From what to what date are rams born. Aries zodiac sign. Aries horoscopes. What zodiac sign suits Aries


Sign of the element of Fire, ruled by the planet Mars, the influence of the Sun is beneficial.
Sign motto:"I am!", keyword:"becoming".

Symbols and talismans

Number: 3.


weeks: Tuesday, Sunday.

Stones: ruby, flint, carnelian.

Plants: hawthorn, pepper.

Metals: iron, steel.

Colors: red, orange.

Part of the body: head.

Protective talisman: amethyst.

Climate: dry, hot.

Landscape: plowed fields, plains with small hills, land strewn with pebbles and boulders.

Who you are?

The sign Aries belongs to the element of Fire, symbolizing energy and activity. People of this sign are people of action, they direct their energy outward, bringing enthusiasm and determination to all their affairs and easily infecting others with enthusiasm. The symbol of the sign Aries is associated with the ram's horns, germinating grain and personifies the powerful growth force that fills the grain in spring and breaks its dense shell.

Young life overcomes the resistance of inert matter and declares its arrival in this world. Aries is the primary impulse, impulse, aspiration and onslaught. In character, this manifests itself as indomitable energy, aggression and push. This pressure is so great that Aries often does not take into account others, it seems to him that everyone should immediately catch fire with his idea, his impulse. It is not uncommon that this happens. But this fiery impulse, as a rule, quickly fades away, the energy spreads and leaves as if between the fingers.

Aries usually grasp the idea well as a whole, without going into details, hence their some carelessness, inability to work out the details. It is the routine work on the implementation of the project that most of all disgusts the impulsive Aries. In the process of materializing an idea, Aries can become discouraged and depressed. However, his strength is quickly restored, and with the same enthusiasm, he rushes to a new idea. The nature of Aries can be clearly manifested in his love adventures: Aries frantically seeks the favor of his chosen object of worship, but as soon as his interest is satisfied, his enthusiasm dries up and soon he will conquer his next chosen one with the same perseverance.

The energy of Aries is spiritualized by the ideal, these people can be disinterested, reckless to the point of losing a sense of self-preservation, they can climb the fire for the sake of an idea. These are pioneers, pioneers in the true sense of the word, they have an active passionate will, they carry the idea of ​​discovering a new world.

Professions: military, politicians, doctors, engineers, artists.

Countries and cities: England, Germany, Denmark, Lithuania, Cambodia, Syria, Japan. Marseille, Naples, Verona, San Francisco.

Clothing: your clothes should be light, comfortable, not restricting movement. Use soft and light fabrics such as cotton and linen - they allow air to pass through, but do not cool.

Your style is sporty, safari. Incorporate exotic and adventurous elements into your costume, such as a scarf from Egypt or India, exotic patterned material, jewelry brought back from long trips.

All shades of red are good for you, use them both in the color of your suit, and in decoration, in accessories. Red stimulates your activity, charges you with vivacity and strength.

Perfume: the smells of the wind, the hot steppe, filled with the aroma of herbs, and also containing the fresh smell of lemon or lavender.

Flowers: mallow, gladiolus, carnation, all flowers of red shades.

Books: those with a lot of love and a lot of action - adventures, detective stories, westerns, historical novels. Works that describe legendary personalities, inventions, travels to other worlds.

Music: Aries come alive when they hear rhythmic music, marches, military bands, rock and roll, as well as hard rock and metal.

Present: Aries women are happy to accept a gift if it has their name or initials engraved on it. Also favorably will be accepted devices that save time, equipment that makes it possible to mechanize and improve labor. Men love tools, machines, weapons, and sporting goods.

Give Aries competitive games, modern metal and steel sculpture tours, metal tools, motorcycles and bicycles, tennis gear, shaving equipment, and hats, caps, and pan-wes. Jewelry with amethyst, carnelian or ruby.

Diet: your food should be high in calories, but the menu should consist more of fish than meat. Buckwheat, wheat, barley cereals. Less strong tea and coffee, exclude alcohol altogether.

