Signs about dead birds if she hit the window and crashed to death, etc.

Even for those who do not consider themselves to be animal lovers, a dead bird falling at their feet will not be the most pleasant event of the day. But what if a bird died that flew in through the window, or someone threw it on the threshold of your house? Here, only a few will keep their composure, the rest will grab their heads in fright: “a bad omen”! But how to interpret it correctly? And is this a sign at all or an unfortunate accident?

On the road. If you stumble upon a body covered with feathers on your way somewhere, this, in fact, is not yet a sign, but simply an unpleasant event. Alas, birds die every day. Cars rushing at high speeds, dogs and cats, diseases and old age, to which birds are subject in the same way as all living creatures ... It is not surprising that from time to time we stumble upon their little bodies in different parts of the city. True, there is a belief that a dead raven on the road means failure in the business you are heading for. But the most reasonable way out for you in this case would not be to focus your thoughts on a sad find, but to calmly continue on your way. Most likely, more than a dozen people will see the poor fellow today, so if this is a sign, then the big question is for whom.

In the yard or garden. Unlike the previous case, this message is almost “nominal” and it symbolizes the discord that you can have with other people, but not relatives (it is no coincidence that you found the carcass before you managed to return to the house). Weigh your every word before giving vent to irritation, and conflict will be avoided. After all, there are signs for that and signs so that you can predict a possible bad development of events and correct your actions.

Near a window or door. If a dead bird on the side of the road does not cause joyful feelings, then it is even more unpleasant to make such a find on your own doorstep or under the window. It’s good if you live in a private house, and neighbor’s cats dart around the area around - in this case, “sabotage” can always be attributed to them. And do not puzzle over its meaning! Believe me, the furry predator did not have something to tell you in his thoughts! Another thing is that sometimes the carcass is thrown with the specific purpose of harming the inhabitants of the dwelling. Naturally, it is extremely painful to realize that there is a person in this world who has harbored such a serious malice against you, but you definitely don’t need to overreact emotionally to this incident and lose peace and sleep because of it. Such "magic" is built on this in order to scare you and thereby make a breach in psychological protection. Why play into the hands of ill-wishers? Without touching the bird, wrap it in newspaper or a rag, bury it away from home, and then forget about it once and for all.

On the balcony or in the room. Depending on which breed the bird belongs to, the interpretation of the signs also changes:

The bird does not always symbolize something. Sometimes it's just a bird

  • The dove of superstition is interpreted as a disease of someone living in the house.
  • Sparrow - the loss of a significant amount of money, but not critical. However, if you have a side source of income, you may lose it.
  • Magpie portends an unfair accusation of slander. Be careful what you say about other people, otherwise you risk earning a reputation as an avid gossip.
  • A dead swallow is a twofold sign. On the one hand, it quite logically denotes sadness and tears. On the other hand, the first who in the spring discovers a dead bird on his way, the belief promises a good year.
  • An owl (sometimes this happens) warns that you do not listen well to the voice of reason and neglect wise advice.

If it crashes into an obstacle and crashes to death

A bird hit the window glass with a swing, fell and died? It's sad, but it's too early to drink a sedative. Some signs believe that this event portends you ... a meeting with friends. Moreover, the degree of fun will depend on the size of the bird: a dove means a wide feast, a sparrow means short gatherings in a cafe. If the sign bothers you, buy a bottle of good wine, invite two or three friends home and “perform” it yourself.

The belief about a dove knocking on a window or wall, by the way, has one more interpretation. If a marriageable girl lives in the house, she is unlikely to become a bride before the end of the year. And for the better! It is believed that a marriage entered into contrary to this sign will be unhappy and will quickly cease to exist.

But it is worth discarding mysticism, and the reason for the strange behavior of birds becomes banal and somewhat pleasant for the hostess of the house: you simply have very clean glasses! Small pichugs so often do not notice them that in some places special stickers are attached to the windows to scare away the silly ones.

Flew into the house and died

If you happened to find a bird corpse in your own apartment, thoughts of bad signs will involuntarily come into your head. However, even in this case, it is too early to despair: contrary to the general misconception, belief threatens with troubles and sorrows only if you yourself, voluntarily or involuntarily, contributed to the bird's death. If there was an accident, a dead bird in the house portends a series of bad, but far from fatal events. The titmouse is considered an exception, since these birds are traditionally regarded as messengers of happiness. But for every bad omen there is an "antidote", so do not despair. We will dwell on this issue in more detail a little later.

Drowned in the water

Bird drinker will put an end to accidents with birds

As for the drowned birds, signs conceal a mysterious silence. Perhaps because there is nothing mysterious in this event. Birds often sit on the edge of a container of water to quench their thirst, and if for some reason they fall down (for example, a careless relative pushed them), they can no longer get out. If there is a hunt, evaluate the sign at the place where the bird drowned - in the yard or on the street. Better yet, cover the container with a suitable lid, and the sad incident will not happen again..

Why does a dead bird fall from the sky

A pichuga that has fallen next to you usually portends the appearance of difficulties in the material, business sphere and in relations with people. To protect yourself, do not make spontaneous expensive purchases, carefully fulfill your duties in the service and try not to get involved in conflict situations. By the way, a useful habit to calculate in advance your actions is guaranteed to bring you good luck, even if no bird fell from the sky.

Is it possible to neutralize the sign?

  • The surest way to ward off a bad sign is not to believe in it. Until you yourself convince yourself that a dead bird portends trouble, belief is powerless over you.
  • If you have already managed to get scared, take a warm shower and, looking at the bathroom drain, repeat several times: “Water-water, where it came from, went there, took all 33 misfortunes with it.”
  • The bird hit the glass of the house and fell? Check if she's dead. To save a feathered bird in such circumstances means to ward off a bad omen from oneself. If it’s too late to help, alas, take the bird away from your home, thoroughly wash the window and immediately throw out the napkin so that everything bad goes with it into the trash. Is there a crack on the glass? Replace it as soon as possible.

Enthusiastically leafing through collections of signs, do not forget to check the calendar. Is it the season of migratory birds in the yard? In autumn and spring, these funny creatures in feathers become especially active and less attentive. It may turn out that the “terrible sign” is actually just the result of a pichuga playing, chasing a midge or running away from a stronger opponent. Is it worth it to waste your nerves on this?