Why dream of cellulite. Why dream of hips. Instructions for using the dream book

Why do hips dream

Miller's dream book

To dream of your smooth and white thigh means extraordinary luck and all sorts of pleasures.

Seeing a wounded (crippled) thigh in a dream - you should be wary of illness and betrayal.

If a girl admires her hips in a dream, this means her readiness for love adventures; but she should be more careful in her behavior in order to avoid trouble.

If a young lady in a dream her hips seem thin - this portends a disease.

Looking at the fat thighs of animals in a dream - to peace and pleasure.

Why do hips dream

Spring dream book

See hips - to good health; to see a broken hip - to death.

Why do hips dream

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Naked dreamers female hips- to rare luck and all sorts of pleasures.

If these are her own thighs, which look smooth and white for a girl, this means that she is ready for love affairs, but in order to avoid trouble, she should be careful in her behavior.

If the thighs look flabby and pale, health will make itself felt with a slight malaise.

A serious illness and betrayal by a person you know well - should be expected from a dream in which a crippled or injured thigh appears.

And if this is what can be called a thigh in animals, peace and pleasure will descend upon you.

Why do hips dream

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Smooth, white female thighs - dream of extraordinary luck and pleasure.

Wounded (crippled) or overly thin hips in a dream - warn you against illness and betrayal.

A girl who admires her hips in a dream - longs for love adventures that can turn into trouble.

Why do hips dream

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Admire hips - disappointment in love (for a woman); to see your own - trust, fidelity (for a man); seeing very wide hips is a benefit (for a man).

Why do hips dream

Modern dream book

To dream about your smooth, beautiful thigh - great luck and lots of fun.

If a girl admires her hips in a dream, this may mean readiness for love adventures, followed by disappointment in love.

For a man to see very wide hips in a dream - to get some kind of benefit.

A wounded or crippled thigh is a betrayal of loved ones or illness.

Why do hips dream

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Consider your hips - a shame.

To have strong and big ones - to marry / have children.

Hurt - sadness / illness, loss of children.

Why do hips dream

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The thighs are full and beautiful - happy marriage and children; win; thin and unsightly - loss, lack, deceit.

To admire one's own too much - for a woman, a breakdown in relations with her beloved.

Why do hips dream

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What does Thigh (naked) mean in a dream - The person you trust the most can betray you. In a state of pre-sleep, cover your naked thigh with some kind of cloth, or put on pants (for a woman - a skirt).

Why do hips dream

Combined dream book

Watching your own beautiful thigh in a dream is a huge success and a lot of entertainment.

In the event that a girl in a dream admires her own hips, romantic adventures await her, unfortunately there will be one disappointment from them.

For a man, seeing wide hips in a dream is a quick benefit (not necessarily monetary).

A wounded thigh is a disease or a lie on the part of loved ones.

Fat animal thighs - for pleasure, experience a sense of joy.

Why do hips dream

Big dream book

Hips - Admire - disappointment in love (for women); to see your own - trust, fidelity (for men); large ones are a disease of a beloved person, this is the interpretation of the Hip according to the dream book.

Why do hips dream

Dream interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Hip - you see in a dream that you are looking at your own hips; you like them, they are white and smooth, and you stroke them - good luck awaits you in business, pleasure on vacation.

Your hips seem thin to you - a dream of illness.

If in a dream you see a girl’s thigh and admire it - slender and smooth, then in real life a romance awaits you with a violent manifestation of feelings; you yourself will be surprised at how strong the adventurous beginning is in you.

You see a wound on your thigh in a dream; or you see a crippled thigh - a stump. The dream says that you will have to feel the bitterness of betrayal; the most offensive will be that you always trusted the person who betrays you; you will understand that you have been walking on a razor's edge for a long time. A girl sees her hips in a dream and admires them - such a dream indicates that the girl is waiting for love (although she may not even admit to herself) and is ready for it - ready not only spiritually, but also physiologically; it is possible that if she does not meet her love in the near future, she will feel bad - she will not clearly see her place in society, she will be like a chip carried away somewhere by a stream; such a girl may have health problems; nature is strong: every flower turns to the sun, every girl - to love.

Why do hips dream

Women's dream book

Thigh - Smooth, white female thighs dream of extraordinary luck and pleasure. Wounded (crippled) or overly thin hips in a dream warn you against illness and betrayal. A girl who admires her hips in a dream longs for love adventures that can turn into trouble.

Why do hips dream

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

You may be overly concerned about your health. Anxiety and nervousness are fully expressed in this dream. It is possible that the courses of treatment that you underwent on the advice of a doctor did not give positive results. Do not despair - often things are not as bad as it seems at first glance. The diagnosis may be erroneous, and the disease, the news of which shocked you, is not as serious as it seemed.

Achieving health becomes the meaning of life for you, and it undoubtedly deserves careful attention.