Use cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, beans, peas and lentils as a source of protein. From fruits and vegetables are especially useful: apples, strawberries, lemons, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, beets. It is very important to observe the regularity in eating.

Vulnerabilities and diseases of Aries: diseases of the nervous system associated with overwork, violation of the daily routine, lack of sleep.

The head is the most vulnerable part of the Aries body, it can suffer from an accident or injury.

Aries have migraines, diseases of the eyes, nose, ears. You should beware of wounds, cerebral hemorrhages, hypothermia (especially the head).

Alcohol is highly undesirable because of the danger of quickly becoming addicted.

Medicinal Plants Needed by Aries

Nettle- cleanses and stops the blood, contains a large set of vitamins, serves as an excellent tool for strengthening hair. In early spring, nettles should be eaten in the form of soups, with scrambled eggs, and even as part of vegetarian cutlets.

Red Rose- a symbol of love and passion, brewed red rose petals have a calming effect, relieve headaches, and have an excellent cosmetic effect. The famous rose oil is included in many perfumes, lotions and creams that rejuvenate the skin.

Mint- refreshes, relieves fatigue and headaches. Add mint to any medicinal preparations, brew like tea. In cosmetics, use mint as part of masks as a refreshing, disinfectant and tonic.

Sagebrush- a plant that gives vigor, is a choleretic and mild laxative. Wormwood oil helps with migraines. Wormwood is widely used in Chinese and Tibetan medicine, including in the form of wormwood cigarettes for cauterization of biologically active points.

Ruta- a plant that strengthens eyesight and blood vessels, and this is exactly what requires special attention from Aries.

Famous Aries

Writers and Poets: Anatole France, Emile Zola, Verley, Baudelaire.

Painters: Raphael, Goya, Van Gogh, Vlaminck.

Composers: Haydn, Toscanini, Rachmaninov, Strauss, Bartok.

Rulers and politicians: Catherine de Medici, Catherine I, Bismarck, T. Jefferson, N. Khrushchev.

Actors: Charlie Chaplin, Marlon Brando, Jackie Chan.

Who are your loved ones, friends and companions?

Compatibility with other signs

Aries-Aries: they constantly challenge each other to a duel, in love, in family life and in business it is difficult for them to get along peacefully: two leaders are closely on the same captain's bridge.

Aries-Taurus: these people live in different time dimensions: while Taurus is thinking about the offer of Aries, he has already forgotten what he promised. An alliance can be very favorable only with mutual concessions and the rejection of personal ambitions.

Aries-Gemini: the union is favorable, the relationship develops easily, the partners do not impose exorbitant demands on each other. Their life is full of adventures and new experiences. In business, they act in harmony, their union can be viable for a long time.

Aries-Cancer: far from the best union for both partners. World active action Aries and the dreams of Cancer cannot touch in any way in a single reality. In the field of business cooperation, Aries and Cancer will pull each other in different directions, which is not at all useful for a common cause.

Aries-Leo: ardent natures easily recognize each other even in the crowd, but they will have to work hard to maintain harmony in relationships. In business cooperation, success will be ensured if they choose the right area for joint efforts. The most preferable creative activity: art.

Aries Virgo: difficult union. Relationships can develop favorably only in the case of a huge inner work of each partner, if, of course. they will not scatter in different directions five minutes after the start of acquaintance.

Aries-Libra: the union of two people who successfully complement each other. These are two poles of the same axis: despite their complete opposite, they cannot exist without each other.

Aries-Scorpio: love is hostility, an endless game is a duel between two partners. Who will win it? Most likely Scorpio, but he is generous and can turn from an enemy into the most devoted friend, with whom you can go through fire and water.

Aries-Sagittarius; their life is an eternal adventure, an exciting romance with chases, skirmishes, love dramas. Sagittarius is perhaps the only one who can take a leadership position in relations with Aries and in family life, and in business cooperation.

Aries-Capricorn; The "flame" of Aries and the "ice" of Capricorn are at enmity with each other. Will Aries melt this ice, will Capricorn extinguish the burning flame? Be that as it may, their lives will be full of difficulties and disappointments in each other, agreement can only be reached as a result of mutual compromise.

