Signs for October 31st. Folk calendar of holidays, traditions and signs for October. October: rites and traditions of the day

Many autumn signs that we inherited from our ancestors are important even now. Most of them will help you avoid troubles and misfortunes in the future, as well as properly prepare for the winter.

The first month of autumn has come to an end, and Indian summer has ended with it. In October, as usual, we expect cold rains, falling leaves and the first reminders of the onset of winter. At this time, there is a sharp change in weather conditions, and many signs are a kind of forecast for the coming months. Signs for October will help you find out what changes await you in the near future and whether it is worth getting warm clothes out of the wardrobe, or autumn will still delight us with warmth.

Notes for every day

In October, every day is associated with certain signs.

October 1st. If on this day you see a flock of flying cranes, it means that the first snow will fall on Pokrov (October 14).

2 October. On this day the beehives were collected. The bee nine began - the period from October 2 to October 10, when it is customary to collect honey. Whoever eats a spoonful of honey on an empty stomach during these days will be happy all year. For girls, this day could be a harbinger of a wedding. If you look into the eyes of your lover on October 2, he will soon fall in love with you without memory.

October 3rd. If today the wind blows from the north, it means cold weather, from the south - to clear and warm weather, from the west - to rain, from the east - to dry weather.

The 4th of October. It was believed that if the weather is clear but cold on this day, it means that there will be severe frosts in winter.

October 6th. This day was considered the most suitable for divination for money. To do this, draw water into a glass from a river or lake and leave it on the windowsill with an open window. If something falls into a glass overnight, financial well-being awaits you next year, if not, get ready for difficulties with money.

October 9th. If on this day snow falls on wet ground, it will lie for a long time, if on dry ground, it will melt quickly.

10 October. If at this time there are few cones on spruces and pines, there will be severe frosts in winter.
If the weather is warm on this day, it means that autumn will be warm and dry.

October 11. Among the people - Kharitonov Day. It was believed that October 11 devilry walks the streets, and many did not go out to avoid damage, evil eye or misfortune.

October 12- the day of Theophan the Merciful. It was believed that on this day Feofan closed the sun from frost. If the weather is warm that day, then it will not be cold.

October 14— Cover day, religious holiday dedicated to the appearance of the Virgin. It was believed that the first frosts begin on this day. People harvested and finally completed agricultural affairs. If snow fell that day, they were preparing for a cold and snowy winter, and clear weather foreshadowed a warm winter.

October 15th. The people believed that on this day the demons go for a walk. Therefore, people already in the morning went to church, prayed and asked to take troubles and misfortunes away from them. However, those who were born on this day were promised happiness and good luck for life.

16 October. On this day, people with the evil eye were avoided: it was believed that if you damage it on October 16, then it will be very difficult to remove it later.

17 October. In Russia, a sharp cold snap was always expected on this day. If it was warm on October 17, then there will be no frosts in winter.

18 October. If you see a lot of crows or jackdaws on this day, a cold winter will soon come.

19 October. On this day, the quantity and quality were evaluated harvested crop. If there is a lot of production during the summer, next year will pass safely. If the harvest is poor and rotten, financial difficulties are expected next year.

The 20th of October. If today the snow falls on the fallen leaves of the trees, it will soon melt. If the weather is clear, winter will have to wait a long time.

October 21. On this day, it is good to buy winter clothes. It was believed that the purchased warm clothes will last a long time.

22 of October- Jacob Day or the Day of the first porridge. It was on October 22 that people waited for the first snow and associated it with cereals. If it was snowing, they said that it was "Yakov sent grits." Whoever serves porridge on the table on this day will live in abundance for the next year.

October 23. If by this day there are still fruits on the mountain ash tree, there will soon be a lot of rain.

October 24th. If by this day the ice on the river has already strengthened, then you can walk on it, and the whole year will pass in abundance.

the 25th of October. The starry sky today portends a rich harvest for next year. The stars are bright - for the coming cold, dim - for warmth.

October 26th. If on this day you see a cat licking itself, it means that severe cold and snowfalls are coming.

27th October. The day was considered feminine. Young girls and women were forbidden to do household chores, and those who neglected this sign could attract misfortune to themselves and their home. If childbirth began on this day, they will pass quickly and painlessly.

28 of October. The most favorable day for cleaning. It was believed that today all troubles and misfortunes are swept out of the house along with garbage.

29th of October. If on this day you are caught in the rain, the whole year of illness will bypass you.

