatyana Petrovna, a three-liter jar was charged for her son at Epiphany, he drank water for three days, I told him how you told us that the information is valid for 3 days. What is happening now? Adheres to a deliberate diet, became happier, shows accuracy in everything.

I listened to her wonderful webinar about Water and, without hesitation, decided to buy her training + personal consultation. I listened to the training in one breath at 2 am (there was no question of sleep) and wrote down a couple of questions for the consultation. Tatyana has extraordinary charisma, an hour-long consultation flew by like 1 minute, and we charged the water for me and my mother, and carried out the cleaning, and she answered so many questions that I only had time to write down, and the presentation of information is clear , understandable, accessible, structured .... and in her unusually comfortable energy, all information came very easily.

5. Water, and in general all the activities with you are wonderful, how I miss them. After all, my condition has noticeably improved. She became much calmer, began to think about herself that she needed to start the day with a sorceress of water, and she could change a lot, as she had not known about it before. Water and "healer", and "assistant in cleaning", and a cook, and you can tell her everything. Thank you, Tatyana Petrovna, you are a sorceress. Good luck to you, all the best. See you!!!

6. Happy holiday, Tanyusha, consecration of water! Thank you for my discovery today: the fact is that cold water It really annoys me, so I don’t like dousing and contrast showers. And today I got a wonderful positive experience when I wiped my whole body with snow after a shower. I liked it very much! I'm going to keep practicing. Thank you!

7. Tatyana Petrovna, good evening everyone! Still going home from Vasilyevsky Island. This morning I washed my face with snow, very fresh and light (although the sky was in clouds), scooped up a handful and washed my face, and ran it through my hair, it felt like I washed all my hair with one movement, and immediately braided it;). Energy has increased! Last night, when I was walking along the house under the moonlit path, my favorite goosebumps were very much felt on the back;) flowed down the back, and the moon in the halo illuminates the path. Benevolent sensations of light in everything. From these sensations, I want to help Mother Earth to wash, comb her hair-strength, weave braids into russes and remove all the "strong" (synonymous with heavy) energy from oneself. As the girl said now, talking on the phone, "Yes, your energy in a peaceful direction";)

JANUARY 28 - Brownie Day - Velesichi, Kudesy.
On this day, both Veles himself and his army are revered. It tells about the origin of Veles, the heavenly warriors of Veles. But among them there are those who descended from heaven to Earth and settled among people: these are the spirits of forests, fields, waters and mountains. Those of them who got into the forest became goblin, some into the water - water, some in the field - field, and some into the house - brownies. Brownie is a good spirit. Usually he is a zealous owner, helping a friendly family. Sometimes he is mischievous, naughty, if he doesn’t like something. He frightens those who do not take care of the household and livestock.
Kudesy- the day of brownie treats. Brownie - baker, joker, cricket protector. The name of the holiday - kudesy (tambourines) - indicates that our ancestors communicated with the brownie or simply had fun, delighting the ear with music: “Grandfather-neighbor! Eat porridge, but keep our hut! Master-father, take our porridge! And eat pies - take care of our house! If the grandfather-neighbor to Kudes is left without gifts, then from a good keeper of the hearth, he will turn into a rather fierce spirit. After dinner, a pot of porridge is left behind the stove, lined with hot coals, so that the porridge does not cool down until midnight, when the brownie comes to have dinner. In some areas, the holiday is celebrated on February 10th.

Watercress and Waterblessingthey celebrated on the street, at the temple, by the rivers, lakes and springs. But if you do not have the opportunity to participate in a real ritual, in a round dance of like-minded people, you can do some practices that correspond to this magical time in a lesson that we will conduct using the Internet. Also in a group of like-minded people for whom distances are no longer a barrier, you

  • Learn to charge water;
  • get a key that will help you solve health problems;
  • improve relationships with close and distant people;
  • you will clearly understand and know what you want;
  • you will clearly foresee the development of events and draw up a plan of your effective actions;
  • you will learn the rite of "hearing the water", touch the mystery of winter sorcery.
  • You will be able to help your loved ones and charge water for your sick children or relatives, which will help them better than any medicine;
  • You will discover many mysteries of water... Learn how to make conspiracies, get "silent water", communicate with the guardians of the four states of water.
  • You will learn to put the events of your life in order the way our ancestors did.
  • Get simple and clear advice on how to maintain and increase wealth in the house.
  • A unique opportunity not only to know your future, but also to become a real creator of your happiness.
  • At the end of the holiday - the famous fortune-telling.
  • You will be told - "Looking into the water."