Relationships with yourself. If your age obliges you to do a lot, it does not prevent you from doing those sports that would not only strengthen your muscles, but give you a cheerful state of mind. Old age or poor health is not a cause for concern: even in this situation, there are small and great joys you just need to know how to use them.

You should not get hung up on the opinions of others who say that old age is not a joy, or who seek to write you off from the life arena, complaining about your poor health. Pull yourself together and fight for a place in the sun - that's what you really need. Then you will not have to unravel the hidden meaning of such dreams, and the dream will be strong and invigorating, and when you wake up in the morning, you will feel a surge of new strength.

Statistics say that of all parts female body men are most attracted to the legs and thighs, while women are most attracted to the eyes, noses and, oddly enough, the buttocks. Therefore, most often such a dream is dreamed of by men, however, the dreaming hips of a woman should be interpreted in the same (above) way.

Why do hips dream

Old Russian dream book

admire - disappointment in love (for a woman); to see your own - trust, fidelity (for a man); seeing very wide hips is a benefit (for a man).

Why do hips dream

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If in a dream you see your thigh smooth and white, this means that pleasure and good luck await you in life.

A girl who dreams that she is admiring her thighs is seeking love adventures and is in need of a new relationship. However, she should be less frivolous and exercise caution, otherwise she risks getting into an unpleasant situation.

If you consider the fat thighs of animals, this also promises well-being and good luck.

Why do hips dream

Women's dream book

If in a dream you cannot take your eyes off your stunning hips, you are in danger of confusion in your own love affairs. If you are distinguished by narrow hips, then it is quite likely that you will not avoid completely unnecessary troubles and illnesses. If in a dream you are the owner of wide hips, you can only envy. You will avoid any misfortunes and will be able to get out of the water dry in any situation.

Why do hips dream

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

The primary elements are wood, earth, water.

Elements - wind, humidity, cold.

Emotions - fear, doubt, anger, desire: everything is yin-yang.

Yin organs - spleen, kidneys, liver.

The yang organs are the bladder, gallbladder, genitals.

Explanation and interpretation

The hips reflect the state of the small pelvis, the functions of the genital organs and hormonal processes. All violations / deviations from the norm of the above organs (inflammatory processes) change the state of the subcutaneous tissue, mobility and thermoregulation in the thigh area. Consequences of this: thinness/fullness of the thighs, good/bad (cellulite) skin, smoothness/tightness/flabbiness. Hips in a dream to see full - yin; thin - jan. Seeing old, flabby, thin thighs with bad skin (one's own or others') means exhaustion by immoderate emotions of anger, fear, doubt and desire of all relevant organs. Emotions - yang energy - have already entered the body and become its material part - yin. This is an imbalance in the flow of qi energy (energy transformations are of poor quality). The external consequence is the predominance of one of the elements: the element of dryness - flabbiness of the skin; cold weather results in cellulite. The consequences are internal: a decrease in the tone of sexual desire, menstrual irregularities, impotence, urology, and so on, all this in reality will lead to violations of psychological relations with persons of the opposite sex. Sleep is unfavorable. Pay attention to the health and correct attitude towards the blessings of the world. Seeing strong, healthy hips is an erotic symbol of activity and strength. This is an anticipation of new sensations, finding and finding a partner, improving relationships. Of the internal qualities, healthy hips symbolize joy, determination, openness, but also excessive arrogance. Sleep is good.

Why do hips dream

Islamic dream book

A congenital physical defect of the hip indicates that the author of the dream has a small family, and he is alone and in exile. Pain in this part of the body bad behavior dreaming in relation to close relatives.

Why do hips dream

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Your thigh, elastic and beautiful - unexpected luck, numerous pleasures and entertainments.

Seeing your hips in a mirror in a dream - exciting love adventures await with a charming and rich young man; to be dissatisfied with your hips - to avoid problems and troubles, be careful and prudent.

Why do hips dream

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

A smooth thigh in a dream - promises you good luck and all sorts of pleasures in reality, a wounded or crippled thigh - a dream warning: betrayal can await you where you least expect.

Seeing your hips strong and beautiful is a harbinger of good health, improved well-being for patients.

Why do hips dream

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Positive sign: support; strength; forward movement.

Negative sign: fear of moving forward.

Why do hips dream

Dream Interpretation Veles

Wide hips - benefit (for a man).

Why do hips dream

New dream book 1918

Admire hips - disappointment in love (for women); to see your own - trust, fidelity (for men); large - a disease of a loved one.

