Why dream of a white background. Meaning and interpretation of dreams. Why dream of white? Decoding for men

In a dream, white means a lot. However, you need to pay attention to objects with this color. So a dream in which there is a white color in the form of female or male hair symbolizes goodwill from fate. White, even, healthy teeth in a dream speak of great satisfaction from your actions and the actions of the people around you. White flowers presented to you speak of a successful solution to problems, but if in a dream a text written in white ink confirms that you need the full support of your friends. AT this dream book all interpretations of white objects are symbolized by a symbol of purity, distinctness, perfection. And also a dream with the attraction of white is very similar to divine powers. If in a dream you see any white objects in the plural, this indicates that internal improvement awaits you. As a result of such a dream, you acquire positive emotions.

Dreamed 😴 dream was

Ordinary 0 Nightmare 0

2 New dream book 1918

Seeing white in a dream means:

  • White color - Seeing in a dream White color in clothes - this warns of sad tragic events in reality - about someone's death or something similar that will cause your tears.
  • If you saw a White fabric in a dream, for example, a tablecloth or a cut, this also speaks of probable losses and various blows of Fate.
  • White objects in a dream warn that in reality you will have a lot of worries and unpleasant events.
  • The white color is dreaming, if these are animals - the dream is related to your spiritual life.

The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper meaning it has.

Sigmund Freud

3 Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

White color in a dream in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

  • When you dream of something white, on which you focus your attention, it is always a favorable dream. Dreams about white - as evidence of purity and innocence.
  • Dreaming of a white color - you will rise or you will be raised - but it will be a spiritual or moral, aesthetic elevation, and not a promotion up the career ladder.
  • If you dreamed of White color on a living person, you will be able to take a new high post. Or your financial situation will suddenly change for the better. You will earn fame or it will be about spiritual exaltation.

4 Dream Interpretation Nancy Wagaiman

White color in a dream means:

White color in a dream is symbolized with the positive completion of many protracted cases. White color also characterizes your dream as the beginning of a new era in your routine life. It has always been and is a symbol of perfection and harmony. That is why in most world dream books different peoples of the world, white is considered to be cohesive with positive qualities, events and feelings.

Inside each of us, even the best of us, slumbers an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


5 Dream Interpretation Nancy Wagaiman

The meaning of sleep is white:

Instills a tendency to mysticism, the ability to create, higher inspiration, the ability to meditate and reflect, deep wisdom, mercy, pleasure, spiritual unity.

Eliminates attachments, torments, restrictions, intolerance, excessive inclination to fantasies, criticism, negative outlook on the world.

6 Old Russian dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of white:

Good; elevation.

7 Esoteric dream book

What can white color dream about:

To see white color in a dream - In clothes - to sad events, death, tears. In unsewn fabric (curtains, tablecloths) - to losses, blows of fate. In objects - to worries, the negative consequences of what these objects promise. White animals - sleep is related to spiritual life.

After sleeping, hands should be washed immediately, because when we fall asleep, an unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. The face should be washed without touching the eyes.

8 Wanderer's Dream Interpretation - Terenty Smirnov

White color, in a dream means:

Seeing white in a dream - Loyalty, joy, good luck, spiritual purity, sometimes - illness and death.

9 Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

If a girl dreams of a white color, then this means:

White - Purity, holiness, divine presence, affection, kindness, mitigation of evil, joy, laughter, play, top. Even more - death, exhaustion, fall, illness, old age, cold, hunger, empty chores, failure.

10 Slavic dream book

Why does a woman dream of white:

In the West, white often symbolizes innocence and purity, and a woman wears a white dress on her wedding day. In dreams, white often means that you are starting over from scratch, and is an optimistic image.

However, in the East, white is the color of death and mourning. White color, does it bring a feeling of freshness and novelty? Or did he embody tabula rasa, a blank slate with nothing written on it yet? Do you feel like you need a fresh start or that you yourself are a blank page waiting for words? White is also associated with whitening, when unsightly spots or damage are hidden by painting over. If such a meaning manifests itself in a dream, it is reasonable to consider whether it is worth continuing, given the possible risk.