What awaits you as a result of this work:

  • Finding a connection with native gods-ancestors and ancestors;
  • feeling of stability in life;
  • feeling of constant help and support Higher powers in communication, in relationships, in achieving goals;
  • filling with energies that will help to achieve the biggest goals;
  • practice of interaction with water, which will be with you for life;
  • You will feel the powerful impulse of renewal of nature that comes to Earth at this magical time, and you will begin to apply it in your life;
  • You will find out what is the power of baptismal water;
  • Get acquainted with the discoveries of quantum physics and biology about the influence of the word on living organisms and human DNA;
  • You will receive a tool for the fastest and simplest help to a person in any situation and at any distance;
  • A simple technique that will protect you from negative people anywhere - you can use it always;
  • You will take a bath and shower properly to always be healthy and in a good mood;
  • How to use water for young children is a very useful knowledge for mothers and grandmothers;
  • A powerful practice that opens the depths of your subconscious and develops intuition;
  • Find out what you need to do to develop a competent treatment of water.


I help people regain inner simplicity and get rid of artificial complexities.I have a huge “piggy bank” of various psychological methods and practices, which I generously share at webinars and consultations.If a person comes to me with a serious matter, he will get the result - without fail, tangible, quickly. In other cases, even immediately. But in achieving the result, a person must also invest his soul, time, effort, concentration, honesty and optimism. You can only help someone who does something himself.

I really need to get things done: for me, the criterion of truth is still practice. So that a person comes out of his own shell, looks at the World again, and again - maybe for the first time in many years - smiles. I like it - to rejoice at your success, for me it is also my own transformation.

For those who have just joined us, I offer recordings of past classes at a significant discount. If you start working on them before our current session, your success will be no worse than those who started earlier.

Here's what the participants say:


Recording of the webinar on January 19, 2019 - 600 rubles. You can pay using the details at the bottom of the page. If you would like to purchase previous courses as well, just add this amount to the cost of the package you have chosen and be sure to let me know by email. My email address is also at the bottom of the page.

BASE REINFORCED With individual work
Video course "Kolo Svarog - holidays of January" 2classes for 2 hours

4 video courses of different years "Magic Water"

1600 rub

700 rub

1600 rub

700 rub

Individual consultation Tatyana Solovieva
Price: 1200 rubles

If you decide to transfer money directly, immediately after payment, write to me by mail [email protected] date, time, method and activity or cycle that you have chosen and paid for. You will then receive a link to download the course in your email.

Please indicate only your last name in the purpose of payment. All payments are now tracked. A bank employee may call you and ask about the appointment - in this case, everyone in unison just says the magic word "Debt". These are recommendations from social networks.

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You can email them to me. [email protected]

Let's talk about and h equestrian Vodcrese. Are you going to use baptismal water for health and well-being this January? And when? January 6-7 or 18-19? The Vodokres holiday is one of those that honors our people, even forgetting what it all started from and how to do everything right. I will tell in this article about baptismal water - why, how and when? For good!

The order established by the Creator-Clan defines the Great Holidays. The order was called "kona". Until now, they say: “This is where the horse of our land came from,” “from the horse, calmly, calmly, from time immemorial it has been so.” And those who broke the con, given by the gods, was condemned. So they said: “He is not our horse. Either in the con or out. Therefore, the holiday of Vodokres is traditional.

There is a root "kres" in the name of the feast of the Blessing of Water-Vodocres. First of all, this word means "Fire", but not just fire, but magical, against all evil spirits. Such fire is owned by the Native Gods. The word "cross" is a symbol of this divine magical fire. The cross of Svarog is straight, with ends equal in length. The straight cross also symbolizes man and the World Tree. It has always been considered a "male" cross. The blessing of water among the Slavs in the first place is the protection of male fiery power.

The straight male cross of Svarog, the symbol of Fire.

Water is an element that balances fire and helps to spread what the union of the male and female principles brings with it. The oblique cross in ancient times was a sign of the Great Mother Makosh and was considered female sign. The blessing of water among the Slavs in another sense is the cleansing of female water power.

Oblique female cross Makosh in northern embroidery.

Later (IV millennium BC), this sign was considered a sign of fire and rethought as a male. The oblique cross in meaning became similar to a straight cross, in northern embroideries the combination of a rhombus and a cross became a symbol of the connection of beginnings, but the large oblique cross still remains a symbol of Makosh.

What kind of hole did the Slavs make for Water Blessing?