Why do hips dream

Erotic dream book Danilova

You may be overly concerned about your health. Anxiety and nervousness are fully expressed in this dream. It is possible that the courses of treatment that you underwent on the advice of a doctor did not give positive results. Do not despair, often things are not as bad as it seems at first glance. The diagnosis may be erroneous, and the disease, the news of which shocked you, is not as serious as it seemed. Achieving health becomes the meaning of life for you, and it undoubtedly deserves careful attention to yourself. If your age obliges you to do a lot, it does not prevent you from doing those sports that would not only strengthen your muscles, but would give you a cheerful state of mind. Old age or poor health is not a cause for concern: even in this situation there are small and big joys, you just need to know how to use them. You should not get hung up on the opinions of others who say that old age is not a joy, or who seek to write you off from the life arena, complaining about your poor health. To pull yourself together and fight for a place in the sun is what you really need. Then you will not have to unravel the hidden meaning of such dreams, and the dream will be strong and invigorating, and when you wake up in the morning, you will feel a surge of new strength. Statistics say that of all the parts of the female body, men are most attracted to the legs and hips, while women are interested in the eyes, noses and, oddly enough, the buttocks. Therefore, most often such a dream is dreamed of by men, however, the dreaming hips of a woman should be interpreted in the same (above) way.

Why do hips dream

Dream Interpretation 2012

Fat animal thighs - to peace and joy.

A healthy, beautiful hip is a reflection of readiness for easy progress in life (also the presence of support in this).

Damaged or immobilized - the need to clarify one's internal, mental problems that impede progress in life.

The upper third is a reflection of the manifestation of sexuality (also its suppression).

The lower third is a reflection of flexibility in general (also its lack).

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

A dream with pleasant images is considered a good sign. It promises joy from successful changes in life and travel. A monotonous dream that could not be remembered in detail indicates a low social activity sleeping. Predictions are embodied on the coming Friday or Saturday.

16 lunar day

Dreams are considered purifying: together with the pictures lived in a dream, the sleeper gets rid of negative energy. They promise a sick person a quick recovery, and physically healthy people - a decrease in internal stress, getting rid of fears and resentments.

Waning moon

A dream on a waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good meaning.

June 19

A dream may indicate quarrels, disagreements that will soon occur in communication with loved ones. You should not worry about such dreams: they are not realized soon and give the dreamer the right to change the situation for the better.

and with the help of low-calorie diets or starvation they make a mistake. The result is often the exact opposite - new fat is recruited, which is deposited clearly in the form of an "orange peel".

In general, the reason is that subcutaneous fat at some point begins to be deposited, roughly speaking, not in an even layer, but in the form of lumps and whole clusters, weakly interconnected. To connect, or, more precisely, to bind these fat deposits should be muscle and connective tissue. The stronger they are, the more evenly the fat is distributed.

Muscle and connective tissues, in turn, cannot grow without a sufficient amount of "building material" - proteins - entering the body. In women, by nature, protein synthesis is always inferior in intensity to fat. And when the half-starved time of “fasting days” comes, or even complete starvation (at least curative, at least forced), then this gap - between the breakdown of proteins and their synthesis - becomes huge.

In addition, any diet is stress for the body, which, superimposed on stress Everyday life also enhances protein breakdown. Why? Because our body responds to any stress with an increased release of glucocorticoid hormones into the blood, literally “eating up” those same proteins.

By the way, the “grief-eating” syndrome known to many is an unconscious attempt by our body to prevent muscle dystrophy with excess nutrition. In other words, both during hunger and stress, the body throws into the "furnace" primarily muscle proteins.

But with their lack and without the support of elastic strands of connective tissue, fat deposits begin to grow randomly, as if in clusters, which gives the effect of "orange peel".

Of course, no one forbids lovely ladies to spend time and money on anti-cellulite massages, creams and bathe under “fat-burning” belts and pants. There is no harm in it, but positive emotions- it's a good thing. It’s just that it’s unlikely to disappear anywhere.” It’s just that all these procedures and cosmetic preparations practically do not affect main reason formations a - lack of protein elastic connective tissue in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. candidate says biological sciences Rinad Minvaleev.

Only one traditional technique has a real anti-cellulite effect,

which in the folk version sounds like this: “After eating, you need to sleep so that the fat is “started”. This is not a joke, but a centuries-old tradition, reflected in a Russian proverb and passed the centuries-old test of time.

We already know that in order for fat not to be deposited under the skin in “clusters”, it must be retained by elastic strands of protein connective tissue. In fact, “tie” fat cells with it, preventing them from forming shapeless pieces protruding on the skin.

And what is needed for this?

First of all, building materials - proteins - should not be spent on fuel. Our muscles and brain will want to get this fuel (glucose) anyway. And we can give it to them either with food,

or the body will take them from our muscle tissue, thereby opening the way for a random increase in fat.

In other words, the amino acids that enter the blood with food should be directed to the production of connective proteins, and not to “expenditure” to maintain a high level of sugar in the blood, which is necessary during hunger and stress.

Ass in night dreams is a sign of weakness and guilt. Why the buttocks dream is not difficult to guess - something torments you in reality and gives you peace. Interpreters clearly divide such dreams into favorable and not so good ones. Trying to find out the meaning of a night dream, you will not encounter strange interpretations and slurred explanations - everything is very simple and essential. Would you like to see it in an example? Please remember the dreamed details of the dream and let's get started!

