What is the correct meaning of the sign "a bird knocks on the window"?

The common meaning of the sign "a bird knocks on the window - to death" is not the only and not always true! Do not rush to frantically count down the days and be afraid of death - first find out all the interpretations of the next signs about birds!

Distinguish signs - the bird knocks on the window, hit, flew in

Psychologists have proven that people tend to remember only signs with a terrible meaning that pose a potential threat to life and health. The ancient instinct of self-preservation works, on which most superstitions are built. However, along with terrible folk predictions, good omens continue to exist.

Looking specifically at bird signs, you may come across the following beliefs and be amazed at their contrast, depending on a slight change in detail. The key in the formulation is the action of the feathered one.

An inquisitive bird could hardly scare any of the residents with a quiet knock on the window, except maybe small children. It is commonly believed among the people that if a small winged creature flew up to the window glass and knocks on it with its beak, then it simply needs to be fed.

Only if a child reacted to the tapping of an arriving guest by crying, the ancestors said that the spirit of one of the deceased relatives did not find peace. Be sure to remember the dead so that they do not come from the other world for someone from the living.

The omen was of frightening significance, if, perhaps, she even fell dead from a blow or broke glass.

Such a sign of higher powers was interpreted as a warning of imminent danger - and not necessarily to the household, but to all members of the family. Often, after such a sign, sad news came about the death of a blood relative or misfortune happened in the house.

Such an event should not be considered bad. In ancient times, this sign was indeed considered fatal and was associated with death due to the fact that among the Slavs, the traditional custom was to carry the deceased not through the doorway, but through the window..

Since the people revered the birds living nearby as guides between the worlds and personified them with the souls of the dead, they tried to feed and release the bird that flew in through the window so that it would ward off misfortune from the household. At the same time, they did not forget to consider the guest and determine the species, in order to later clarify whether the type of bird influences the effect of the belief.

Conclusions about which bird happiness is knocking on the window are given by a sign about snow-white doves.

The appearance of a handsome dove on the window was invariably associated with news from afar, and if the dove was white, then the monastery would soon expect a great joy - a wedding.

If there were no marriageable girls or suitors in the house, the knocking guest could signal an imminent addition to the family.

Do not worry if you notice how a baby sparrow knocks on the window - the sign does not carry a negative connotation. In most cases, the arrival of the crumbs should not be associated with anything at all - especially if the sparrow makes itself felt in the winter - it just froze, got hungry and asks people to feed it.

If a representative of the sparrow brotherhood persistently hammers glass with its beak in the summer, either one of the residents fed him, or news from distant relatives awaits you, but you will find out whether it is bad or good when you receive it.

Another joyful omen promises the appearance of a magpie that knocks on the windows of your house. The sign portends the imminent appearance of a newborn or the recovery of the patient. According to another interpretation, exactly in three days you will meet unexpected guests.

Unlike a good sign, when a dove knocks on a window, the sign "" is fatal. If the bird, symbolizing the world, died from a collision with a transparent obstacle, the Slavs prepared for the worst - they expected a lean year, war, an epidemic, or a wholesale famine.

Perhaps the ancestors exaggerated, however, it is hardly worth neglecting the sign of higher powers in such a case.

It happens that other birds frighten with their unexpected appearance on the windowsill. So, if a yellow-mouthed wagtail persistently knocks on a window opening, a sign warns of impending troubles. Perhaps you will have problems at work or family squabbles related to the division of property.

Another belief - when a crow taps on a roulade window - promises that big changes await homeowners soon. Considering that the raven is considered in magic to be a demonic bird, a servant of evil spirits, it is easy to understand what nature these changes will be.

Paying attention to the signs of the surrounding nature, treat them like weather forecasts - with a healthy dose of skepticism! Smile, remembering the subtle joke about how good it is that cows don't fly!

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