October 31. The last day of the month was considered the last day for leaf fall. If the leaves have not yet fallen by that day, the winter will be long and cold.

Our ancestors did not just attach great importance to signs. After all, thanks to them, they learned what awaited them in the future, and could prepare themselves for unforeseen circumstances. Many signs have come down to us. If you follow them, you can attract happiness and good luck and

October 31 Orthodox Church remembers the holy apostle and evangelist Luke, who was an associate of the apostle Paul and the author of one of the four gospels of the Acts of the holy apostles. Luke studied philosophy, painting and medicine, was a doctor and the first icon painter. According to legend, it was he who created the first icons of the Mother of God. After the Ascension of Christ, he accompanied the Apostle Paul.

Until the end of his days, Luke served the Lord and preached the Gospel in different countries. At the age of 84 he was martyred - crucifixion on a tree.

The relics of St. Luke are today in the Basilica of St. Justina in Italy.

October 31: rites and traditions of the day

Among the people, St. Luke was considered a mentor of icon painting and painting. Therefore, on October 31, icon painters prayed to him, asking for help.

With the adoption of Christianity, samples of Byzantine iconography began to fall into Russia, which served not only as an object of worship, but also an object of imitation. From the end of the 10th century to the beginning of the 12th century, icon painting in Russia was in the orbit of attraction of Byzantine icon painting. Later, the style of writing holy images changed, national identity and experience accumulated over the centuries left their indelible imprint on it.

Ancient icon painters were true visionaries. In prayerful ascetic feat they came into contact with the Heavenly world, comprehended its secret and light. They sought to transfer this light to the earthly world. The icon painters had a special vision of the Truth. Unlike ordinary paintings, beauty in an icon is of a completely different nature: it is the beauty of holiness and unearthly meaning. The aesthetic side of icon painting is only an outward expression of this.

In the old days, the icon painter did not so much need a rational understanding of skill and reason, as they needed true faith, spiritual qualities, fasting and prayer, thanks to which he received his mastery as grace.

On the day of Luke they said: Every skill is given by labor”, “To what the soul lies, hands will be attached to it”, “You look at the image, you won’t become a saint».

Due to the fact that the name of the holy apostle is consonant with the word "onion", the people called this day onion day. In the old days, the so-called "onion markets" were organized at this time. According to legend, in order not to get sick in the coming year, on October 31, you must definitely eat at least a little onion.

Fishermen and hunters during this period went to fish. For successful hunting and fishing, before leaving the house, they read special conspiracies.

October 31: signs and traditions

  1. If snow does not fall on the day of Luke, then winter will not come soon.
  2. Muddy stars - to the rain.
  3. The horse snorts - to warmth, snores - to bad weather.
  4. If the poultry are feathered, it will rain.
  5. Clouds from north to south float - to sunny weather.
  6. Pale and muddy month - to snow or rain.
  7. The cow raises its muzzle against the wind - to rainy weather.
  8. If livestock script teeth, then the winter will be harsh.
  9. The cat scratches the floor - to the wind.
  10. If the howling of foxes is heard in the forest, then the weather will deteriorate.

Person born 3 1 October, given the talent of the artist. His stone is aquamarine.

Video: church calendar for October 31


    • . In other words, a horoscope is an astrological chart drawn up taking into account the place and time, taking into account the position of the planets relative to the horizon line. To build an individual natal horoscope it is necessary to know with maximum accuracy the time and place of birth of a person. This is required in order to find out how the celestial bodies at this time and in this place. The ecliptic in the horoscope is depicted as a circle divided into 12 sectors ( zodiac signs. Turning to natal astrology, you can better understand yourself and others. The horoscope is a tool for self-knowledge. With its help, you can not only explore your own potential, but also understand relationships with others and even make some important decisions.">Horoscope130
  • . With their help, they find out the answers to specific questions and predict the future. You can find out the future by dominoes, this is one of the very rare types of fortune telling. They also guess on tea and coffee grounds, on the palm of your hand, and on the Chinese Book of Changes. Each of these methods is aimed at predicting the future. If you want to know what awaits you in the near future, choose the fortune-telling that you like best. But remember: no matter what events are predicted for you, take them not as an indisputable truth, but as a warning. Using divination, you predict your fate, but with some effort, you can change it."> Divination67

This day is extremely favorable for Aries. Good luck is everywhere and in everything, the probability of the implementation of your bright plans and the craziest desires is very high. Try not to miss your chance, because on this day even the laziest Aries are lucky. You can fulfill your plans regarding career growth, but for this you will have to go into conflict with business partners. Proposals for a change of job or place of residence received on this day will require careful consideration. Orient in the choice, based on the opinions and advice of people close to you.