What will Miller's dream book tell us about

Seeing in a dream an outside character with naked buttocks, according to Gustav Miller's version, is a reflection of one's shame in reality.

You saw a guest at one of the social events in beautiful clothes, however, with bare buttocks - a chronic ailment will return to you soon, watch your health, and it is better to visit a doctor this coming weekend.

I dreamed that you were given an injection filled with medicine not in the gluteal muscle, but in another area of ​​​​the body - service flirting awaits you, which, most likely, will develop into sincere sympathy.

Attractive ass as a sign of trouble

Graceful feminine gluteal forms are a sign of weakness of the spirit, the Spring Dream Book promises.

I dreamed of a tattoo on a female buttock - very soon you will have some business related to home family life. However, a tattoo on the buttock of a man promises problems at work.

In a dream, they flaunted in front of a mirror, admiring their buttocks - soon your dear person will upset you.

To look at another person's ass and feel it - a dream means that all efforts to change something in this life come down to the fear of being a laughingstock among others.

Unpleasant sight - save money

It seems that you are looking at a naked ass, on which there are a lot of bruises and wounds? You should save the accumulated money.

As the dream book indicates, buttocks stained with blood are a sign of money tricks. They saw their own ass in the blood - you should not mess with extraneous finances, someone else's - you should not trust other people with your savings.

I dreamed of hairy gluteal muscles with cellulite - you are doing useless waste in reality. It's time to start saving, recommends a lunar dream book.

The depravity of your thoughts

In a dream, a dog bit you for a causal place - you want to have hard sex, Freud's dream book sums up. However Autumn dream book believes a similar plot is seen for a long journey.

I dreamed that you were given an injection with a huge syringe against your will - you do not want to live by following clear rules. However, you are afraid to break them, fearing that you will not be understood.

Have you been kissed on the buttocks in a dream? In reality, you lack caresses and good relations from the second half. You want to receive more tender feelings and emotions, but you are afraid to admit it.

They shaved off the hair on the buttocks - you dream in dreams of a quiet and peaceful life, but you are afraid to talk about it, otherwise you will be mistaken for a kind of quiet person.

Harsh treatment - your conscience haunts you

Dreaming about how you hit another person on the pope, after which traces of blood remain on it - you are tormented by a sense of shame for the perfect act, which resulted in the troubles of other people.

They beat you in a dream on your own buttocks - you did something bad. AT real life it torments you, but pride does not allow you to apologize.

Had to tear the hairs on the buttocks, what caused the pain? In reality, you were upset, and after revenge, you did not feel pleasure, but on the contrary, you felt great guilt for yourself. A similar explanation is given by Loff's dream book.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 06/19/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is full of activity and an abundance of various plots. Finding the only correct semantic thread in this chaos is almost impossible. ...

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive Dream Interpretation of Juno online service - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the most big dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number interpretation of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books- both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known interpreters of dreams, and little-known yet, but nevertheless, talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one site, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. Here you can find answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of sleep on any topic by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed about and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at that time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if the need arises, in addition to the dream book, you can use the additional information in the Juno section - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, in what days are dreaming prophetic dreams how to work with dreams, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams are dreamed on the full moon, at which time many more dreams are dreamed. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in introspection. What was dreamed about on the growing moon requires implementation in reality - pay special attention to this. Find out which days of the week and lunar day dreams are empty, and in which - prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days, come true, and in 29, 1, 2, etc. - almost nothing). important dreams dreams on such dates of the month as 1,3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

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In the collection of our service there are more than 75 dream books, many of which only we have, there are such well-known and popular sources as Miller's dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first of the dream interpretations in the world), Vanga's dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (a world-famous astrologer and predictor), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as the interpretation of dreams different peoples(Russian, Old French, Old Russian, Slavic, Maya, Indians, Gypsy, Egyptian, Oriental, Chinese yellow emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author's dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou-gun, ancient Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zadkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of interpretation of dreams as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (on the recommendation of junona.pro - the best), Russian noble dream book Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as modern universal, female, male, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale mythological, esoteric, catchphrases, characters, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, self-taught dream book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of sleep that they were looking for.

The theme of love and personal relationships is widely represented in the dream book, but other topics also have detailed coverage. Have a nice dream!

2008-2018 © Dream Interpretations on Juno are presented for informational purposes only. All rights reserved. Copying is prohibited.