  • White color - white color on the representative of the royal family - a dream is a symbol of hope. Think, is, recently one of the bosses encouraged or praised you.
  • A forest or a grove with white trees - a desire to enter a new - positive phase of life.
  • A cook or chef in white may suggest a need for "clean" eating, love, and affection from the faces around you.
  • A white room indicates a serene state in the present moment.
  • A white stage or podium may be related to success in public affairs.
  • A white hand can symbolize new acquaintances or the improvement of existing close relationships.
  • White clothes suggest that you will be successful in current affairs.
  • The white sky can express the right direction of thoughts in some area of ​​​​your real life.
  • A white bird, especially if it is a dove, symbolizes peace. The bird may also represent the desire to end personal or social conflicts.
  • The white building suggests that you are expecting an initiative reward.
  • White flowers can symbolize simplicity and purity in some aspect of your life.
  • The white paper is an indicator that you are laying the foundation for a successful enterprise.
  • White water in a dream is related to purity and the need for purification in the emotional or personal sphere.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of the deceased relatives calling you to him.

11 Dream interpretation of Rommel

Why does a woman dream of white:

14 Historical women's dream book

White color in a dream means:

  • According to the interpretation of this publication, seeing the White color is a good omen that promises you the loyalty of a loved one, spiritual rebirth and purity of thoughts. White color is often dreamed of for good luck or for a joyful event. But the interpretation of sleep is ambiguous and, in most cases, depends on its other circumstances and details.
  • Sometimes White is a warning about sad and even tragic events in your life, such as illness or even death.
  • The white color of bread is dreaming - a dream promises you a certain profit in the near future. So this dream can definitely be considered a good omen.

15 Historical women's dream book

The meaning of sleep is white:

  • White color in a dream has a very ambiguous meaning. On the one hand, it is a symbol of purity, goodness, joy. White color also symbolizes spirituality and holiness, it is not for nothing that saints are usually depicted in white clothes.
  • But on the other hand, the dream in which you see the White color also has a negative meaning. White often symbolizes death, disease, old age, exhaustion, and hunger.
  • White color warns you of future failures and empty chores. That is why, in order to correctly understand this dream, it is necessary to clarify its details. What exactly was the White color, what happened, and what feeling did it leave behind.

The woman in her dream is dressed in white stockings - this is a warning that illness or sad disappointments await her soon.

If in a dream you are walking with a man in white clothes, then it is possible that he will get sick. If this is a child or a young woman, in life you will be surrounded only by pleasant people.

In a dream, you see yourself and everyone around you in white clothes - to sadness.

Why dream white - according to Vanga's dream book

White clothes dream of tears, sad events, death. White unsewn fabric (tablecloths, curtains) - to blows of fate and losses. White objects - to worries and negative consequences, based on what kind of things you dreamed about. White animals in a dream reflect your spiritual life.

Why dream white - according to Freud's dream book

Undertakings will be successfully resolved if in a dream you see a snow-white bed.

In a dream, you ride a beautiful white horse - good sign predicting good news related to loved ones. The horse is dirty and thin - you should be wary of betrayal from a person who is jealous of you.

If you see someone approaching you white dog, then wait for a tempting offer of a love or business nature. For a girl, such a dream predicts an early marriage.

Why dream white - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

White in a dream - affection, kindness, holiness, purity, divine presence, top, joy, play, laughter and mitigation of the evil. In addition - exhaustion, death, illness, fall, cold, old age, failure, empty chores and hunger.

Wear white clothes - get rid of lies; to see a woman in white clothes in a dream is a disease. To wear something white on yourself is to free yourself from a false accusation.

When white flowers dream, it always portends sadness. Cut white chrysanthemums - in real life, expect disappointments and losses. White roses dream of a serious illness, but if you look at them on a sunny morning, and the dew drops have not yet dried on the flowers, then there is nothing to fear.

Why dream white - according to Loff's dream book

When you dream of a woman in a white outfit, or you see that you are wearing such an outfit, this means that you will soon be accused of gossip and slander, but you will be able to justify yourself.

Something white is dreaming, you pay attention to it - a dream that is favorable in all respects; you will be elevated or you will be elevated - however, this will be a moral or aesthetic, spiritual elevation, and not career advancement.

Why dream white - according to Tsvetkov's dream book

A white cat in a dream portends troubles that you did not initially pay attention to, but which will become much more serious over time.

Why dream white - according to Hasse's dream book

A polar bear in a dream serves as a warning about a possible deception. If you take wishful thinking, you run the risk of being deceived. See the skin of a polar bear in a dream - you will defeat all enemies.