Aries-Aquarius: this union rests on novelty and a change of impressions; any stagnation is fatal for him. "Freedom and Independence" is his motto. AT business area partners will need an intermediary who could keep this desperate couple from adventures and risky ventures.

Aries-Pisces: mysterious Pisces attract Aries, he will try to unravel their secret, but he will not spend much time on it: if the chest does not open simply, then let it remain closed. Although in business they can help each other: the intuition of Pisces will save Aries from mistakes, and Aries will give an energy impulse to Pisces with little initiative.

If you were born on the twentieth of the month

Very often, people born on the 20th of the month do not know which sign of the zodiac they belong to.

For example, March 21, is it already Aries or Pisces? April 21 - Aries or Taurus? Various astrological sources indicate different boundaries of the zodiac signs. How to be?

Define your solar sign and you can calculate the horoscope.

What else would you like to know about yourself?

determine the sign of the hour of your birth

Aries is a sign days your birth, it reflects your essence, your soul, the inner core, sometimes hidden from others. But in addition, a huge role in astrology is played by knowledge of the sign hours birth, it is this sign that largely determines your relationship with the outside world, with partners, with the external environment.

According to your birthday you are Aries, but according to the hour of birth you can be, for example. Virgo or Pisces, and Aries-Virgo and Aries-Pisces are completely different Aries, although, of course, their inner essence remains unchanged, but outwardly these people can produce a completely different impression.

Knowing your birth hour sign, or your "rising sign" as astrologers say, will help you get a more accurate characterization of your own personality and more accurate astrological forecast. Having determined your rising sign, you can use the book in this series that describes this sign. In other words, if you have determined that your rising sign, for example. Taurus, then you can use the characteristics of this sign, which will give, as it were, an additional color to your main sign - Aries (the sign days your birth). Pointing out a favorable partnership for your rising sign will also come in handy in order to try to organize your life in the best possible way.

Professional astrologers use calculations and special tables to accurately determine the rising sign. We offer you a simple scheme for determining the sign of your hour of birth.

On a tear-off calendar for any year, see the time of sunrise and sunset on your birthday. Let's say you born during the day. Divide the time from sunrise to sunset into six equal parts. Determine which part of your birth time falls into.

If it falls in the first part, then your rising sign is Aries. You are a double Aries.

If your birth time falls in the second part, then your rising sign is Taurus. You are an Aries-Taurus.

If your birth time falls in the third part, then your rising sign is Gemini. You are an Aries Gemini.

If your birth time falls in the fourth part, then your rising sign is Cancer. You are an Aries Cancer.

If your birth time is in the fifth part, then your rising sign is Leo. You are an Aries-Leo.

If your birth time falls in the sixth part, then your rising sign is Virgo. You are an Aries Virgo.

If you born at night then divide the time from sunset to sunrise into six equal parts.

If your birth time falls in the first part, then your rising sign is Libra. You are Aries-Libra.

If your birth time falls in the second part, then your rising sign is Scorpio. You are an Aries-Scorpio.

If your birth time falls in the third part, then your rising sign is Sagittarius. You are an Aries-Sagittarius.

If your birth time falls in the fourth part, then your rising sign is Capricorn. You are Aries-Capricorn.

If your birth time falls in the fifth part, then your rising sign is Aquarius. You are Aries-Aquarius.

If your birth time falls in the sixth part, then your rising sign is Pisces. You are Aries-Pisces.

In a tear-off calendar, the time of sunrise and sunset is usually indicated for the latitude of Moscow. For any other latitude, the time of sunrise and sunset can be determined by simple observation on the day of one's birth.

You can see the forecast for Aries

Aries is the very first sign of the Zodiac. And not in vain. He always and in everything seeks to prove his superiority, and his diligence can be envied.