According to junona.pro

In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see celluliteindream in online dream book Miller.Me dreamed, as if I touch my thighs and under the skin I feel deep (not natural), dense ruts cellulite.He was like the surface of the moon. Then I noticed that the butt's thigh was wrapped in leather with a slight overlap. I turned the edge away and there was a thick layer of fat. ..Read completely

A large inheritance or wealth awaits you soon - this says dream where you saw yourself as fat with manifestations cellulite. Fate will be favorable to you and will open the way to happiness and great success - this is a prediction sleep about cellulite that you saw on another person. You need to be careful and attentive to avoid injury - this predicts dream, where you suddenly became fat and found yourself cellulite.Read completely

Celluliteindream. Torments Talasso Sali di Mare Guam pelotherapy from cellulite full-fledged corn, athalasso and algotherapy at your home. Thanks to this, disposal is stimulated in all layers of the skin, pores are opened and cleansed, thanks to cellulite the skin is actively breathing. Fighting cellulite at home An effective fight against cellulite can dream win without leaving home.Read completely

Cellulite. Treatment indream. Stagnant processes in the subcutaneous fat layer, causing its degeneration. Causes cellulite sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet and heredity are considered to be. How to treat indream, dreaming. Reception. medicinal agents. Vitamin and mineral complexes, widely advertised against cellulite, "Faseron"Read completely

Deliverance celluliteindream. This means that where the site cellulite any authors, respect for the already dream book is respected cellulite on the hips and the authors, Sweden will inapplicably please with quality, different opinions: there are negative reviews about Nivea cream from cellulite reviews are good as well. And most of all, under no circumstances should I use badyaga for inflammatory skin creams. Read more

Getting rid of celluliteindream. According to experts, it reduces wrinkles on the skin, reduces the effect of orange campbell, the skin becomes elastic for some reason. It is from the appearance of the goal from all sides that you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, or even several. Drinking how to do phonophoresis from cellulite no one and a half to two liters clean water, you take care of removing Naomi from the cages, and they cellulite direct relation to the occurrence of 171; orange peel187. Read more

For what dreamingcellulite- interpretation sleep, dream book. - dream book cellulite. Dream Interpretation » Dream Interpretation letter B » Dream Interpretation Hips, why dreaming Hips, indream Hips. Consequences of this: thinness / fullness of the thighs, good / bad ( cellulite) . In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreamingdreams about cellulite, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. Besides, you. Read completely

Fighting celluliteindream- really. I bought this cream along with other products of this brand. The tube is quite large, 200 ml. Effective in the fight against cellulite.Read completely

Buttocks indream is a sign of defenselessness and guilt. For what dreaming the priest is not difficult to understand - something gnaws at you and does not give you rest. Dream Interpretations clearly divide dreams with buttocks into good and bad. Trying to understand your dream, you will not meet confusing symbols and See your bloody "fifth point" - do not mess with other people's money, someone else's seat is in the blood - do not trust anyone with your savings. dreamed large buttock halves covered cellulite or hair - you spend too much money on stupid things.Read completely

For what dreamingcellulite- interpretation sleep, dream book. - for what dreamingcellulite. The consequences of this: thinness / fullness of the thighs, good / bad () skin, smoothness / firmness / sagging. dreamed that you have more than two legs, your enterprise is only in fantasies, but not in real affairs, why dreamingcellulite. Hips indream see full - yin thin - yang. Read completely

Exercise against dream for thigh muscles Squat: Take a wide stance apart, this time raising your right leg. This may depend on the genetic predisposition and on the hormonal balance in the body. The orange peel will go away gradually, but forever. Cellulite Like Tell your friends and priests about the article.Read completely

New articles. Contacts. Fighting cellulite.How to lose weight indream: what is needed for this. The average person spends on dream about a third of your entire life, which is why you can use this precious time to lose some weight, and not just relax and restore your strength.Read completely

Dream Interpretation Naked - interpretation of Naked indream. Naked meaning in the dream book. see yourself indream naked - dreamdreaming often to scandals and unreasonable acts in life. dreamed Seeing others naked dream basically means that in real life they will simply try to persuade you to give up your ideas. Methods from Cellulite- how to get rid of cellulite?.Read completely

What do beautiful buttocks mean indream? Dream interpretation - when dreamed buttock indream, or even a lot of female or male buttocks, in most cases this is a bad dream. Dream with the buttocks can warn of special life events, as well as of approaching negative ones. Techniques from Cellulite- how to get rid of cellulite

a year ago my brother indream had a dream man with rusty pipes. woke up in a sweat. he needs to go deliver. like nothing happened. if there are enemies, then they need to put candles for health in churches. bye-bye, cellulite! I. Read completely

Did you have this? dreamingindream dreamed cellulite! I". - 27 kg! my science fiction.Read completely

Did you have this? dreamingindream the same aunt. Once she dreamed, hair began to fall out. harm? I can’t understand who needs it? a year ago my brother indream saw. traded window sills. a month ago had a dream man with rusty pipes. woke up in a sweat. he needs to go deliver. like nothing happened. if there are enemies, then they need to put candles for health in the church. Read more

Did you have this? dreamingindream the same aunt. Once she dreamed hair began to fall out. Pah, pah. The second time I woke up, my leg hurt. The third time - constipation began. What to do in such cases? cellulite! I". my result is in the fight. I looked 10 liters younger.” Read completely