A girl sees a beautiful white kitten in a dream - you should be careful, as enemies want to lure her into a cunning trap by deceit; she needs to rely on common sense and intuition.

Why dream white - according to Meneghetti's dream book

If you dream of beautiful white hair, then this means that fate favors you. In a dream, you admire your white, even teeth - you are completely satisfied with what you have achieved.

Why dream white - according to Longo's dream book

A white bull in a dream means that soon you will reach greater heights than those who blindly follow fashion. This dream always portends profit.

It is a dream that you received a letter written in white ink on a black sheet of paper - only the support of friends will save you from bitter disappointments.

Big modern dream book

White color - what does the dreamer dream about

When you dream of something white, on which you focus your attention, it is always an auspicious dream, evidence of purity and innocence. The color white is dreaming - you will rise or you will be raised - but it will be a spiritual or moral, aesthetic elevation, and not a promotion up the career ladder.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Okay, elevation.

Esoteric dream book

Sleep Mystery:

White color in clothes - to sad events, death, tears. In unsewn fabric (curtains, tablecloths) - to losses, blows of fate. In objects - to worries, the negative consequences of what these objects promise. White animals - sleep is related to spiritual life.

Small Velesov dream book

What is the dream of white?

Purity, holiness, divine presence, affection, kindness, mitigation of evil, joy, laughter, play, top. Moreover - death, exhaustion, fall, illness, old age, cold, hunger, empty chores, failure.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of white from your dream

Loyalty, joy, luck, spiritual purity, sometimes illness and death.

Explanatory dream book

What is the dream of White

There is white bread - profit.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joles

"> What is the dream of the White color, symbolic meaning:

In the West, white often symbolizes innocence and purity, and a woman wears a white dress on her wedding day. In dreams, white often means that you are starting over from scratch, and is an optimistic image. However, in the East, white is the color of death and mourning.

Does white bring a sense of freshness and newness? Or did he embody tabula rasa - a blank slate with nothing written on it yet? Do you feel like you need a fresh start or that you yourself are a blank page waiting for words?

White is also associated with whitening, when unsightly spots or damage are hidden by painting over. If this is the meaning that appears in your dream, it is wise to consider whether to continue, given the possible risk.

Mythological dream book

White color - how to understand the symbols

White Dreams. In Western tradition, white is associated with innocence and purity. In the East, on the contrary, white is associated with death and mourning. Given these facts, it is very important to note the cultural context of sleep, in which the color white prevailed. From point of view Western culture white dreams may indicate that the feelings of the sleeper are pure and unsullied. The appearance of white in a dream may also indicate that the future of the sleeper is clear and serene. In white-colored dreams, the following people and places often appear:

Ruler. A representative of the royal family in white can be a symbol of hope. Think about a boss who recently encouraged or praised you.

Forest. A forest or grove with white trees is a desire to enter a new, positive phase of life.

Cook / Chef. A cook or chef in white may suggest a need for "clean" eating, love, and affection from the faces around you.

Room. A white room indicates a serene state in the present moment. The following symbols are traditionally associated with white in dreams.

Scene. A white stage or podium may be related to success in public affairs.

Hand. A white hand can symbolize new acquaintances or the improvement of existing close relationships.

Clothing. White clothes suggest that you will be successful in current affairs. Sky. The white sky can express the right direction of thought in some area of ​​your real life.

Bird. A white bird, especially if it is a dove, symbolizes peace. The bird may also represent the desire to end personal or social conflicts. Building. The white building suggests that you are expecting an initiative reward.

Flowers. White flowers can symbolize simplicity and purity in some aspect of your life.

Book. A white paper can be an indicator that you are laying the foundation for a successful venture.

Water. White water in a dream may be related to purity and the need for purification in the emotional or personal sphere.

Personal dreams and their interpretation

The white color is complete, and although our ancestors did not suspect that this color contains all color scheme, they perceived white shades as a symbol of equality and perfection.

That is why most peoples of the world consider white to be a color associated with positive qualities, events and emotions. But any color has not only a positive, but also a negative characteristic, which manifests itself with a significant concentration of one shade in a certain place.

These features of the color palette are associated with the interest of the dreamer, who paid attention to the dominant shades of sleep and is trying to find in the dream books what the white color is dreaming of.

