Sign: the bird hit the window and flew away

When people lived closer to the forest and fields, encounters with fauna occurred more often. For urban residents, the sign of a bird that hit the window and flew away is a little less relevant, but still needed. What does she mean?

The most common decoding: a bird knocking on the window portends misfortune, disease and even death in the house. Birds are considered messengers from the other world, the souls of deceased relatives who want to warn of trouble, and in some cases, messengers of angels with news.

The main thing is not to get scared right away and not start playing scary scenarios in your head, but remember:

  1. What was this bird?
  2. How did she behave?

Maybe it's not all that bad.

The bird hit the window and flew away - definitely not such a bad sign as if it had crashed. So now you can relax a little.

Depending on the behavior of the bird, the omen can acquire a specific meaning (up to the opposite of the original bad one):

  • A bird that hit the window of an unmarried girl portends imminent marriage. Marriage is not necessarily happiness, but in any case it is better than guaranteed troubles.
  • If a bird hits the window of a standing car - to the fact that you need to be more careful on the road, because ahead dangerous journey. It is better for a moving car to slow down (and the birds will beat less often).
  • Light, fearless one-time knock - to arrival of guests.
  • The bird hit the window several times (but did not stay pecking, but flew away) - again, to getting married still unmarried inhabitants of the house. For unmarried young people, birds, unfortunately, do not portend anything.
  • The bird damaged the window with a blow - to misfortune. Especially if there was blood and feathers left.
  • Birds beat on the windows on a regular basis - to big trouble, which will affect not one house, but the entire neighborhood.

Most precisely, the sign works if the birds behave this way for no reason at all. If the forest is cut down nearby, depriving them of their place, or the children are chasing flocks, or the house was built recently, and the birds did not have time to get used to it, most likely, they knock on the windows without much meaning.

Different birds carry different messages

There are few ornithologists among us, but we can somehow distinguish a dove from a titmouse. Which bird has disturbed your peace? This is important for the interpretation of signs.

  • The swallow promises good news, especially for those who live far from rivers and rarely see swallows.
  • The stork portends pregnancy. A separate good sign - if the stork did not break the glass, the bird is hefty, heavy. Most often comes across in the way of cars.
  • Swifts also promise addition to the family, especially persistent, arriving every day.
  • The tit brings a promise success and money. The most joyful and harmless in terms of the bird will accept.
  • A sparrow hitting the window hints at loss of money, robbery, fraud. It can also portend important decisions that need to be approached judiciously and wisely, it is likely that you will be fooled and left with nothing.
  • The dove is a famous messenger of the underworld, his knock on the window portends death in the house. Or, somewhat more comforting, although also unpleasant: the deceased relative is bored and wants to warn about a possible disease.
  • The crow is also an otherworldly bird, and its appearance is associated with death.
  • Forest birds hitting the window (cuckoos, owls with owls, woodpeckers) portend catastrophes, the spread of contagion, mass disasters. Especially if you live far from the forest.

What about bad omens?

To mitigate the consequences, to prevent what the omen promises, you need to do the following:

  1. Thoroughly, to a shine, wash the window where the bird hit. Especially if there was her blood.
  2. Replace cracked glass without delay.
  3. Feed the birds. If you notice who made an unexpected visit, find a cluster of these birds and feed them. There are always a lot of sparrows and pigeons in the city, outside the city. It is believed that this appeases the spirits, who directed the birds to the windows as a warning.

In addition, it is worth attending to the obvious:

  • The sign promises illness - pay attention to health and stock up on medicines. People with chronic diseases know very well what should be in their first aid kit.
  • The bird predicted financial losses - don't take loans, make decisions like paid studies or mortgages, do not lend or borrow, do not participate in financial pyramids and suspicious projects. Even if a friend invites and gives a personal guarantee. Even with "guaranteed" seductive profits.
  • The sign promised pregnancy - it should secure in a secure manner if the child is not included in your plans. And if it is long-awaited, then start lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of yourself.
  • A crashed forest bird scared the prophecy of a mass disaster - it's time, at least in general terms think about what the family will do in case of fire, flood, epidemic. Being prepared does not mean bringing trouble, it means increasing your chances. And disasters happen without a bird's warning.

The main thing is not to panic, but just think a little about the future. This will calm, direct thoughts, and the horrors and sorrows that the bird promised will most likely not come true. Responsible people should have everything ready and without signs.

Why do birds do this?

Birds have nothing against people (except when people interfere with their lives), they do not plan to frighten them on purpose. And not every bird crashing into the window is a sign from above.

The fruits fermented on the branches are practically alcohol, and the birds eat them with great greed. A drunk bird is like a drunk driver, it does not see where it is going and does not have time to turn. And on the way just your window.

An unexpected gust of wind can prevent a winged creature from maneuvering normally. Windy autumn? Expect awkward birds. This is more of a failure for them than an omen for people.

High-rise buildings, which are erected where birds used to fly freely, are especially affected by the knocking of birds on the windows. Sooner or later the fauna will get used to it.

City pigeons, the "carriers" of the most unpleasant variant of the omen, do not differ in intelligence at all. This also deserves a discount.