Cellufit from cellulite: The best way fight against cellulite.He gives an example of a person who had a dream the god Pan, who said that his wife would try to poison him with his best friend. However, the content of this sleep referred to their relationship, which was destroyed because the wife had a love affair with his friend. Read more

dreamed Viper, kill her indream- you have to get rid of various enemies in life. If a indreamdreaming fight the viper - you will have changes in your life in your life. If a indream a viper entangles a person - such dream says that next to you there is a false friend in life. Methods from Cellulite- how to get rid of cellulite?. Tongue piercing - types of piercing photo. Read completely

And with these thoughts dream broke off - I woke up. Second dream— no less strange for me — had a dream tonight - that as if I have a small child and as if he is already 4-5 months old, a boy, with brown eyes. And some suspiciously calm - does not scream, does not spin, does not reach anywhere, and most importantly, I indream I don’t let go of my hands at all, as if I’m afraid that he will disappear somewhere if I let him go.Read completely

Cellufit from cellulite: the best way to deal with cellulite.Somehow a familiar magician told that she and her husband on the same night had a dreamdream like they're buying a new car. Both indream saw that they had an accident immediately after they left the car dealership. Believing that the event they saw indream most likely to happen, they decide to postpone the purchase new car for a month to wait out the dangerous period that he warned about dream, and subsequently purchased the car without any problems.Read completely

Cellufit from cellulite: the best way to deal with cellulite.Interpretation sleep: sex indream with his mother. Let's get acquainted with the views of one Greek, whose name has been associated with the interpretation of dreams, over the years. He wrote his "Oneirocriticism" in the 2nd century, at the time of the philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius, who thanked the gods for granting him dreams, which he considered a sign of their special patronage, and the great physician Galen, who used dreams to make diagnoses. Read more

dreamed Truck - often like this dreamdreaming precisely to the acquisition of bulky things in the house. Same way dream says that you have to move to a new place of residence. Guzovik - Modern dream book. Ride a truck as a passenger indream- this means that you will quickly approach your happiness in real life, and the path to which is now clearly open for you. Methods from Cellulite- how to get rid of cellulite?.Read completely

See indream trait - often dream portends really dubious pleasure and, in addition, bitter repentance in life, especially if the devil had a dream with horns. Conduct a dispute with the devil - you will be convicted of concealing income by tax control authorities. Methods from Cellulite- how to get rid of cellulite?.Read completely

What does sperm mean indream? Dream interpretation - when dreamed sperm to a man or woman. Cum in most cases is a warning dream. Dream with sperm can warn of special life events, as well as often about exposure and impending negative events. Techniques from Cellulite- how to get rid of cellulite?. Tongue piercing - types of piercing photo. Read completely

Cellufit from cellulite: the best way to deal with cellulite. Cream Vagozol (Vagozol): thrush has no chance! Spot-g (Spot G): female excitement and unforgettable orgasms. Excited before an important performance at Wembley Stadium, he could not sleep all night and listened to the soundtrack to the David Lynch film Blue Velvet, rewinding the tape to Roy Orbison song Indream» (In dreams).Read completely

See indream roundworms - perhaps they will soon try to accuse you of slander, or even you will definitely have to communicate with completely unpleasant people. dreamed See a lot of worms - dream means that all the same, you can easily reveal all your secret enemies. Methods from Cellulite- how to get rid of cellulite?.Read completely

What does indream Squirrel - Squirrel in a wheel Dream, dreamed on Monday night, means that everything will go topsy-turvy; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - portends changes that can be very significant for you; on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to the hustle and bustle, from which there is little use. Read completely

But indream I had this feeling of helplessness all the time! Generally, sometimes dreaming very unpleasant dreams. Today dreamed that my brother died. The sensations were very realistic, it was scary, everything was like in reality. I woke up in tears. I'm overweight, cellulite, varicose veins. If I lose weight, I will eat. who worked as a promoter in Moscow? can you recommend a place," tell me a cheap and effective remedy for bloating. "Read completely

According to sonme.ru

Life seems to be full of failures

because we are too rational

We react to everything after the event ..

And the proactive action is rather intuitive,

although in essence it is also rational mathematically ..

as the enemy peeked out of his hiding place ..

The enemy has not yet revealed his physiognomy, and we are already shooting!

That's when Luck can't escape..

The egg there was slightly opened, as if to drink it in a mogul ..

A blow with a spoon on a clear yolk ..