Miller's dream book

Miller, when interpreting a dream about white, paid attention to details. According to his dream book:

  • To be dressed in snow-white clothes in a dream and to be surrounded by people in the same attire - in reality to experience a bright sadness that does not darken, but purifies the soul.
  • Walk in a dream next to young women or children, on which white clothes- in reality, communicate only with nice people.
  • Seeing a bed covered with snow-white linen is a successful completion of any undertaking.
  • Seeing in a dream an approaching good-natured dog of a white hue - in reality you will receive a tempting offer (for women this is often a symbol of an imminent wedding).
  • To see yourself riding a snow-white handsome horse - to the joy that you will experience in reality thanks to your loved ones.

Miller's dreaming of white animals is often a warning:

  • A thin horse warns that your successes may attract the attention of envious people. But a strong horse is a good sign, often a symbol of sexuality.
  • The snow-white cat advises to be vigilant and pay attention to trifles in order to avoid even minor troubles in the future.
  • The kitten advises females to rely on intuition in solving important problems.
  • The polar bear warns that not all of your illusions correspond to reality, and the bear skin promises you victory over enemies.
  • The snow-white bull symbolizes your successful career or promotion on the social ladder, as well as financial gain.
  • White swans floating in the pond promise prosperity.
  • The white donkey dreams of pleasure or mastering the knowledge that you have long sought. For women, such a dream portends entry into a circle of people with whom they have long wanted to be on an equal footing.

What else do dreams mean?

Blond hair symbolizes the favor of fate. And even pearly white teeth are a feeling of deep satisfaction.

Flowers in dew drops promise a successful solution to problems, and text written in white ink indicates that you need the support of friends.

In Shereminskaya's dream book, any shades of white are interpreted as a symbol of purity, clarity, virtue and connection with divine powers.

A brief dream book by Denise Lynn notes that a polar bear seen in a dream means the need to find the source of one's inner strength. By itself, the color is interpreted as the presence of creative abilities, a tendency to mercy, the integrity of the individual, wisdom and the ability to reflect.

If in a dream you saw any snow-white objects in in large numbers, spiritual improvement awaits you, as a result of which you will acquire a positive and at the same time more sober view of the world and part with various sufferings and limitations.

As the Jewish dream book indicates, the color white in a dream is often associated with a variety of animals. If you dreamed of white:

  • Hen, you are waiting for the chores associated with the arrival of guests or other similar events.
  • Bird, joyful events await you in reality.
  • Horse, you will be able to successfully solve the issues that concern you.
  • Dog, you need to pay attention to your health.
  • Mouse, your marriage will be happy, long and lasting.
  • Wild animals of a white hue dream of meeting friends.

Seeing snow-white feathers in a dream - for profit, blondes or gray-haired - for peace of mind, admiring white teeth - for the birth of healthy offspring. White bread dreams of prosperity, and flowers of this shade - to pure and true love.

Sleep Circumstances

The interpretation of sleep is influenced by the various actions of the dreamer in the dream and his associations.

1. If a snow-white hue was acquired in a dream by objects that in reality are not of this color, pleasant surprises await you.

2. If you had to whitewash the ceiling in a dream, you will restore the broken friendship.

3. If you associate this color in a dream with a specific person, it is this person who will give you a helping hand at a difficult moment for you.

A bright sky is dreamed of by those who strive for purity and simple and clear relationships. And trees of such shades are for those who want to deal with a conflict situation.

The pale moon symbolizes peace, and the white color enveloping the dreamer is the need for self-improvement in order to achieve positive changes in life.

Snow-white hands promise you new friends, and food of this color indicates the correctness of your thoughts and actions. Author: Marina Nosova

As a rule, people see colored dreams. Remember how one Russian performer sings: “... and how they dream about us in color,” so it’s completely natural that we pay attention to what color was in our dream, for example, a car, a pear, clothes, rope or paper. It is clear that the interpretation of the dreams of the "Color" of an object will vary greatly.
To explain this more clearly, let's take for example black roses and a black car. Black roses are immediately clear that they speak of death, mourning and grief, but a black chic car can portend a chic life to your dreamer or an excellent opportunity to fulfill your plan. In other words, those objects that are found in life in this color and look natural in it are deciphered based on the object itself, but objects whose color you can only see in a dream will naturally be interpreted in relation to this color. Now it is clear what is at stake?
Also, you need to look at the interpretation of the “Colors” dream if you paid attention in your dream to the color of the object, not to what you did with it, what it did and what state it was in, namely the color. Then, of course, you need to look for an interpretation by the color of the object. Also, those objects deserve special consideration, the color of which in a dream stood out among others or attracted your attention with its non-standard color.
Our dream book pays a lot of attention to the color of the object seen in a dream. Almost every dream has a whole subsection that describes colors and gives different interpretations based on this color. Below are collected famous interpreters of dreams, who also paid special attention to the color seen in a dream.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation: colors in a dream complement the plot of the dream itself and fill it with a special meaning. Illumination and color intensity in a dream is also of great importance:

  • Darkness in a dream speaks of the dreamer's depression and his negative mood.
  • Light in a dream promises the dreamer positive changes and improvement of the current situation.
  • White color in a dream - symbolizes a pure, innocent and open relationship.
  • Black color in a dream - symbolizes longing, death and separation.
  • Red color in a dream - someone threatens the dreamer.
  • Yellow in a dream - the dreamer has the gift of foreseeing the future.
  • Green color in a dream - the dreamer needs rest, and now is the right time for this.
  • Blue color in a dream - symbolizes an unknown danger,

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The color seen in a dream is a reflection of the dreamer's explicit and hidden emotions. Various color combinations also have special meanings:

Loff's dream book

According to objects of one color or another seen in a dream, interpreters traditionally associate them with the mood, feelings and emotions of the dreamer who sees these objects. All this is connected with the theory of YUNGA. However, one should not rigidly put colors in any framework and limit them to a certain interpretation: the symbol of color cannot always be described unambiguously, because it is directly related to the perception of the color of the dreamer himself and his personal attitude towards him, as well as with a specific situation in real life, that was associated with a particular color. If the interpretation of the color and characteristics of YUNGA do not suit you for personal reasons, or you just feel that this is the case, then you need to compare the image from real life with the object that you saw in a dream.
People live in a colored world and see colored dreams. However, if the color becomes dominant in a dream, it deserves more careful study and your attention. You can also consider an object depending on the color if it attracted the dreamer's attention with its non-standard color or the fact that it stood out strongly against the background of other objects seen in a dream.

Modern dream book

  • Standard color symbolism, which does not depend on other details of sleep:
  • I dreamed of a red object - vice, passion and rage.
  • I dreamed of a black object - night, mourning, anxiety.
  • I dreamed of a white object - virginity, purity, coldness, immaturity.
  • I dreamed of a yellow object - intuition, the gift of foresight.
  • I dreamed of a green object - awakening, life, hope.
  • dreamed blue color the subject is humility, brevity.
  • Dream Interpretation: change the color of a vehicle (car, bicycle, wagon, etc.) in a dream - in reality, an unexpected event awaits you, which you will be very surprised at.
  • Dream Interpretation: change hair color or paint your face with different colors in a dream - you will look ridiculous in the eyes of others, or you want to put on a mask and hide your true feelings and emotions. (cm. )
  • If you dreamed of painting the face of another, the dream warns: do not laugh at others, it will return to you like a boomerang. (cm. )
  • If in a dream you paint an object with any color - in reality you will be insincere and dishonest in relation to a loved one
  • I dreamed of buying paints of different colors in a dream - you want to change something in your life, you are longing for change.
  • I dreamed of preparing a watercolor for drawing - in reality you will get entangled in an unreliable and dubious business.
  • Seeing oil paints of various colors in a dream - in reality your position will be strengthened.

Complete dream book of the New Era

This dream book defines different colors in different ways:

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Colors are dreamed in a dream, the dream book from A to Z gives an explanation for each color separately:

  • Dreaming of a white color is a risky business in reality that will bring either big profits or big losses.
  • Dreaming of yellow (ocher color in a dream) - in reality, your successful completion of a business or successful development of events will cause the envy of enemies, and they will begin to hinder you in every possible way.
  • Dreaming of a golden color (golden) - in reality, thanks to your strength and irrepressible optimism, you will emerge victorious from a difficult struggle.
  • dreaming green color- in reality you will gain hope, confidence in the future. Either you have a long trip ahead, which will end in monetary success, or you will receive business people who have come from afar.
  • Dreaming of brown or coffee color - in reality there are big troubles in the family.
  • Dreaming of red or colors close to it - in reality you will receive an invitation to a celebration, or improve your health by resting properly.
  • Dreaming of a blue color or a blue color - in reality your plan will come true and there will be fun about this.
  • Dreaming of black color - in reality bad luck, loss, grief.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation: colors in a dream - each color seen in a dream is essentially a special indicator (hint) in real life that our dream gives us. If we consider colors as standard, then they can be interpreted only in in general terms, without going into the details of the dream itself: red - energy and sex; orange - communication and pleasure; yellow - inspiration and conversations; green - healing, abundance and life itself; blue - spirituality and peacefulness; the color purple in a dream is spiritual wisdom and mental perception of the world; pink - love, dreams; black - darkness, uncertainty; white - light and purity; golden - wealth and radiance; silver color in a dream is equated to the moon color in a dream - mysticism and magic.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

Bright colors in a dream symbolize achievements, the implementation of plans, success. The exceptions are: bright blue, which symbolizes danger and trouble; black color, which symbolizes sadness, mourning and fear.
The more intense and brighter the colors in your dream, the more optimistic all forecasts in real life are. These can be the colors of any object, clothing or vehicle, as well as the surrounding landscape or the bright rays of the sun, the color of water or the sky.

English dream book

I dreamed of flags of different colors in a dream - in reality, changes for the better will occur in your life. You will achieve both a high position and the respect of others or the goal that you have been striving for for many years.

Italian dream book

Any color (image of color) seen in a dream is in close connection with the variations of shades of the ethereal field. White, purple, turquoise, light green and yellow - symbolize positive driving forces dreamer. These colors also include all colors with a high degree of transparency. The meaning of other colors seen in a dream is determined by the moments that accompanied the general image.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Before comparing the interpretation of colors with the dream you saw, you need to take into account the general gamut of colors seen in the dream (background), as well as the image of the central spot, to which the dreamer turned his attention, or to the color transformation that occurred in his nocturnal fantasy. The psychoanalytic dream book gives a description of the standard colors, so to speak, the most common.

Symbolic dream book

  • The “color” dream reflects the dreamer’s feelings and mood, and can also show how a certain period of his life or a specific event is taking place at a given time.
  • The dream "gloomy colors" is a dream to despondency.
  • The dream of "gray colors" is a dream of hopelessness.
  • The dream "solid color, colorless dream" is a dream of bad luck.
  • The dream "bright colors" dreams of a bright and interesting life. How bright the colors were in a dream, so will be an eventful and successful life in reality.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation: dirty colors in a dream with impurities and shading speak of the dreamer's negative mood, but saturated colors speak of well-being and success.

Gypsy dream book

  • Gypsies associate the color blue with the sky and therefore the dream "blue color" means your desire to leave, relax or just relax.
  • The yellow color is the favorite color of the gypsies, they painted the wagons, in the dream “yellow color” brings happiness, love and family unity.
  • Gypsies love the green color, because it is the color of grass. Sleep "green" means prosperity in the family and harvest.
  • Gypsies associate the brown color with the earth, and therefore the “brown color” dream suggests that you need to return to the roots or start solving the problem by finding its beginning, source.
  • Dream "purple color" promises luxury and wealth.
  • Gypsies associate the color orange with the sunrise, and therefore the “orange color” dream prophesies new undertakings that will be successful.

Noble dream book Grishina

  • Colorful colored dreams speak of the imaginative thinking of a person, of his artistic mindset.
  • A black and yellow dream is seen by rational individuals, their emotions are always suppressed by the intellect, they live by the mind, not by emotions.
  • A green dream is a dream for someone who has peace of mind and well-being.
  • Red dreams are companions of anxiety and unrest, as well as raging passion and loss of mental balance.
  • Black dreams are harbingers of anxieties, misfortunes, terrible losses and grief.
  • A dream of bright green color is a harbinger of illness.
  • A yellow dream should make you suspicious.
  • Everything brown in a dream speaks of the danger that you should not be trusted in reality.
  • Dark blue sleep is very unfavorable.
  • Everything purple in a dream - in reality everything will be unfavorable. Purple dream is favorable if there were spirits and the like in the dream.
  • In a dream, the color changed from red to green - in reality everything will be fine.

Small Velesov dream book

  • In a dream, yellow color warns of danger from enemies, envious people or competitors.
  • In a dream, green color speaks of security, hope and money.
  • In a dream, red color promises good health.