The eight-ray star (straight and oblique cross) is a symbol of the union of the male and female principles, which creates life. That's what it looked like ancient cross, not related to Christianity - the combination of direct and oblique crosses. So, the "cross" - a symbol of the heavenly cleansing fire - is a cleansing and enclosing eight-pointed sign. It was such an ice hole that was cut in the Great Vodokres.

An old cross and at the same time the shape of an old ice-hole on the Vodokres holiday.

The Feast of the Blessing of the Waters among the Slavs begins with Kolyada

So we are approaching the meaning of the holiday, which carries the name "Vodokres" or "Blessing of the Waters". But few people know that the Consecration of Water is not once in the month of January. Let's look at everything through the customs of ancient times that existed in our northern land.

The holidays were all according to the Sun - according to the breaks of the Sun, time was followed. On December 21 or 22, Kolyada came, the Magi did great magical rites, and the rest of the people began the holiday when the Sun came out “on a sparrow’s lope”, on December 25.

From that time on, Veles Christmas time began, 12 days for divination about the well-being of the next summer. According to the current reckoning, With December 25 to January 6. These days, Veles, the God of Wisdom and Magic, kept the gates of Navi open so that people could turn to their Nav Ancestors and ask them for blessings.

How to turn to the Ancestors on this holiday?

To call the Grandfathers, they opened the doors and put a fresh treat on the altar, in front of the Churami of the Gods and Ancestors. It was customary to show that living relatives remember their grandfathers and regret their absence. This was done in order to call the Spirits of the Ancestors into Reality. The rest of the time, the northerners did not indulge in grief for the departed. What to regret? Death to the evil, but eternal memory to the good. The Grandfather's Soul will return to the family, will be embodied in great-grandchildren!

Calls of parents on holy days:

Our dear fathers and mothers! Have we somehow angered you, dear ones, that there is neither greetings from you, nor joy, nor parental priluki? You, the sun, the sun is clear! You rise, rise from midnight, you illuminate all the graves with joyful light, so that our dead do not sit in the darkness, do not grieve with misfortune, do not languish with longing. You, month, clear month! You rise, rise from the evening, you illuminate all the graves with joyful light, so that our dead do not crush their zealous hearts in the darkness, do not grieve in the darkness for the white light, do not shed burning tears in the darkness for dear children. Oh, the wind, the violent wind! You raise, raise from midnight, you bring joyful news to our dead, that for them all the relatives lamented in anguish, that for them all the children languished in a torment, that for them all the brides with grief were planted.

Together with the Navi Ancestors, black Navi come from the Dark Navi - the Souls of the pledged dead, touched by the breath of Chaos. They are dangerous for the living, because they emanate disease and misfortune. So they call these days "terrible." But if there is a beginning, there will be an end. After 12 days of Veles, our Grandfathers fly away as birds back to Nav, and Veles closes the passage.

Small Vodokres January 6 - the first Water blessing among the Slavs

And here is what happens: Svarog, Heavenly Father at that moment, he strikes the Alatyr-stone with a hammer, a spark of the male heavenly Fire-Cress falls to the ground into the water. And a small Vodokres comes on Earth on January 6, according to a new calculation - water changes its properties and becomes “mighty and mighty”. Properties saved from 6 pm to noon next day.

The Black Navi find themselves locked in Yavi because they cannot return "down the river" to their home. Here they will remain until January 19, losing strength and their ability to harm every day.

First Water Blessing - water acquires protective properties from the blow of the hammer of God Svarog

Small Vodokres - the first Water blessing among the Slavs, was celebrated by the people of the north like this. On this day, each family observed strict moderation in food until midnight. After they bring houses of praise to the Ancestors in the afternoon and ask them to fly back, the holiday continued at some source, on the lake, and in the absence of such, near the well.

First of all, having heated a piece of Svarog iron on a fire, praising Svarog, they lower it into the hole, then they bathe, wash off “all pains and sorrows” and take water with them, in order to sprinkle the house, yard, relatives, pets give drink to the sick.

Returning home after the small Vodokres, the inhabitants of the northern country drank several sips of boiled water, and then with the help of birch brooms, stored from the time of Kupalo, they sprinkled the whole house, outbuildings, property in order to protect the economy from trouble and the evil eye.

It was customary on this day to pour the brought water into the well so that the unclean dark Navii could not climb into it and did not take water until the big Vodokres on January 19.

The same water was used to heal the sick and heal wounds. The water drawn from the hole, as it was believed, especially helps women-whores, but on the condition that the one who took the water, walking from the hole, will pronounce praises to the Gods and not turn back.

kept this clean water so: next to the vessels they lit candles with knots tied to them, into which they wove their aspirations with conspiracies.