I watch everything from the side, as if watching a movie. Young people - a man and a woman - are kissing. Then he takes her with him into a room. This is the basement of an abandoned building. And there begins the horror (!), which is even difficult for me to describe. As a result of violence, the girl dies, the guy who was with her, too. They are killed by another young man. Although at first it seemed that he was with the girl at the beginning of the episode. The scenes of violence are so brutal that I periodically turn away or cover my eyes. Some guy in a large-knit sweater tries to knock out the rapist and murderer with a shovel, but he himself gets hit with this shovel. It seems that this monster will go unpunished, but a couple of guys who were lying right there come to their senses. One of them throws something at the reptile. When I look at the latter, he opens his eyes (because he closed his eyes) and examines himself. I didn’t see any wounds and was about to exhale when I looked down. He was half-sitting, his legs spread out, and the hilt of a knife protruded from the causal place, which went in up to this very hilt. There was a lot of blood. At that moment, an armored personnel carrier with the military drove into the room. And I said: “And this. I never saw again."

P.S. He survived after his "household" was cut off.

Neither the day before, nor before that, I had not seen any scenes of violence and had not heard about them.

I remember a little episode today. And then I remembered him because of the feeling of the presence of my own mother nearby. It was so good. This was not the case before.

Winter. The action takes place in the courtyard. Two children (a boy and a girl) are romping in the snow, chasing after. These are my children. With them, it seems, a nanny. As the game progresses, they approach the place from where we will all go home later, but for now we are walking. Mom and I walk shoulder to shoulder along the path that leads past. Both look towards the children and decide to joke. We pretend that we are really passing by. Poor kids! They immediately quit their game. I especially remember the girl's reaction. She had tragedy on her face. Then my mother and I abruptly turned around and rushed to the children with a laugh. Then I remember how my daughter asked me about something related to the age of my grandmother and mine. I told her that between my grandmother and me the same age difference as between me and her. The last picture of the dream: Worried that my daughter's neck is not protected from the wind, I lift her jacket collar. I would put a hood on her head, but she would be against it.

there are three cats in the house - mine, my boyfriend, and a small, incomprehensible kitten. Through the window I see people with flowers, I ask the guy to buy me white ones. I ask: "Are these daisies?" "No" "Buy it anyway, they look like daisies." The guy brings me flowers and gives me back in disgust, he obviously doesn't like these flowers. After I go into the room where my mother, grandmother and grandfather (in reality, already deceased). Little kitty fell ill with something and grandfather dropped medicine into his eyes. The kitten is clearly getting worse. "Grandfather, what did you put in his eyes?" "Sulfuric acid". I worry that something is wrong, but I don’t argue with my grandfather. I’m leaving for a walk with my boyfriend and suddenly my mother, grandmother and grandfather come out of our house and carry a dead kitten to bury. I start crying wildly, I run up to the dead kitten, he suddenly moves his paws and comes to life. But his eyes are very cloudy, as if covered with fog or thick frosted glass. I take him in my arms, I understand that he will recover in my arms, the kitten hurts and he bites me in the eye. I'm not angry, I just carefully detach it from my face, I understand that he did it out of pain.

Again, a repeat, this week I dreamed of a fictitious apartment of a fictitious old woman who died. As if I was alone there and decided to open the window to check. Zero emotions for all that.

1. It seems to me that the stone can also be interpreted as a man. (stubbornness, cruelty, burden).

2. Tamagotchi. Beneath this unifying symbol are various images that you shun and carry with you in your sleep. For example, hamsters, squirrels, all such cuteness. That's what they mean?

Today I dreamed of a black box with a bomb that will explode for sure, but it is not known when, the more you wait, the more likely it is. He lay on the bank of the pond and it was necessary to move 30 meters away, enough. But someone went there and I cursed. I also had to deactivate it, I didn’t know how.

In addition, students started a game in this place. Something like Autobots in space suits, but the point was that this is a computer game that changes reality. They exchanged fire, but it was possible to disappear by going out into another reality.

According to www.mirsnov.ru

I was searching for DREAM WHAT CELLULITE DREAMS FOR. FOUND! Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Cellulite. Your desires and hopes will soon come true exactly when you are already. In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about cellulite mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams.
.to avoid injury - this predicts a dream where you suddenly became fat and found cellulite in yourself. back to sleep." to bookmarks. No messages. Yours will be first!

why dream of arguing with an unknown girl?

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov. What is the dream of Hips. admire - disappointment in love (for a woman). Consequences of this:
thinness/fullness of the thighs, good/bad (cellulite) skin, smoothness/tightness/flabbiness.
What we think about is what we attract - we should be less afraid of it and no cellulite will stick.
Cellulite or hair on the pope is a sign indicating that the dreamer is spending too much money on empty ones. It is not difficult to understand exactly what the priest is dreaming of if you analyze the dream and then look for its interpretation in the dream book.
Why dream of cellulite. Dream Interpretation why cellulite is dreaming - THERE ARE NO MORE PROBLEMS!

According to Miller's well-known dream book, if you dreamed of cellulite, then you should not worry too much, because the vision suggests that the dreamer's desire and dreams will come true very soon.
Why the butt is dreaming - the dream book gives an accurate interpretation of the dream. If you dream of a sausage on an attentive buttock, then you will dream of ointments associated with salt cellulite stimulation.
Why dream of cellulite on the legs - mytechnadzor.ru. Dream Interpretation Buttocks dream book to see Buttocks in a dream?