Aries zodiac sign

The ancient Sumerians called Aries the constellation of the ram, and the Egyptians associated it with the image of the god Amon, who was sometimes depicted as a lamb with the sun between its horns, or as a man with a ram's head. The ram was revered as the giver of victories to the pharaoh (who was considered his son) and the protector of the oppressed. AT Greek mythology Aries was a ram, whom Zeus sent to save the children of the Orchomenian king Atamant and the goddess of the clouds Nephele, Frix and Hell, from their stepmother Ino, who planned to destroy them.

While the ram was carrying the children to their destination (Colchis), Helle fell into the sea, and since then it has been called the Hellespont (Dardanelles). And Frix arrived safely, married the daughter of a local king, and sacrificed a ram to Zeus. The Thunderer placed the lamb in heaven. And his skin is the same The Golden Fleece hunted by the Argonauts.

  • ram stone: diamond, ruby.
  • Ram metal: iron, steel.
  • ram totem: ram, poppy, nettle, deer.
  • Auspicious numbers for Aries: 4, 7, 9, 11, 13.
  • Ruling Planets Aries: Mars, Sun.
  • Energy uplift: end of autumn - beginning of winter, spring, flowering field of poppies.
  • Decline in energy: June - July, the beginning of autumn.

Aries Qualities

Positive qualities of Aries: enthusiasm, assertiveness in achieving goals, initiative, independence, reliability, willpower.

Negative qualities of Aries: perception of the world in black and white, intolerance, excessive straightforwardness, impulsiveness.

Love and family

Aries are very passionate lovers, but they are in no hurry to bind themselves with family ties, and less often representatives of other signs marry. In relationships, he always puts his own interests above all else, although he can be a faithful, devoted partner. In the family, they often occupy a dominant position. Aries women choose partners for themselves, and men, as a rule, make very good money to support their families.

Aries compatibility with other signs

  • Harmonious Relations: with Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini.
  • Troubled Relationships: with Virgo, Taurus.
  • Complicated Relationships: with Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

Aries parents

  • become friends and best advisers for children;
  • find a common language with any generation, the problem of difficult children does not exist for them;
  • pay attention to the all-round development of the child.

Aries Child

  • full of energy and optimism;
  • very mobile, active, curious;
  • likes to climb stairs, trees, overcome obstacles.

Aries like it

  • take the initiative;
  • openly express your feelings;
  • recognition of his talents, glory.

Aries don't like

  • make concessions in anything to anyone, including in the family;
  • boredom and monotony;
  • obey someone.

Aries is honored to be not only among the first of numbers signs, but also to open zodiac horoscope. The period lasts from March 21 to April 19.

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  • Representatives are easy to recognize by a firm and confident handshake and friendliness. Ardent fighters against injustice, and in this battle they are not ashamed of any expressions. The sign expresses an opinion to the opponent directly in the face and without unnecessary digressions. They often resemble children because they put their own interests above those of others and satisfy personal needs without thinking about the consequences. But they are justified by the fact that the zodiac does not notice all this. They sincerely believe that they do not create problems. And in this they are again like babies, with whom it is difficult to be angry. This explains the fact of their fearlessness.
  • Birth is not burdened with vicious inclinations. The heart is open to events, people and emotions. And in general they are quite simple. But at the same time, they are easily offended, and they will certainly complain to someone. The sign does not have the habit of planning. They prefer to go directly to the goal, finding out everything they need on the way. They lack patience and tact. In communication, Aries is straightforward and sometimes not restrained, but simply because he does not know how to do it differently. But they are honest and frank, although they do not have a sense of responsibility.
  • Aries, as a sign of the zodiac, loves all sorts of technical innovations. So apart from happy birthday cards don't forget to buy something functional and exclusive. More than anything else, she is afraid of dentists and prefers to suffer from pain. Tends to be overweight. Diseases are treated calmly and do not even pay attention. So getting an Aries to stick to bed rest is not an easy task. Because of fearlessness, they constantly get injured. Do not suffer from chronic diseases, but are prone to high blood pressure.
  • The zodiac does not understand what laziness is at all. He is overwhelmed with the thought that no one can do a better job than him. Therefore, it overworks and recycles. He is not familiar with cruelty, this is a very warm and sympathetic sign. Quickly start up and angry, but at the same time and easy-going. A sense of justice can make you apologize to the enemy if it seems to Aries that he was wrong.
  • The zodiac does not see halftones. The whole world is divided into black and white, good and bad. They do not chase the future and do not look for clues from the past. There is only this moment. By nature, realists, but prone to idealization.
  • The birth of the zodiac saves him from understanding failure. He just doesn't understand what defeat is. They are optimists looking for obstacles to overcome. They do not like to sit in one place and do nothing. They do not believe that success can be achieved by relying only on luck.