And then came the Great Vodokres on January 19 - the second Consecration among the Slavs

By that time, the black Navi (later they were called demons, and in Christianity, devils), locked in Yavi, lost their last strength. This is also used by sorcerers - people who call black navy for evil deeds. And there are such people in the northern country, you can’t go against the truth here. Sorcerers, receiving their power from Chaos, are doomed, as everyone knew, after their death to turn into snakes supporting the pillars of the last roof of Navi. That is why the sorcerers held on to their lives, sometimes drinking the strength and blood of other people in order to prolong their youth. And they died long and painfully, trying to pass their curse on to someone living and go to Nav as ordinary mortals. Therefore, by that time, the Navi were weak, and the sorcerers were strong, who had taken their strength upon themselves.

The Great Vodokres, the second Blessing of the Waters among the Slavs, was always celebrated with great solemnity. This holiday marked the end of days marked by a special revelry of "evil spirits". At the same time, everyone was preparing to protect themselves from possible troubles. Cleansing has always had the character of a precaution, so Vodokres on January 19 was needed as a protection for the future. Water properties saved from 6 p.m. January 18 until noon the next day.

How to prepare for the holiday?

Preparations for the holiday began even the day before: the huts were washed and the rubbish was carefully swept away, in which, according to legend, the imp could hide. They believed that in the morning before Vodokres all the “imps” should drown.

Preparation for the holiday of Vodokres was also a strict fast on the eve until the first "evening" star "the elderly completely abstained from food and performed the glorification of the Native Gods. Even children and teenagers tried not to eat anything.

In the open air, a hole was made on the ice of the river - you will not surprise anyone with ice in January in the country of the north. The Magi cut an ice hole ahead of time in the form of an eight-pointed cross.

The Slavs went for a swim in the Great Vodokres - the second Blessing of the Waters in a joint move, and not just separate families. There were highways of childbirth, adult men and women. Young people were taken care of, left at home. The road for this move was covered with straw, and on the sides it was decorated with the tops of young Christmas trees - the sacred tree of the Goddess Makosh. Because the time from the small Vodokres to the Great Vodokres was in the power of this Goddess of magic and fate. All the fortune-telling that people carried out at that time was dedicated to her, the Lady of the twisted threads.

Time of the Goddess Makosh - purification of water on the second feast of the Blessing of Water

It was twelve days after the small Vodokres that Makosh hit the Alatyr stone with her spindle crosswise. Sparks of fire of the feminine again fell on open reservoirs, fixing the male cross of Svarog and making the water not only healing, but also protecting from evil spirits.

Second Water Blessing - water acquires cleansing properties from the swing of the spindle of the Goddess Makosh

Until recently, almost everyone knew this, but now they have forgotten it. Although even in the books of the 19th century you can read this:

At the end of the Vodokres rite, the peasants dismantled both the straw and the Christmas trees and took them to the stockyards in order to protect the cattle from diseases, spoilage, from the effects of “volhitok” (sorceresses) on it and the harmful actions of the “cattle neighbor”, that is, the yard. (Makarenko A.A., p.43).

Here, in the hole, they drove cattle, which were sprinkled with water consecrated in the river. In some places it was considered right to come on horseback, and not to come. According to the explanations, this was done to “consecrate” livestock in order to protect it from diseases and from damage by sorcerers and witches: “/…/ of course, you can’t drive a horse into the river, because the water is very cold, so let it walk on the ice and protect yourself . (Maksimov S.V., pp. 280-281).

The sprinkling of holy water on buildings on the eve and on the day of the holiday was also carried out in order to drive out the holy water from everywhere. evil spirit, which has its own names in different localities.

So, in the Vologda province, holy water from houses, barns, baths, etc. kicked out the hooligans. In the Irkutsk province, demons-shulupans during a big water blessing were crushed by the hooves of horses competing in horseback riding near the hole. Similarly, in some areas, evil spirits were cast out on the night before the Epiphany:

/…/ a crowd of young guys on horseback rushes through all the yards, beats with brooms and whips in all dark corners and nooks and crannies with a spell, screaming and screeching. (Stepanov N.P., 1899, p.18).

All this was done for the purpose of protection, because in the Great Vodokres all sorcerers are especially dangerous, as they are alarmed by Vodokres and therefore rush about everywhere. In some places, it was believed that if you do not protect the cattle that evening by sprinkling it and enclosing it with divine water, then the unclean one will greatly torment the cattle, and the next morning it will be in soap and sweat.