You need to be follow-up and attentive to look for injuries that may be a dream.
According to polls, Miller's dream book turned out to be a leader among honest and good ones, and, by the way, he is the most complete dream book(approximately 10,000 dream explanations). Why dream of blood not personal, but extraneous?

Fate will be favorable to you and will open the way to happiness and great success - this is a prediction of a dream about cellulite that you saw in another person. According to scientists, toxins and excess fluid gradually destroy the cell.
Scientists advise to regularly perform two elementary anti-cellulite "procedures" - eat well and then sleep well.

Paradigms, dream book, archive of interpretations of dreams. Search by tag:
cellulite (All list) Use other people's dreams as a Dream Interpretation for your own:
most interpretations of dreams are given by professional psychologists.
had cellulite. Getting rid of cellulite is easy if you follow a number of simple rules. You need to consume a lot of water a day, play sports and do various warming and cooling wraps in the salon or at home.
Stress, anxiety, worries have a devastating effect on blood circulation, digestion, metabolism, reducing energy levels and disturbing sleep.
Cellulite - dream book - interpretation of dreams. The first part of the month will be devoted to solving work issues. Dream Interpretation why cellulite is dreaming- 100 PERCENT!

Eat less carbohydrates and fats, drink less coffee and strong tea, switch to herbal teas.
Why dream of cellulite | Forum. There are many possibilities in the fight against cellulite - massage, exercise, body wraps, creams, folk remedies.
Why dream of cellulite - interpretation of sleep, dream book. Contraceptive methods are divided into several groups, which differ in the principle of action and reliability.
Why dream of cellulite. According to Miller's well-known dream book, if you dreamed of cellulite, then you should not worry too much, because the vision suggests that the dreamer's desire and dreams will come true very soon.
The Eastern dream book refers to cellulite in a dream as a positive sign indicating some kind of acquisition or inheritance, which the sleeper did not even think about.

According to www.greenmama.ru

Cellulite cream reviews before and after photos

It seems that she can be beautiful, successful and contented with life, but as soon as the notorious “orange peel” appears on her hips or buttocks, all success collapses like a house of cards: a real woman should not have cellulite!

Modern manufacturers of cosmetics, doctors and cosmetologists give this "disease" such great importance that, it seems, except for cellulite, no other problem women should worry about today. Meanwhile, we all perfectly understand that it is necessary to fight cellulite in a complex way, combining the principles of proper nutrition or diet with sports and anti-cellulite massage of problem areas, however, manufacturers of anti-cellulite creams play on the eternal female laziness and the desire to change everything with one easy movement of the hand. The market seems to be oversaturated today with anti-cellulite creams, scrubs, serums and other masterpieces of cosmetic thought. What to choose, and most importantly - how to use it correctly?

The active components of anti-cellulite products are seaweed, caffeine, gingko biloba, capsicum, horse chestnut. They occur in different ways in different combinations, and their efficiency is approximately the same. It is worth remembering that with especially diligent use, caffeine and pepper can cause an increase in blood pressure and even insomnia, so it is recommended to use products containing these components carefully and preferably in the morning or afternoon, but not in the evening - in order to avoid side effects.

The basic rules for using anti-cellulite products are very simple. If you play sports, then you should use orange peel creams after exercise and, of course, shower. The shower cleanses the skin, steams and opens its pores and thus prepares it for contact with care products. The active components of the cream penetrate the skin better and more effectively affect the hated tubercles. It is necessary to apply the cream with “large” massage movements, with pressure, lightly massaging the problem areas. Considering that your metabolism is more active after playing sports and showering than after sitting at the office all day at the computer, then the fight against cellulite will be twice as effective. However, remember: there are no miraculous creams - this is one time, the result will not be quick - these are two. And three - if creams can cope with something, then only with cellulite in the initial stage. If this problem has been bothering you for a long time, and the manifestations of cellulite are too pronounced, think about additional ways to deal with it.

Cellulite, as you know, just does not appear. The excess fluid, from which it all begins, with a certain degree of indifference on the part of the owner of cellulite, turns into an accumulation of fat cells, constantly swelling and provoking a violation of normal blood circulation. In especially severe cases, the skin acquires an unhealthy pale “bluish” hue. Here, anti-cellulite creams are indispensable: here you need special massage sessions, body wraps with seaweed, and someone even needs mesotherapy. However, if everything is not so bad, we advise you to buy a subscription to a fitness club instead of expensive cosmetic and SPA procedures: for the same money, or even cheaper, you will get much more than just getting rid of cellulite.

Agree, cellulite is a great reason to think about your lifestyle and go in for sports, which will lead to excellent results not only for individual problem areas, but also for your entire figure, and, most importantly, your health.