This day requires you to restrain your emotions. Taurus will have to do not what they want, but what is necessary in accordance with the current conditions and situation. Alas, today, Taurus will not be the minions of fate, although pleasant communication with extraordinary, interesting people awaits you. Today it will not be easy to find support from influential people. Try to adhere to established rules and traditions, and also act solely within the bounds of decency.

On this day, caution is of particular importance for Gemini, first of all. Intrigues are not ruled out, as a result of which you can be a scapegoat. In these circumstances, sitting on the sidelines will not work. Today is the time to do what you promised yourself for a long time, but could not afford, go shopping. Gemini on this day has every chance to carry out previously planned cash actions, to conclude transactions. The probability of making a profit is very high, however, do not forget about caution.

Try not to stand out from the crowd today. Cancers can be provoked by deliberately drawing them into someone else's game. In general, it is better to come up with some kind of local business trip and return to work when all the passions have subsided. In the evening, it will be appropriate to remember the simple truth that adults are big children. Go to entertainment places, visit a bowling alley or an ice rink, and be sure to take your children with you. The joy of spending a holiday together will be remembered for a long time by children, and you will get the necessary boost of energy.

a lion
From the very morning, legal inconsistencies are not ruled out, however, by the beginning of the afternoon, fortune will smile on the Lions, and business meetings will go like clockwork. Take care of planning today - everything planned will come true. Offers that promise good financial prospects should be considered without delay. In the field love relationship stagnation is possible, intra-family conflicts are also likely, in order to avoid them, come home a little later than usual.

The information received by Virgos today will be useful in the future. Remember or even better write down the content of the conversations, only your interest is better not to advertise. To get today's benefit, you have to cheat. There may be difficulties with the law and with the fulfillment of the obligations assumed. However, activity and luck, due to the current planetary aspect, will allow you to safely resolve all problems. In the evening, avoid noisy companies, a quarrel can flare up literally out of nothing.

Probably, Libra has planned so much for this day that it will not be possible to cope alone, and I would not want to deviate from what was planned. Think about who can accompany you in solving your plans. The authorities require non-standard solutions, and Libra always has them, go for it and get the green light. Just do not allow yourself to sit idly by today, it will be an unforgivable mistake to miss such favorable astrological conditions and not lay the foundation for a successful career.

The manifestation of perseverance is appropriate in solving many issues, if you wish to maintain the positions won earlier, this statement will be more than relevant for you today. This applies to both your co-workers and family members. It is easy to prove to Scorpions that you are right today, your arguments and arguments will be convincing for many. Also easy on this day will be given classes aimed at your intellectual and spiritual development.

If you want to level up your vital energy go to sports competitions. Shout in the stands, cheer for one of the teams and give vent to the accumulated negative emotions. You now need to break away from everyday affairs, make changes in your life and set new goals. Do it as quickly as possible. In the evening, you can treat yourself to light wine, arranging a romantic candlelight dinner for your loved one.

Not the best period this week. The current circumstances are such that today it is not easy for Capricorns to realize seemingly simple things. It will be difficult to find support from management. You should not go to the authorities today, postpone this feat for another day, since there is a high probability of becoming a victim of scammers. Circumstances will remind you that your main protectors and helpers are close people, relatives, only they will support you in any endeavors.

By a favorable combination of circumstances, you will get to a meeting that will teach you a lot. However, remember to talk to important people, the word is not a sparrow, it will fly out, you won’t catch it. If you are not satisfied with the management, try changing jobs, today there is a high probability of such an opportunity, all you need is to buy a suitable newspaper or view ads on some Internet resource. In the evening, those representatives of the Aquarius sign who are in love are expected positive changes in a relationship with a loved one.

The main concerns of this day will be related to the younger members of your family. What can you do, the younger generation requires attention, and the hour is not even, they will do stupid things, and the elders will have to pay. In the evening, perhaps one of your household will hint at a lack of independence, well, give them freedom, and then shift all the responsibility onto their shoulders. It's time for you to relax on the couch with a book or do something healthy, and endless domestic problems can wait.