Erotic dream book Danilova

Ukrainian dream book
Dream "Color" - secret love, sometimes portends a disease.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov
In a dream, bright colors are very good. The more intense the brightness of the colors in a dream, the more successful things will be in real life. This applies to all colors except blue.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen
Multi-colored dreams are dreaming - you have rich potential and you are developed both mentally and philosophically.

ABC of dream interpretation

  • Colorless dreams or darkness in a dream emphasizes depression and your negative feelings.
  • Bright light in a dream promises a change for the better.
  • The dream of "white color" speaks of a pure and innocent relationship.
  • The dream "black color" speaks of longing, death and separation.
  • The “red color” dream warns: in reality someone threatens you.
  • Sleep "yellow" says that you are able to guess the future.
  • Dream "green" says that now is the best time to relax.
  • Sleep "blue" warns: you are in danger of unknown, be extremely careful.

Idiomatic dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a white object is associated with purity.
  • Dream Interpretation: white snow in a dream is associated with purity, the bride and the wedding, fidelity and goodness.
  • Dream Interpretation: white milk in a dream - in reality a funeral shroud, a hospital ward, doctors' gowns, illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: a blue object is associated with the sky, homosexuality, coldness, nobility of the family (“blue blood”), romance (“blue dream”), tenderness, purity and innocence.
  • Dream Interpretation: a yellow object is associated with sunlight, the sun, gold, egg yolk, urine, wheat, wax, desert sand, inexperience (“yellow mouth”), jaundice disease, irritability (“bilious”) and poor health (“yellow color”). face"). Yellow has always been considered the color of betrayal, betrayal and envy.
  • Dream Interpretation: brown in a dream is associated with earth, dirt and sewage (faeces of animals, birds, human).
  • Dream Interpretation: a green object in a dream is associated with youth, immaturity (“young - green”), nature (green grass, foliage), dollars (“green”), growth, creation, healing decoctions (“potion”), alcoholism (serpent green) and premature (green, not yet time). Additional green idioms: "green with anger" and "green longing".
  • Dream Interpretation: a red object in a dream is associated with blood, excitement, excitement, passion, activity, fire, wine, hot coals, love, a red banner, health (“red blush on the cheeks”), beauty (“red maiden”, “red well done"), as well as bashfulness ("blush with shame"),
  • Dream Interpretation: gray color sleep is associated with ignorance, mediocrity (" gray man», « grey mouse”) and darkness in the soul.
  • Dream Interpretation: Pink colour objects in a dream are associated with unreasonable optimism (“seeing through rose-colored glasses”), illusory nature, deceptive perception of reality (“pink dream”), tenderness and a childish outlook on life, as well as tender, elevated love feelings.
  • Dream Interpretation: a blue-colored object in a dream is associated with the blue sea, peace, depth, serenity, "the boundless blue sea", danger and a bruise on the body.
  • A black dream book is an object in a dream associated with a gloomy mood, pessimism (“everything is in black”), depression, renunciation of everyday simple joys (“sulfur monasticism”, “black clergy”, “put on monastic robes”), poverty (“ mob", as the lowest stratum of society), mourning ("black clothes - mourning attire), a demonic person (black demon) and just with a bad person.

Collection of dream books

Psychological dream book

Dreams do not always dream in color, there are black and white dreams and gray dreams, or dreams in darkness, in fog, or in gloom. What is most interesting, but the vast majority of people see green or red in their nightly dreams:

  • Why green is dreaming - because hope or healing enters your life, but envy or jealousy can also enter.
  • Why the color red is dreaming - because the dream wants to warn you of some danger that hangs over you or the anxiety that you will experience in real life. What is most interesting, but the vast majority of people see green or red in their nightly dreams. But that's it, mind you. You can draw an analogy with a traffic light: red is a signal to stop, stop moving. However, the red color speaks of excitement and passionate love.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya


Summing up all of the above, I would like to say that the colors in a dream are not just dreamed, if you turned your attention to them after you woke up from sleep. A certain color of this or that object can tell you what to do in this or that case, warn your dreamer of imminent danger, or vice versa, calm him down and say that everything is fine and things will be successful. Therefore, do not ignore dreams in which you clearly saw an object that stands out in its color from everything else. Be optimistic and have pleasant dreams.