Ruler planet - Mars Astrological symbol - Ram Lucky number- 9 and all multiples of 9

Element - Fire

Color - red, crimson, golden yellow

Day of the week - Tuesday Stones - sardonyx, amethyst, diamond, ruby

Keywords - I want everything and immediately The goal in life is to take the initiative Spring has finally come, nature is awakening, the Sun gives a powerful impetus to the development of all living things. Aries carries this impulse of solar activity, symbolized by the planet Mars. This planet makes its pets confident and courageous. The element of Fire turns courage into reckless courage, and the first position in the zodiac circle makes Aries constantly compete with other signs.

The symbol of this sign is a ram, which is famous for its stubbornness and stubbornness. Sometimes these qualities help Aries solve problems that other, more diplomatic and cunning signs would have abandoned long ago. Popular wisdom, which says that it is impossible to break through a stone wall with your forehead, in the case of Aries is not always right. Moreover, the ardor and fighting qualities of these fiery pets of Mars can ignite other people, become an example in overcoming obstacles. They are always at the forefront, always ahead, so there are so many people among the discoverers who were born under the sign of Aries.

But much more often in life it happens that the walls are stronger. And then the pride and stubbornness of Aries makes them spend their seething energy on a stupid struggle, dictated more by pride and unwillingness to admit their mistakes than by the desire to solve certain problems.

Another feature of this sign is that they quickly burn out. Aries needs everything to happen quickly. If the solution of any problem requires patience and painstaking work, he is overcome by boredom and new horizons beckon, especially if insurmountable walls loom there.

In their attitude to life and others, Aries resemble children - the same sincerity and spontaneity, the same childish stubbornness and selfishness, the same naivety and faith that everything will be fine. Aries have the ability to easily forget their failures and disappointments. They do not draw conclusions from their mistakes and step on the same rake over and over again. At the same time, they do not experience torment, do not fall into melancholy and do not remember grievances. They never study their souls, since the main thing for them is to act, not to think. Most people born under this sign are extroverts, they are very fond of performing in public, of course, if they play the first role. If Aries fail to seize the leadership position and become the center of attention, which is extremely rare, they lose interest in society and the topic of discussion. Very greedy for flattery, even rather rude.

At the same time, all Aries are idealists and romantics at heart. They are distinguished by nobility and are always ready to help, lend a shoulder or, at least, a vest. They know how to sympathize, care, always remember other people's birthdays, love to give gifts.

Aries women are very independent and do not need a man as an assistant and support in life. Energetic, active and independent, Aries can do everything themselves, sometimes much faster and better than men. But the romantic streak of these Amazons haunts them. At night, in the moonlight, when the nightingales sing or their favorite tune plays, the Aries woman dreams of Him, strong, brave, independent, like herself, noble and mysterious, like Mr. X. And as soon as fate sends her a man who resembles her ideal, the romantic Aries woman ... rushes into battle, using all the means available to this ardent warrior from the female arsenal, as well as techniques and methods that are completely unusual for other women. Without blinking an eye, she can be the first to propose, especially if the man thinks for too long, in her opinion. But this does not mean that Aries women are masculine.

The Aries woman is a good housewife, but the house does not occupy a significant place in her vital interests. She does not like to cook, although she knows how to do it; does not strive for perfect cleanliness, although guests will never have to see the dirt in her house. She can and knows how to do everything, but homework is too ungrateful and a narrow field of activity for her.

The Aries woman tries to ensure a happy childhood for her child. Her children are always full, dressed, shod.