Festive dinner at Vodosvyazie

The festive dinner on the day of Vodokres - Blessing of the Waters was called "hungry kutya." The obligatory dishes of this meal were kutia, pancakes, oatmeal jelly. Pancakes on Vodokres were placed in the barn for the yard in order to ensure the well-being of the livestock.

In the old calendar, the day of Vodokres - Blessing of Water was one of the most important holidays of the beginning of the year, comprehended in mythological consciousness as a boundary beyond which the world created at Christmas time acquired qualitatively new characteristics: clarity, orderliness, stability, etc. From this holiday, everything fell into place: a kind of new countdown began, the borders between the “worlds” closed, people stopped contacting the “other” world, and they returned to their usual course of life.

The water received on this day was saved and used for healing, and some for sorcery. So the feast of the Consecration among the Slavs closed the series significant days in the cauldron.

Now you know about the two feast days of the Blessing of Water!

The Feast of the Epiphany is one of the oldest Christian holidays. Baptism, or Epiphany, is celebrated Orthodox Church January 19. On the eve of the holiday, January 18 - a strict fast.

The establishment of the celebration dates back to the time of the apostles. The ancient name of the holiday is "Epiphany" - a phenomenon, or "Theophany" - Epiphany, it was also called the "Feast of Lights", "Holy Lights" or simply "Lights". For God comes into the world on this day to reveal to the world the Light of Impenetrable.

All four Gospels testify to this.
“And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And as he was coming out of the water, immediately John saw the heavens open, and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon Him. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Mark 1:9-11).

The word "I baptize", "I baptize" in Greek means "I immerse in water." It is impossible to understand the meaning and importance of baptism without first understanding the symbolic and real meaning of water in Old Testament. Water is the beginning of life. It is from the water fertilized by the life-giving Spirit that all living beings will come. Where there is no water, there is desert. But water can both destroy and destroy - just like the water of the great flood, God flooded sins and destroyed human evil.

In memory of the fact that the Savior sanctified the water with His Baptism, there is a blessing of water; on the eve of the holiday, water is consecrated in churches, on the very feast of the Epiphany - in rivers or other places where water is taken. Procession to the Jordan is a procession for the consecration of natural reservoirs.

The baptism of John was symbolic and meant that just as the body is washed and cleansed with water, so the soul of a person who repents and believes in the Savior will be cleansed of all sins by Christ. John himself exclaimed: “The strongest of me is coming after me, in whose presence I am not worthy, bending down to untie the strap of His shoes; I baptized you with water, and He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit” (Mark 1:7-8).

And then Jesus of Nazareth comes to him. John, considering himself unworthy to baptize Jesus, began to restrain Him, saying: “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” But Jesus said to him in answer, “Leave it now; for thus it behooves us to fulfill all righteousness” (Matthew 3:14-15).

After the Baptism of Christ, baptism for people is no longer just a symbol of purification. Here Jesus revealed Himself to the world as the Christ, the Son of God. “I saw, I testify: He is the Chosen One of God,” John the Baptist confirms (“Messiah” in Hebrew is the same as in Greek “Christ”, that is, “God's Anointed One”).

Theophany revealed to us the great Divine mystery of the Holy Trinity. Now everyone who is baptized partakes in this mystery, according to Christ's words to His disciples: "Go, make disciples of all peoples, cross them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" (Matt. 28, 19).

Water blessing or water blessing

Blessing of water or water blessing is a church service, on which, with the triple immersion of the cross, with the appropriate prayers and hymns, the blessing of water is performed by Divine inspiration.
Water blessing is great and small. The Great Blessing of Water takes place twice a year: on the eve of the feast of the Epiphany (Baptism) - after the liturgy or vespers, and on the very day of the feast - after the liturgy. The water consecrated these days is called the great agiasma (Greek “shrine”).
It is consecrated either in special filled containers, or in a river, spring, lake, well, where a solemn ceremony takes place. procession, called the move to the Jordan.
At the end of the service, the faithful bless their dwellings with holy water, sprinkling the walls, doors and windows of all rooms in a cross-like manner (with the singing of the troparion of the holiday: “In the Jordan I am baptized by Thee, Lord ...”, or the troparion to the Cross: “Save, Lord, Thy people .. ."), as well as outbuildings, cattle and poultry; wells are consecrated by adding holy water. In these holidays Holy water can be drunk not only on an empty stomach, but also after eating food.
The small blessing of water is performed on the day of Mid-Pentecost, the Origin of the honest trees Life-Giving Cross(August 1/14), on Friday in Bright Week, on the days of temple (patronal) holidays, in many churches - weekly on Thursday evening, and also in general at any time in churches, houses, fields and anywhere, at will clergy and believers.