Folk omens for October 31 - St. Luke's DayThe people noted that these were the latest dates for oak and aspen leaf fall. On October 31, they prayed to the holy Apostle Luke, considering him the mentor of all painters. In addition, they also prayed to him for healing from various ailments. In the church on October 31, the memory of St. Luke, who is considered the author of the four Gospels, is venerated. He is also known as one of the 70 apostles and an associate of the apostle Paul. According to legend, Luke was called to the first sermon on the Kingdom of Heaven, which Jesus preached during his earthly life. Much later, Luke accompanied Paul on his travels. Luke himself was martyred in Thebes. During his lifetime he wrote not only 4 Gospels, but also the Acts of the Holy Apostles. In addition, according to historical information, Luke is the first icon painter. His work was the icon of the Mother of God. Later, Luke painted the icons of Chentokhovskaya, Vladimirskaya, Kikkskaya, Sumelskaya Mother of God. It is for this reason that the bow was considered in Russia the patron saint of all painters.

In the people, the day of Luke was often called the Onion Day. On October 31, they tried to eat at least a little onion in order to maintain health for the whole next year. It was also customary to organize onion markets, although the onion trade itself was not considered a profitable occupation.

On the day of Luke, they went to church in the morning to pray to Luke for well-being in the family. Gardeners also turned to the saint for help.

On October 31, the so-called autumn season began, which involved going out to sea for fishing. Therefore, they also prayed to Luke, asking him for success in business. At this time it was possible to catch roach, ide, sterlet, bream, chub, perch, catfish, pike. It is interesting that our ancestors for a long time considered fish to be the embodiment of the souls of dead people.

Folk omens for October 31

If there are still leaves on the cherry on October 31, then the snow that has fallen will most likely melt quickly.
If a person was born on October 31, then his talisman is aquamarine, and the birthday man himself will have artistic abilities, which will help him become an excellent painter
The horns of the month look to the north - a sign that the weather will be dry in the coming days. If the month is directed south, then the slush will last until early November
Clouds across the sky are floating from north to south - the weather will be clear, and vice versa
Pale and cloudy moon October 31 - expect rain or snow. Frost is also possible
If a pike splashes its tail in front of a fisherman, then, according to signs, he will die soon
If a ruff was caught in the net on October 31, don't expect a good catch.

People noted that these were the latest dates for oak and aspen leaf fall. On October 31, they prayed to the holy Apostle Luke, considering him the mentor of all painters. In addition, they also prayed to him for healing from various ailments.

On October 31, the church honors the memory of St. Luke, who is considered the author of the four Gospels. He is also known as one of the 70 apostles and an associate of the apostle Paul. According to legend, Luke was called to the first sermon on the Kingdom of Heaven, which Jesus preached during his earthly life. Much later, Luke accompanied Paul on his travels. Luke himself was martyred in Thebes. During his lifetime he wrote not only 4 Gospels, but also the Acts of the Holy Apostles. In addition, according to historical information, Luke is the first icon painter. His work was the icon of the Mother of God. Later, Luke painted the icons of the Chentokhovskaya, Vladimirskaya, Kikkskaya, Sumelskaya Mother of God. It is for this reason that the bow was considered in Russia the patron saint of all painters.

In the people, the day of Luke was often called the Onion Day. On October 31, they tried to eat at least a little onion in order to maintain health for the whole next year. It was also customary to organize onion markets, although the onion trade itself was not considered a profitable occupation.

On the day of Luke, they went to church in the morning to pray to Luke for well-being in the family. Gardeners also turned to the saint for help.

On October 31, the so-called autumn season began, which involved going out to sea for fishing. Therefore, they also prayed to Luke, asking him for success in business. At this time it was possible to catch roach, ide, sterlet, bream, chub, perch, catfish, pike. Interestingly, for a long time our ancestors considered fish to be the embodiment of the souls of dead people.

Folk omens for October 31

  1. If there are still leaves left on the cherry, then the snow that has fallen will most likely melt quickly.
  2. If a person was born on October 31, then his talisman is aquamarine, and the birthday man himself will have artistic abilities, which will help him become an excellent painter
  3. The horns of the month look to the north - a sign that the weather will be dry in the coming days. If the month is directed south, then the slush will last until early November
  4. Clouds across the sky are floating from north to south - the weather will be clear, and vice versa
  5. Pale and cloudy moon - expect rain or snow. Frost is also possible
  6. If a pike splashes its tail in front of a fisherman, then, according to signs, he will die soon
  7. If a ruff was caught in the net on October 31, don’t expect a good catch