Each sign of the zodiac has its own numbers that bring good luck both in life and in the lottery. What are they for Aries - Stoloto will tell.

Characteristics of the sign

Aries (from the Latin Aries) is the first sign of the zodiac. According to Western astrology, the Sun is in the sign of Aries from March 21st to April 21st.

Aries belong to the element of fire and open zodiac circle. All this endowed the representatives of the sign with the qualities of an energetic pioneer. They are used to achieving their goals, even if circumstances are against it.

People born under the sign of Aries, nature rewarded with straightforwardness and generosity. But their directness would be more useful in the army than in a political career. Aries often listen to other people's logical arguments, while they themselves are endowed with strong intuition.

Aries is an independent and even magnetic personality, which is often tempted by representatives of other signs. But Aries also have their weaknesses - irascibility and impatience.

In professional affairs, Aries are very active and even ready to take risks.

The most famous and successful personalities born under the sign of Aries: Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, Keira Knightley, Maria Sharapova, Quentin Tarantino.

Sign mythology


On the back of a golden-fleeced ram, the children of King Afamant - Gella and Frix - went to the shores of Asia, seeking salvation from the persecution of their stepmother Ino. But on the way, Helle fell into the sea, later called the Hellespont (now the Dardanelles).

Phrix safely reached the coast of Colchis, where he sacrificed a ram to Zeus. The removed golden fleece was presented to the king of Colchis - in gratitude for his benevolent attitude.

It is believed that the name "Aries" was proposed by the ancient Greek astronomer Cleostratus.

What numbers bring good luck

Talisman numbers for Aries: 4, 7, 9, 11 and all numbers divisible by 9. There are 4 cardinal points, 4 ages (childhood, youth, maturity and old age), there are 4 weeks in a month. The number four is a symbol of consistency and stability.

Seven in numerology symbolizes the cultural and spiritual basis of things. And also it is a symbol of introspective people who have a specific point of view.

AT Ancient Greece there were 9 muses. Nine is considered a symbol of generosity and creativity.

It is noteworthy that for all the time the nine fell out 168 times (in 14% of draws), in the lottery - in 16% of draws. In the last ten draws of the State Housing Lottery, the number 11 fell out in 30% of the draws.

Most auspicious days in 2015

Try to associate your zodiac sign with good days in 2015 and test your luck in the lottery.

Aries should pay attention to the important years of life, which depend on the date of birth

2015 for Aries

March for all Aries is the strongest month. Use this time to take your goals and desires to the next level.

Aries, born between March 21 and 26, in 2015 will be able to clearly draw up their action plan, will be more collected and rational. This is what will become the determining factor on the path to success.

Representatives of the "April" group of Aries should not be afraid of change and ambitious projects. Everything in your life can turn upside down, but the changes will not disappoint you.

Use the first quarter of 2015 to advance your career. In general, professional success will haunt you throughout the year. Trine Jupiter - Uranus - this is the period from February 20 to March 14 and from June 10 to July 4. Time of luck, inspiration and disclosure of creative potential.

October can be a great month for opening new projects, investing and making a profit.

What to give a woman under the sign of Aries

When choosing a gift, remember that the Aries woman is a leader and discoverer by nature. Make sure your gift exceeds all expectations. For example, gift-impressions are perfect: helicopter flight, horseback riding, participation in quests. Aries are adherents of self-learning, so they will definitely like special literature or a visit to a master class.


The main stone of the Aries woman is the ruby. Particularly suitable for them in color, as fire sign. It is believed that gold items contribute to good luck, since the sign is directly related to the mythological cut about the golden-fleeced ram.

What to give a man under the sign of Aries

Aries men are friendly and open, love sports and almost all representatives of the sign have some kind of hobby. And, of course, they will be happy with gifts related to their hobbies (music, cinema, photography).

Men and women of the sign adore unusual gifts. These of them can be attributed. Remember that Aries have a highly developed intuition. Perhaps they will become adherents of the intuitive strategy of the game and find themselves in the ranks of Stoloto's millionaires.